最近我们的139数学小组正在讨论一套来自St Paul’s school for girls 的11+数学试卷。St paul的11+数学试卷的难度一直是所有私校之最,她家的数学卷子做好了,其它私校基本不在话下。 ...
Persuasive Writing: How might persuasion change in the far, far future?(Senior Writing10)
You can choose your own form of persuasive writing for this lesson, but it must be set in the future. Maybe you can convince some robot ...
Journey Writing: Describe a desert journey, either literal or metaphorical(Senior Writing9)
Using this picture prompt, describe a journey that you, or your character, have been on, This can be a physical, metaphorical or mental ...
Poetry: When the World Turned Upside Down(Senior Writing7)
Based on the poem, ‘When the World Turned Upside Down’ by Margaret A. Savage, write a short poem, with the first line ‘When the world ...
Persuasive writing: Convince your audience to take a trip with you(Senior Writing6)
Imagine you are in charge of a travel company; write a leaflet to convince people to take part in a trip to your newest holiday ...
Persuasive Letter: Why should your idol win the ‘2020 Most Influential’ prize?(Senior Writing5)
Write a persuasive letter to a fictional board of judges, convincing them to vote for your idol to win an imaginary prize, called the ...
Descriptive Writing: Choose your own genre, but make it exciting!(Senior Writing4)
Based on one of these first lines: ‘I don’t know how it got to this point…’ or ‘”Hurry up, we’re going to be late!”’, write a piece of ...
Persuasive Essay: Should children be made to learn a second language?(Senior Writing3)
Most students in schools world-wide are required to learn a second language, at least to the age of 16. Your task is to form your own ...
Horror/Suspense Writing: Keep your reader in spooky suspense(Senior Writing2)
Based on this creepy photo, write the opening to either a horror or mystery story, using the conventions of suspense writing. The aim ...
Poetry- Adventure through short poetry(Junior Writing10)
Poetry- In this lesson, we will take a look at poetry and how to create rhythm and rhyme. We will take Ogden Nash’s ‘Adventures of ...