
最近我们的139数学小组正在讨论一套来自St Paul’s school for girls 的11+数学试卷。St paul的11+数学试卷的难度一直是所有私校之最,她家的数学卷子做好了,其它私校基本不在话下。 ...

    Poetry: When the World Turned Upside Down(Senior Writing7)

    Based on the poem, ‘When the World Turned Upside Down’ by Margaret A. Savage, write a short poem, with the first line ‘When the world ...
    1. Nonny: Hi Dudulin, I adored reading this poem: you showe ...
    2. dudulin: Hello, This is my poem. When the world tur ...
    3. Benjamin: When the World turned upside down When the worl ...

    Descriptive Writing: Choose your own genre, but make it exciting!(Senior Writing4)

    Based on one of these first lines: ‘I don’t know how it got to this point…’ or ‘”Hurry up, we’re going to be late!”’, write a piece of ...
    1. Nonny: Hi Benjamin, I absolutely loved reading this: it ...
    2. Benjamin: This is my Story I hope you enjoy it! ...
    3. Nonny: Hello Sisley, I loved reading your story: it was ...

    Horror/Suspense Writing: Keep your reader in spooky suspense(Senior Writing2)

    Based on this creepy photo, write the opening to either a horror or mystery story, using the conventions of suspense writing. The aim ...
    1. Nonny: Hi Benjamin, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your wr ...
    2. Benjamin: here it is ...
    3. Benjamin: This is my story, hope you enjoy it! ...

    Poetry- Adventure through short poetry(Junior Writing10)

    Poetry- In this lesson, we will take a look at poetry and how to create rhythm and rhyme. We will take Ogden Nash’s ‘Adventures of ...
    1. Nonny: Hello Thea, I absolutely adored reading your poem ...
    2. Thea: Here is the link for my poem: https://docs.goog ...
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