A pirate’s life 5


A Pirate’s Life

A short story started by Dudu using the A Pirate’s Life storyworld.

Game cards:

  • Setting: “Atlantic Ocean”
  • Tone: “Playful”
  • Beginning: “You are hired to recover a legendary treasure…”
  • Ending: “…and you uncover an unknown mystery!”


  • Dudu is DJ (The Captain) • 582 words
  • Harry is Harry (The Quartermaster) • 727 words
  • Tiger is Lulu (The Sail Master) • 595 words
  • Lawrence is Elliot (The Doctor) • 736 words

Act 1 Scene 1

Character Bonds

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “Enclave of the Black Sand”
  • Challenge card: “Distracted by the Siren Song”
  • Success card: “The crew makes improvements to the ship”
  • Setback card: “A crew member is injured”

DJ (Dudu) played their Strength card “Confident” and wrote:

As DJ was about to nod off, a head popped out of the room and said “ I’m ready for you Miss DJ.”
“ About time.” she muttered. As she closed the door, Mr. Gilbert gestured for her to sit down.
“ Captain Grays he would like you to go to the enclave of black sand to find the legendary treasure.”
“ Woah wait a second there. I thought that was just a story… is it real?” Mr. Gilbert threw back his head and roared with laughter. “That’s why he’s sending you there. To find out if it’s real and if it is, bring back the treasure.” DJ jumped out of her seat, outraged. “ And what if there is no treasure? I’d be risking my whole crew, and if there was no treasure they would of risked their lifes for nothing! Don’t you care?”
“ I do care. If there is no treasure then you will be rewarded by us.” Mr. Gilbert replied calmly.
“ Hmm…” DJ faltered. “ All right then it’s settled. You and your crew will go to the enclave of black sand to find the legendary treasure.” At midday she found herself meditating to keep herself calm. I can do this. I can do this. She kept repeating it in her head until she believed it. At the crack of dusk, she found herself on the Perseverance, getting ready to set sail.

Harry (Harry) played their Bond card “Best friend” and wrote:

A while later, the weary crew were already approaching the centre of the Atlantic, with Perseverance bobbing gently on the flow of the ebb, which seemed to splash gently upon the bow. The clouds proved the weather clear as Harry gazed upon them.
“Weather alright, DJ,” he said as Lulu adjusted the mast’s sheets, high above. DJ gave an approving nod as Harry settled into an armchair, bottle of beer resting on his hand. The rest of the crew were sitting silently at the wooden table on the main deck.

Suddenly, a loud alarm of beautiful lullabies rang out into the dusk air floating towards the crew. It was emitting from a small outer island of the Atlantic which was covered in fog. Through the mist, a humanoid figure arose. Distracted by the lovely sound the members of the crew were disorientated and the ship took a sharp lurch left. Oblivious, the crew scuttled clumsily and dreamily towards the sound. The ship was edging closer and closer to the gloomy rocks. It was going to be a disaster.

Harry (Harry) drew the Bond card “Best friend.”

DJ (Dudu) drew the Flaw card “Impulsive.”

Lulu (Tiger) played their Bond card “Protector” and wrote:

Without any hesitation, the ship crashed into the needle-like rock.
Seeing that there was a island nearby, DJ tried her best to sail to the relaxing island while Lulu protected the weak but good-fighter Elliot. It came to a stop. The ship had sunk next to the island which was victory. They suddenly realised that it was the island that had the treasure, the legendary treasure. Harry looked at DJ and nodded, the ship needed to be repaired and the treasure had to be found! Lulu and Elliot started to fix the bottom of the ship with some old wooden planks when the rest of the crew started cleaning, scrubbing, cooking and repairing. The crew decided to add a secret lair for the captain and wheels to the ship as a surprise after the accident so the DJ could be happier . Besides, the captain can have her private place she could use when she didn’t want to be distracted ,plus the ship will be useful if it could be a land and water vehicle. The crew made the ship as new as day when DJ,Harry, Lulu and Elliot went for a treasure hunt, but they didn’t realise the shadow in the sea!

Elliot (Lawrence) played their Flaw card “Secretive” and the scene’s Success card, “The crew makes improvements to the ship,” and wrote:

As the crew set off for their next task, they found the island quite strange, it was covered with sandy beaches and a shining mass of life spread from the heart of the island, but it was also surrounded by sharp, jagged rocks, obscuring the magnificent view. It looked like a fortress.
Elliot thought there seemed to be some pattern in the rocks, as if somebody or something had created the rocks as to prevent any intruders. It made sense. Someone clearly wanted to keep the treasure for themselves. the crew were spooked by the mass of shipwrecks and broken bones lying on the beach pierced by the lethal mass surrounding the legendary island. Although he believed his assumptions to be correct, he did not want to imagine what the might find in the seemingly harmless place. He tried to block his thoughts out of his mind as he caught up with the rest. He had never thought his adventures could get so frightening… “Where shall we look first?” stammered Harry. Lulu checked their treasure map.
“One mile North to the Tallest Tree!”

Act 2 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “Retreat of the Tempest”
  • Challenge card: “Sea Monster!?”
  • Success card: “You feel rested and replenished”
  • Setback card: “Your ship is damaged”

Harry (Harry) played their Bond card “Best friend” and wrote:

After roughly four hours of stumbling, “North” seemed to continue forever. Hope seemed to be fading rapidly and the “tallest tree” was completely hidden due to the forest trees and endless mist. There was a rather low chance of sighting the legendary hidden treasure. However, DJ kept her cool and stayed forcefully positive throughout the exhausting journey as the rest of the crew members exchanged encouraging glances amongst each other.

Suddenly, from the forest gloom, deep, yellow eyes appeared. The whole crew almost shrieked out in terror.
“W-what is that?” Lulu asked nervously, shuddering with fear. Then, they ran.

A minute later, the exasperated crew panted heavily until they caught their breath. When they were running, they had no sense of direction. After all, the main thing on their minds was to get as far away as possible from whatever that thing was. As night fell, the crew remained silent and did not hesitate to build a small shelter. It was rather scrappy and carelessly built, but it would have been fine.

As they were getting ready for bed (or the floor), Harry went to check outside if all was clear but froze. As what looked back at him were the yellow eyes.

Harry (Harry) drew the Strength card “Decisive.”

Lulu (Tiger) drew the Bond card “Best friend.”

Lulu (Tiger) played their Bond card “Best friend” and wrote:

Some slimy orange tentacles slithered around Harry’s arm. Harry yelped and the alarm soon woke up the crew. The crew took a look at Harry then glanced at the sea monster, they took a deep breath and fought weakly to the sea monster the weapons they had, in case the sea monster decided strong revenge. The Monster moved side to side, but strangely, it never fell dead. Lulu took courage and stuck her sword into the sea monster.

After a moment of silence, DJ patted Lulu on the shoulder and whispered in case that Harry could hear, “ Good Work! We didn’t have enough courage to fight the sea monster as we thought that we were to weak and did it in case Harry thinks we are not his friends. In truth,I didn’t know sea monsters even exists!”

Elliot stared at Harry’s wounds and cried, “ Y- Y your wounds! You need to come with me and have a rest!”

Elliot (Lawrence) drew the Flaw card “Secretive.”

Elliot (Lawrence) played their Bond card “Sibling” and wrote:

In the small shelter, Elliot hastily globed a sticky layer of honey on the strip of bandage. “We can’t afford another injury like yours to any of the crew.” stated Elliot, “If we’re going to find that treasure, we’re going to have to find it fast!”
“Tomorrow, we must set off at daybreak to find the nearest point on the map, it is the only way!” cried the Quartermaster, “Would you mind telling DJ for me?”
“ Later.” mumbled Elliot, who was busy trying to make the bandage fit around Harry’s knee without getting it stuck to his thumb.” We’d better get paid good money once this is over!”
After he had finished, true to his word, he called, “DJ! Harry thinks the first thing we should do tomorrow is look for one of the land marks on the map! “
“OK!” came a shout from the captain’s new cabin. Trembling with weakness from the fight against the sea monster, Harry stood up and staggered towards the door. “Thank you brother, you’re a life saver.” he murmured, with these words, he closed the door behind him, leaving Elliot in his little ward, starring into darkness.

DJ (Dudu) played their Bond card “New friend” and the scene’s Success card, “You feel rested and replenished,” and wrote:

DJ sighed and sank into her chair. Her crew had done so well. A while later she heard furious rapping on the door. She got up and opened it. It was Harry. “ Elliot says I can go back to my job now. “ he said. “ Okay. Just don’t open the wound up or you’ll find yourself in the medical room again! “ DJ replied. “ OK. Thanks! “ and with those words, he disappeared. At supper, it was cheerful despite the earlier incident. Harry was acting as if he had no wounds at all! The next day all was pleasant . Everyone got on with their jobs. Everyone was bright and energetic, especially Lulu. She was chattering like a starling all day through.

Act 3 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “Marauder Cay”
  • Challenge card: “Rotten food supply”
  • Success card: “The crew makes improvements to the ship”
  • Setback card: “The crew feels awful!”

Lulu (Tiger) drew the Strength card “Kind.”

Lulu (Tiger) played their Strength card “Perceptive” and wrote:

It was the afternoon when the waves tossed along the seas as the wind blew strongly and with the pure white sails puffed roughly. Lulu suddenly spied a dot. Was it an island?
“ DJ!”Lulu shouted “have any idea what this is?”
“Maybe an island” replied DJ “ I’ll sail there!”
As the black dot got closer, the pirates examined it more carefully and chatted nineteen a dozen through the journey what it was, there was even arguments! The boat landed neatly near the island, it looked spooky and haunted. Harry shivered a little while Lulu bravely stood nearer.
“ Let’s explore!” cried Elliot “ Otherwise it will be night.”
“Did you see that man?” Questioned DJ suddenly.
“Where?” Asked Harry, shuddering as the man hastily moved out of the view.
Answering his own question, he looked from a different angle, just in time to see the man. “Oh, there, I’m blind, but it …” mumbled Harry.
He suddenly squealed as if there was a ghost in front of him.
“What’s up, mate?” Asked Elliot.
“T-t-t-hat m-m-man was a traitor and robber and worked f-for enemies,r-r-remember?”screeched Harry.
“How, he didn’t even have glasses, scaredy-cat!” Uttered Lulu.
“He might forgotten to take them” uttered Harry back in despair.
“We’re going to be robbed… immediately!”Added Harry desperately.
“It’s alright” said Lulu, “everything’s all right.”handing
everyone a bright red apple “This will cheer you

Elliot (Lawrence) drew the Bond card “Protector.”

Elliot (Lawrence) played their Flaw card “Secretive” and wrote:

“Are you sure these are hygienic?” questioned Elliot suspiciously.
“Sure!” exclaimed Lulu, contently chewing on her apple.
“Then why is there half a worm in your apple?” asked Elliot again, this time slightly more alarmed. Sure enough, there was a writhing pink mass making its way out of what was left of the rotten apple. Everyone checked in there apples and without doubt they were also full of half-worms. Lulu was the first to dive off the deck, closely followed by her unfortunate companions. A huge noise like a lion roaring was heard as together, they released the brownish, pinkish solution spattering the water and parts of the beach and used the only source of water they had to rinse their mouths. “That water is filthy!” yelled the doctor over the edge of the ship.
“Too late! “ chocked DJ, cursing, “How did you know the apples were rotten?”
“It’s a secret!” muttered Elliot, suddenly sounding scared”I swore on my life to Dr Brunei I would tell none the secrets of his teachings before he died! It is terrible bet…”
“OK! OK!” said Harry “Don’t tell us then!”
“Phew!” sighed the doctor, “I thought for a second there you guys were going to torture the imf…”
“How could we?!” began Lulu, looking offended.
“It’s happened before!” cried Elliot defensively, indicating his elongated limbs.
“Just because they did doesn’t mean we would!” shouted Lulu, losing her temper. Their argument raged on for the whole night whilst the rest of the crew rolled uncomfortably in their beds.

DJ (Dudu) drew the Bond card “Old friend.”

DJ (Dudu) played their Bond card “Old friend” and wrote:

They stepped into the dark, damp atmosphere. The ground around them was slumped with skeletons and rotting bodies. The crew began to feel queasy. One by one they followed Lulu around the island. Everywhere was dotted with dead bodies and corpses. Everyone began to feel sick. They explored the island until it became their daily routine. Gradually the more they explored the sicker and weaker they felt. At this point they all had dark rings around their eyes and they were all as pale as paper. Lulu was burning hot and talking nonsense for she had explored so much she knew every inch of the place.

One day DJ saw Elliot looking nervous and went up to him. “ Everything alright around here?” she asked. “ Y-yes. Why wouldn’t it be?” He replied, biting his lip. DJ shrugged and headed for her room. The next day, Lulu din’t turn up for a while, so they went to check on her. They found her lying in her bed, motionless. She jerked and her eyes rolled in her head. “ DJ… I need to talk to you.” said Elliot quietly. “ OK . Let’s go to my room though.” They entered the room. “ Okay, Elliot, spill the beans.” DJ said.
“ Well uh, it’s that… this island is cursed.” he blurted

Harry (Harry) played their Strength card “Good instincts” and the scene’s Success card, “The crew makes improvements to the ship,” and wrote:

“Why on Earth did you not tell us before?” demanded DJ as Harry nodded in approval.
“Well, you see… we gotta get out of here before it’s too late,” Elliot murmured. “Lulu has already fallen sick to it…”
“Well, we can’t just leave her! Come on, pack your things and off and out of here!” declared Harry.

Half an hour later, they struggled out, with Lulu supported on the hands of Elliot and Harry. Their heads turned left and then right. It was as if they were in the middle of nowhere. The fog and low mist covered their sights.
“I have no idea where we are,” Harry said, exhausted,”But it looks as if the shadow of our ship is right there.” He pointed to a tall figure (with his free hand). They hurried over to it. Suddenly, Lulu awoke with a stance.
“Where are we?” she asked sleepily. Harry and Elliot stopped. Lulu came to her legs. They carried on.

The ship stood in front of them.
“We ought to make improvements, eh, DJ?” Harry asked.
“Yes, I rather agree,” DJ said confidently, pointing to the rock-scratched bow of Perseverance.
“But we ought to get out of here first!” reminded Elliot.

And so they set off for a nearby island.


Elliot (Lawrence) drew the Strength card “Quick.”

Elliot (Lawrence) played their Strength card “Compassionate” and the scene’s undefined card, “undefined.” The epilogue begins with the game’s Ending card, “…and you uncover an unknown mystery!.” They wrote:

Our heroes survive and make it off the cursed island to go back home, dropping the unconscious Lulu off at the local hospital. On the street they met the people who hired them in the first place.
“Any luck?” inquired Captain Grays.
“Nope.” muttered DJ, half-ignoring him.
“Well, if you still want the cash, I do have a backup quest for you. “ The second he said so DJ’s eyes seemed to light up. “So… , you’re interested?”
“ Of course I am!” whispered the Captain.
“And if you complete this quest you also get twice the money. “ began Grays,
“Deal’s on!”

DJ (Dudu) drew the Bond card “Sibling.”

Lulu (Tiger) drew the Strength card “Smart.”

Harry (Harry) drew the Bond card “Old friend.”

Harry (Harry) played their Bond card “Old friend” and wrote:

A while later, they were once again skidding on the calm, foamy sea that wavered below, ready for the unexpected.
“Feels quite good to be back out here, eh?” questioned Harry, who was sipping a cup full of beer.
“Mm-mm,” mumbled Elliot, in agreement.
“Felt that twice the money is pretty worth it,” remarked DJ who was looking over the side of the wooden deck.

Nights flew past, as the heroes eventually came across their first island. It was covered in lush green vegetation and had a lovely, fresh odour. Palm trees stood proudly, towering above Perseverance.
“I wonder if the treasures there!” exclaimed Lulu, who had now recovered. Managing to control the ship, Harry, Elliot, DJ and Lulu lowered the heavy anchor, which sunk rapidly onto the seabed. Then, they stepped into the unknown.

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