A pirate’s life 9


A Pirate’s Life

A short story started by Voldemort using the A Pirate’s Life storyworld.

Game cards:

  • Setting: “Pacific Ocean”
  • Tone: “Heroic”
  • Beginning: “There’s something strange in these waters…”
  • Ending: “…and you return to port, victorious!”


  • Doudou is Captain Darkadore (The Captain) • 607 words
  • Chelsea is Emily (The Sail Master) • 0 words
  • Voldemort is Jack (The Quartermaster) • 1915 words
  • Luke is invited

Act 1 Scene 1

Character Bonds

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “Enclave of the Black Sand”
  • Challenge card: “Sea Monster!?”
  • Success card: “You earn the respect of the crew”
  • Setback card: “A crew member is injured”

Jack (Voldemort) played their Strength card “Good instincts” and wrote:

The battle was over, and Jack and his crew mates were in a victorious mood. That is, except for Captain Darkadore, who was still irritated over the fact that The Aragon’s most prided part had been destroyed in the blood-thirsty battle. It was a fine skeleton carved into the smooth oak of the ship. Jack, who had been a skilled wood carver in the days before becoming a quartermaster had comforted the captain that he would carve another skeleton for the ship. The rest of the crew were still in a victorious mood over the battle. The captain had said prior the battle that if they triumphed, they would be replenished with double the usual amount of beer. They were currently sitting in their hammocks, still working their way through the two bottles of ale. Jack, who was only 15 and had been separated from his parents since Sir-Roly Pincherson had thieved all his family’s sheep, politely refused his share and gave it to Long John. Here Jack was, straining his fatigued arms to carve away at the piece of beech( Long John was the one who had found the piece of wood and since he had been raised on the seven seas, he couldn’t tell the difference between oak and beech). Carving a figurehead with such complexity was a challenge for even the most skilled wood cavers. Long into the night, under the light of only a single candle, Jack finally stepped back and admired his piece of work. It was pretty much identical, and Captain Longsworth, the pirate captain whom the crew of The Aragon had defeated, wouldn’t have much to boast about now.

Jack (Voldemort) drew the Strength card “Brave.”

Captain Darkadore (Doudou) played their Motivation card “Get rich” and wrote:

 Today was a quiet sunny day and the whole crew seemed relaxed and bored. Captain Darkadore was slowly pacing up and down the deck looking at a treasure map and scratching his beard.  In the middle of the map, there was a tiny island hidden in the Pacific Ocean. Captain Darkadore inspected this island for a few minutes, then he yelled, "Full speed ahead, southward." He chuckled with satisfaction showing his brown teeth. He excitedly walked into his office and slammed the map on his messy desk. He told his confidant, Emily, about his plan. She just smiled and handed him a cup of beer and said, "Cheers!" Just then, the engines stopped and the whole ship swayed. Jack rushed in and cried in horror, "We're being attacked!" 

 Captain Darkadore thought that it was another ship. He calmly walked out the office, but was flabbergasted to see a giant octopus upon his ship. The octopus had 2 glowing eyes about the size of a basketball and big moving tentacles with hundreds of suckers wiggling around like crazy. Water started flooding under the deck. Captain's face turned pale but quickly shouted orders. He sent half the crew to defeat the giant octopus and the other half to repair any cracks under the deck. They all worked fearlessly together. However, his crew was struggling to kill the giant octopus. One crew member was trapped in the monster's grip. Within seconds, Captain Darkadore stomped towards the octopus and precisely chopped the tentacles of this sea monster using his sword. When he finally reached where the monster's heart was, he stabbed and stabbed with all his might.

 When he stopped, he was sweaty and exhausted. The big creature slipped off the deck and disappeared into the dark ocean.  One crew member ran up on the deck and cried, " We're done patching up the holes Captain. Someone drowned to death." Captain Darkadore was greatly saddened by the death of one of his crew members. The crew all collapsed in weariness. Once again, Captain Darkadore earned everyone's respect with his bravery.

Jack (Voldemort) played their Motivation card “Prove someone wrong” and the scene’s Setback card, “A crew member is injured,” and wrote:

The ship rocked precariously as it dodged the icebergs and sharp rocks that would tear holes into The Aragon. “Hard a starboard !” yelled Captain Darkadore. The rain lashed against their faces like lightning. The clouds grumbled and rumbled like thunder. The thunder roared like a waking dragon. The seawater churned and the ship rocked wildly like a kite on a string A storm was on the way. “Hold on tight everyone, it’s going to be a tough ride!” shouted Darkadore, trying to be heard above the lashing waves. Everyone grasped onto the mast pole. The ship rocked thunder roared like a waking dragon. The crew watched helplessly as the splinter sized crack in the mast grew until they were sure that it would snap. The ship was getting pulled out to sea in a rip like a dog on a leash. As the water churned and the ship rocked wildly like a kite on a string. In a dramatic twist of fate, the ship turned over so that the ship was almost vertical. Jack, who had been holding onto the pole with one hand since in the other he held a scroll was struggling to hold on. His hands were greasy since they had recently had a staple meal consisting of beans, pulses, sea biscuits, apples and fish. The fish tasted queer in a way but was nonetheless better than having an empty stomach. Slowly but steadily, Jack’s fingers slipped, just millimetres at a time. Soon the waves were lapping against his clothes. Jack would fall if he didn’t let go of the treasure map, but he couldn’t. Captain Darkadore would be outraged. It was a philosophical question that would require the utmost decision in. Never had Jack wished so much for land, to feel the sweet brown soils of ground, to be safe and not be required to have to risk his life. After all, he was only 15. For on this sea, Jack felt the true rage within, as if the ocean was countless tears ready to pound at the feet of man, to teach he who has wanted yet not nurtured as he should. It was a gale that screamed under dark and serious clouds. Jack held on tight.

It was a few hours later, and the storm had slowly wore itself off like a shade of colour on a page being wiped off. Finally, what had been choppy waves that smacked against the body of The Aragon were now gentle, tranquil ripples. The clouds started to move off to find another destination to torment. The sun even shone. The storm was over.

“Land Ahoy! “ cried the Captain,”Everyone get off except Emily.” Unforseen, Emily forgot to be at her position by the steering wheel and he wondered over to her old, leather hammock, where she fell into a deep slumber. After that, The Aragon started moving. Meanwhile, Jack, with Captain Darkadore, were on the Island of Caprochia with two other members of the crew. Without warning, it started to rain and the crew hurried back to The Aragon, but it wasn’t there. Jack, being the observant one, suddenly spotted The Aragon in the distance, with Emily fast asleep on his hammock. He excitedly informed the Captain. They started to wave insanely and shout. Jack was prancing around, when he tripped over something wedged into the ground. He went onto his knees at once an immediately commenced the search on the icy ground and found a handle. Jack used his hands to uncover the object a bit more. Soon, he could make out a brown and splintered treasure chest. This was whole reason why the crew of The Aragon had come to The Pacific Ocean. This was the treasure which had been lying in this foreign land for centuries, hidden and buried which supposedly long ago vanished into myth. The rest of the crew were hastily called over. The all gasped at the treasure chest that rested at Jack’s feet. The pirates cheered.
Jack, being the one who pain a close surveillance towards things noticed a ship advancing towards them. “It’s Emily, it’s Emily, she’s woken up and she’s come back to save us!” shouted Jack. The rest of the pirates couldn’t believe their ears. They jumped to their feet and checked for themselves. Indeed it was! The pirates leapt with joy. As the ship came near, Jack looked at the name of the boat. It read The Ghostly Galleon. Jack froze. It wasn’t The Aragon. It was Blackbeard’s ship, the most feared pirate who ever set sail on the seven seas. To make matters worse, they had captured Emily and she was painted in blood…

Act 2 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “Retreat of the Tempest”
  • Challenge card: “There’s a leak in your ship!”
  • Success card: “You’re able to re-stock your food supply”
  • Setback card: “The crew feels awful!”

Captain Darkadore (Doudou) drew the Flaw card “Sick.”

Captain Darkadore (Doudou) played their Strength card “Confident” and wrote:

Captain Darkadore knew that they were in big trouble. He had to save Emily if she was still alive and bring the rest of the crew to somewhere safe. Captain Darkadore haughtily raised his sword and shouted, “Have no fear! Captain Darkadore is here!” The worries and tenseness immediately eased among the crew. Captain Darkakdore had never been so courageous before. He murmured to himself, “I must do it.” He looked around the Island of Caprochia. The air was very damp and hazy. Suddenly without a warning, a canon fired and exploded near The Aragon’s crew. As the crew quickly scattered to find someplace safe and protect the chest, the Captain and Jack marched over to the edge of the ice and started to shout. They also threw snowballs at Blackbeard. Blackbeard’s ship came closer and closer. Another unexpected boom exploded from one of the cannons on the Ghostly Galleon. The cannon ball landed near Captain Darkakdore and Jack, shattering some ice nearby. When the Ghostly Galleon came near enough, Captain Darkakdore and Jack grabbed their pistols and shot. As Captain Darkakdore and Jack aimed carefully and quickly, they managed to injure 3 pirates of Blackbeard’s crew and kill 12 of them before their ammunition ran out. Captain Darkakdore and Jack also noticed that Blackbeard, himself, was unwounded even though Captain Darkadore tried shooting at him. When the Ghostly Galleon reached ashore, Blackbeared arrogantly strode to the edge of the front deck, sneered evilly. Blackbear pointed the sword at Captain Darkakdore and commanded firmly, “Attack!!!” while Emily just lay there helplessly.

Jack (Voldemort) drew the Motivation card “Do your duty.”

Jack (Voldemort) played their Motivation card “Do your duty” and wrote:

Jack leaped up at once, brandishing his sword, in the air, spilling a few drops of blood from Blackbeard’s thick and coarse leather jacket. Blackbeard fought back, harrying at Jack before ending with a slash that just missed Jack. Jack then performed a thrust which Blackbeard blocked. Jack was thrown off his feet by the force of Blackbeard’s sword. Jack looked at Blackbeard’s sword. Strangely, it had the same symbols as on the Lemurian treasure chest they had looted from another ship; it was Excalibur, shining in the sun as if it were fashioned from the brilliant rays themselves. The broad silvery metal was warmed, as was the rock it had rested upon in the legends. In all the landscape it was the thing that drew the eye, a symbol of the kind of bravery that enables others to find their own courage, to be more than they thought themselves able to be. Yet, as the moon, it was a reflection of the sunlight, of love’s own energy and the duty of protection. Legend has it that it had been lost though the generations, but here it was, right in front of his very eyes. Jack stole a quick look at Captain Darkadore, who was lying, wretched on the sandy ground. He gave me a look of encouragement and I mad my sword hum through the air, meeting Blackbeard’s sword with a clang. There came a recognisable shout and Jack turned to see Emily, limping towards him, with blood on her now ragged clothes in a large dark red round spot. Jack gasped as Emily limp as she was went right past Captain Darkadore ,who was groaning and surprisingly didn’t have an adversary challenging him, and went on to take who seemed the cabin boy in a nimble way. The young woman was quick to pry the edged cutlass from her foe’s swollen fingers and whipped around to clash steel. She held the blade even, a perfect, undaunted horizon; always leveled with the nose, just as her father had taught her. She had stalled the man’s strike, but watched a wretched, stained grin split the pirate’s lips as her blade shivered under the brutality of his compelling strength. “Weapons do not belong in the hands of women,” he throatily crooned, pressing closer to her face. The blade flashed as he brought it over his head and hummed a low, swift tune when he brought it down. Blood spilled out and the young man’s eyes turned massive, large and round, staring and focusing at something with a cold and icy feeling. He lay there injured, probably dead as Emily went on to take on more men. “There’s not much women pirates, ” she seemed to say as she felled more and more pirates. Jack was wearing down and his bones seemed to snap with every swing of his heavy sword. Jack now knew why Blackbeard was the most feared pirate in the whole of the seven seas. Not only was it his reputation, but his strength and technique. Emily, sensing that Jack was in a precarious situation joined him in the fight. Captain Darkadore, who by now had recovered from his concussion, also assisted his crew. “Come on!!” he bellowed to his who-he-thought-were-slacking crew, “ You do assist our adversaries!”
“Trouble us not!” Captain Darkadore half hollered half recited( From Shakespeare’s play The Tempest Act one Scene One), charging towards his foe like a madman whose enemy just simply stepped aside and mad Darkadore fall splat on his face.

Fury began to rise and Darkadore’s face turned into a tomato. It was like out of a movie or film for how red his face was. The opposition started backing away, when Darkadore saw a ship on the horizon that was sailing at full speed towards the Island of Caprochia. Captain Darkadore stopped harrying his antagonist and looked across the sea. There on the boat sailing towards them were the words Sir Frances, the Spanish boat Captain whom Darkadore had made friends with! Excited, Jack turned to see the ship. What he didn’t see was Blackbeard sneaking up behind him and sending a blow to his head…

Jack (Voldemort) drew the Motivation card “Protect someone.”

Jack (Voldemort) wrote a Flashback, playing their Motivation card “Protect someone”:

It was a sunny summer’s day is 2012 and Jack was walking along the harbour’s mouth adjacent the island of doom. Suddenly, something cold grabbed him and he was pulled under the sea and never heard of again. His parents searched the whole world, made thousands of enquires but no evidence could lead to Jack. People who knew him were distraught at his disappearance from the face of the world. Meanwhile Jack found himself in the Golden Age and had to fight as a Captain’s coworker. He was in a time frame which neither creature nor object can escape from. This was the end of a 20year journey that he had embarked on to escape the time loop. This was the final party of his quest. But if he did succeed, would his friends and family still celebrate his return. Or would they call him a traitor?

He had found loads of friends like Emily and Captain Darkadore whom he had protected endless times.

Jack (Voldemort) drew the Motivation card “Do your duty.”

Captain Darkadore (Doudou) drew the Flaw card “Arrogant.”


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