A pirate’s life 6

A Pirate’s Life

A short story started by Matthew using the A Pirate’s Life storyworld.

Game cards:

  • Setting: “Caribbean Sea”
  • Tone: “Hopeful”
  • Beginning: “You’re lost at sea…”
  • Ending: “…and you return to port, victorious!”


  • Ray is Roy (The Captain) • 127 words
  • Qinqin is Drake (The Sail Master) • 194 words
  • Will is Eli (The Doctor) • 936 words
  • Matthew is Captain Hook (The Quartermaster) • 185 words

Act 1 Scene 1

Character Bonds

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “The Waters of Kirisle”
  • Challenge card: “Sea Monster!?”
  • Success card: “You find an important clue”
  • Setback card: “A crew member has disappeared!”

Captain Hook (Matthew) played their Bond card “Mentor” and wrote:

“This is how to kill a sea monster. First, get a sword to chop his arm off. Roy, are you listening? “ said Captain Hook. Roy was playing around with his sword and said, “What? Chop your arm off?” “NO! Listen carefully! Chop the sea monster’s arm off!” shouted Captain Hook. As Captain Hook was saying that, a sea monster appeared. The sea monster has big eyes and sharp teeth. Captain Hook said,” Go fight it and I will see how well you listened.” Roy did not use his sword, instead, he used his hands! “F- !” Captain Hook screamed.

Captain Hook (Matthew) drew the Flaw card “Unlucky.”

Roy (Ray) played their Bond card “New friend” and wrote:

Roy punched the monster as hard as he could. However, the monster got hold of him and ate him. Inside the stomach of the monster, Roy found a map and a few gold coins. He couldn’t read the map, because it was too dark and stinky. Roy tried to punch and kick his way out but wasn’t successful. Suddenly, he felt severe shake and heard the monster moaning in pain, ‘aaahhh…’ Then he saw some light and a hole in front of him. Roy jumped out right away and saw Eli running at the monster with his sword. After Eli finished off the monster, Eli asked surprisedly, “what is in your hands?” “Oh, I found them in the monsters belly, a map and coins.” Roy answered cheerfully.

Drake (Qinqin) played their Strength card “Perceptive” and wrote:

“You were so loud and you woke me up!’ Then, Drake the sail master came under the deck. He asked Roy: “ what is the disgusting paper you are holding in your hands?”
“It’s a map that Roy found in the sea monster”, Eli replied.
“Let me see it.” So Drake examined the map.
“Wow!! You are very lucky to find a treasure map on an island!” So Drake shouted to Captain Hook: “Steer the ship to the left!”
“Where are we going?” Captain Hook was puzzled.
“Ahoy mateys! We are going to find treasure on an island! And we will be rich.” Drake became overjoyed.
Captain Hook took the map and followed the directions of the sail master. After about a couple of hours they arrived at a green big island (according to the map). Everybody on the pirate ship were ready for the treasure hunt. Roy brought the monocle. Drake held the map. Captain Hook got a net, a gun… and everything ready if there is danger. But where was Eli? Nobody noticed her.
Eli wondered off while the other pirates were getting off the pirate ship to search for the treasure.

Eli (Will) played their Flaw card “Secretive” and the scene’s Success card, “You find an important clue,” and wrote:

Strong winds came and all 4 jumped into the boat. (Eli went in 4 minutes before the others.) After 17.47787830414 miles, the winds stopped.
Meanwhile, Eli got totally hungry and ate mash potato with gravy. He then got tired. Before he even took a nap on his little bed, he saw another pack of pirates also going for the treasure. He didn’t want the pirates to find that he was in his bedroom, but it was still worth it to tell Drake, Roy, and Captain Hook, so he went to tell them and after Eli told each pirate the news according to his story, they all got their cannons, tanks, catapults, guns, swords, and shields ready.
Drake was the first to launch an orange from an catapults to the 4 pirates. A pirate caught it, and threw it back. It hit Drake’s head.
“LOSER!” yelled that pirate.
Roy thought that throwing was much better than catapulting so he set the catapults aside.
Meanwhile, in Drake’s bedroom, Eli was healing Drake because Eli was the doctor.
“You’ll feel better now.” as Eli put 2 band-aids in his head. Drake took a nap. Five minutes later, Eli crept out of the room.
Then he threw an apple. It hit all pirates except 1. It hit 1 pirate’s eye, bounced to another pirate’s belly, and since the third pirate’s mouth was open, the apple went in the 3rd pirate’s mouth. That pirate got choked. All 3 of them died.
The last pirate that looked like Roy, (who wasn’t Roy) threw another apple when Captain Hook wasn’t watching. He was staring at the water. It hit Captain Hook’s head, and Captain Hook fell in the water. Another sea monster gobbled up Captain Hook.
“Oh no!” yelled Roy and Eli. The pirate remaining laughed. That woke Drake up from his sleep. “What the heck is going on?” Drake yelled from inside and he went out.
Roy said “Look!” The sea monster threw Captain Hook back onto the ship and gobbled up Eli.
“I’ll go save him”. Captain Hook said. He put on his swim suit and he jumped into the water.
“Cannonball!” Captain Hook yelled.
The pirate laughed even harder. “Hahaha”
When Captain Hook drifted away as Drake fetched him a raft, he asked Roy to come with him. After Roy went on the raft, Captain Hook said “Roy!” Roy tiredly asked what? “A sea monster is nearby. I want you to fight the monster.
The enemy pirate called Boris made it so stinky Eli flew in the air and landed on the raft and that all the stinky stuff went on Boris’s ship and the ship Drake bought for 16.2 billion dollars and 99 cents. Boris and Drake cried but Drake cried harder.

Act 2 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “Lagoon of Seaweed”
  • Challenge card: “Stormy Seas”
  • Success card: “You earn the respect of the crew”
  • Setback card: “You’ve lost half of your riches”

Roy (Ray) drew the Flaw card “Nervous.”

Eli (Will) drew the Strength card “Brave.”

Eli (Will) wrote a Flashback, playing their Strength card “Brave”:

Drake had 4 soldiers named Brake, Loy, Captain Gook, and Deli

Eli (Will) drew the Strength card “Quick.”

Eli (Will) played their Strength card “Quick” and wrote:

There are 4 robots that Drake bought each for 500,000,000,000,000 dollars each. Loy, Brake, Deli, and Captain Gook. The 8 of them must win. Back to the story, it splatted all over the Atlantic ocean because the treasure is in the east of Canada. It splatted all around Canada, especially the treasure place. It splatted everywhere, even the Moon, Mars, and Venus. It splatted on each human and robot, especially Captain Gook. Boris never got splatted, not even 1 drip.
Boris had a plan. He said peace so they could share the treasure to him. They putted Boris’s ship on the back.
Brake served food and water, Loy cleaned the front ship, Captain Gook cleaned the back ship, Roy, Drake, Eli, and Captain Hook cleaned themselves and 1 robot each. The robots but Deli took a bedroom that was a dead pirate’s before, so Deli built himself a bedroom. Boris took a nap. I don’t know what was wrong with Eli, but she went 2 times faster than her usual speed, so she cleaned 2 robots; Deli and Brake. Since Captain Hook was the last 1 of the 4 to complete washing himself, he was starting to clean Brake, but he found out they were all clean. Captain Hook screamed!
Then they all took a nap. It was exactly 1:37, July 7, 1849.
Strong winds came, and the boats were together, so it didn’t drift as much, but the winds lasted for 4 days. They were 392.6897074319568 miles from Canada.
Soon the clouds turned gray. Brake said it’ll rain. Brake was right. Eli put a giant umbrella that fit both ships. The waves were very strong.
Then, Loy wondered “Where was Drake?” They fell off the ship. They went the other side of the treasure and they were drifting is what the team pad said.
The team pad is an I-pad so everyone wore a necklace. Everybody wanted the smaller numbers, so they searched in the I-pad random number generator, and they went in alphabetical order by their first name.
The results was; 1 as Roy, 2 as Eli, 3 as Captain Hook, and 4 as Drake. Each person must remember everybody’s number, especially their own number.
The robots’ time is over. Each robot died. Drake pressed the button, was 49 miles away, (477 miles away from Canada,) but it was almost no use at all!
Boris also died. The 4 were the only ones we knew going for the treasure again!
Even though Drake’s waves were weaker, he was barfing the most. The waves a bit weaker by the ship (Boris’s ship sunk,) but stronger on Roy’s side.
Since Captain Hook is the only pirate not barfing, he drove the ship to save Roy so instead of the ship’s waves getting better, it got worse!

Captain Hook (Matthew) played their Strength card “Good instincts” and wrote:

We were on the ship, and the waves got higher and higher. Soon the ship went flipping in the air. Captain Hook was feeling it as a roller coaster while the others were screaming on top of their lungs, so they went into the ship to get some cover for them. It was a horrible night for the pirate. In the morning, all the pirates except Captian Hook were barfing for hours and hours. They were very dizzy, and Eli even walked off the plank.

Captain Hook (Matthew) drew the Strength card “Respected.”

Eli (Will) drew the Strength card “Lucky.”


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