A pirate’s life 4


A Pirate’s Life

A short story started by Cathy using the A Pirate’s Life storyworld.

Game cards:

  • Setting: “Pacific Ocean”
  • Tone: “Realistic”
  • Beginning: “You must locate Captain Grey…”
  • Ending: “…and you find what you were looking for!”


  • Cathy is Victoria (The Captain) • 509 words
  • Jason is Oscar (The Navigator) • 465 words
  • VLQi is Jack (The First Mate) • 1200 words
  • Tong is Otto (The Sail Master) • 390 words

Act 1 Scene 1

Character Bonds

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “Retreat of the Tempest”
  • Challenge card: “A crew member has fallen overboard!”
  • Success card: “You earn the respect of the crew”
  • Setback card: “There’s talk of mutiny!”

Victoria (Cathy) played their Strength card “Confident” and wrote:

The crew were sailing peacefully on the Pacific Ocean.

Victoria (Cathy) drew the Flaw card “Worried.”

Oscar (Jason) played their Strength card “Resourceful” and wrote:

Captain Victoria, Navigator Oscar and First Mate Jack got a secret map from Captain Grey and they were told the mark on the map was a secret treasure was.
The trio crew decided to find the hidden treasure. One day, they were sailing on the peaceful Pacific Ocean. Everything was fine at first. Suddenly, Oscar yelled: “Oh! Look! There’s a storm!”
ZAP! Lightning struck. WHOOSH! Water flooded the ship. “Help! Help!” Victoria had fallen overboard. Soon, the ship was sinking and broken into pieces. The others fell into the sea as well and all unconscious.
The next day, they were on an island. Nobody knew where they were. They were lost. Victoria said “we have to find a way to escape here. I think we should go right!”, but Jack disagree and said left. Oscar had an idea. He climbed a tree and shouted “This island looks like the one on the map.”

Jack (VLQi) played their Bond card “Best friend” and the scene’s Success card, “You earn the respect of the crew,” and wrote:

‘’I guess I’ll go with you, Oscar’’ said Jack ‘’but don’t lead us to a trap or another pirate ship’’. I’m pretty sure that there will be other pirates searching for the treasure. ‘’I guess we’ll have to get our swords out’’ said Victoria. 3 seconds later the three pirates got their swords out. The crew walked under palm trees and over flat ferns. After 7 minutes the crew heard footsteps and Oscar whispered swords out. Jack quietly said charge on 3,2,1 CHARGE!!!!!The crew changed and was surprised when they saw Captain Grey! Captain Grey explained that he took the safety raft. ‘’No wonder I couldn’t find the safety raft?!’’Said Jack. Captain Grey laughed. ‘’Shhh!’’ said Jack they heard clink! clink! clink! Jack said ‘’swords’’! Victoria peeked through the bushes and calmly told the crew that Jack was right there was other pirates.

Act 2 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “The Bay of Shefblat”
  • Challenge card: “The crew is ill”
  • Success card: “You’re able to re-stock your food supply”
  • Setback card: “You’re all exhausted”

Jack (VLQi) drew the Bond card “Best friend.”

Oscar (Jason) drew the Strength card “Brave.”

Oscar (Jason) played their Strength card “Brave” and wrote:

“I’ll distract them, and you can steal their ship.” Oscar whispered.
“Ok.” nodded Jack.
Oscar jumped in front of the other pirates. His sword swung in the sky. The other pirates jumped on Oscar, but he didn’t flinch and went up to flight. Five mins later, he managed to escape because more and more pirates appeared to fight him. “Wait for me guys!” yelled Oscar. The crew heard Oscar’s cry and wave at him.
A few minutes later, “Hey, There is a Volcano.”
“It’s erupting! How do we past it?” yelled Victoria.
But they were lucky enough that a storm would come soon. ZAP! Lightning struck the ocean witch made a big wave. SPLASH! The wave splashed on rocks and thousands of rocks rolled to the Lava causing to stop.
“Horary’’ shouted the crew as they aboard the ship.
Finally they arrived at The Bay Of Shefblat. They found some mango-like fruits, but little did they know that the fruits were poisonous, and they got very ill.

Jack (VLQi) played their Strength card “Witty” and wrote:

‘’We’re lucky that I brought some medicine’’ said Jack. But there wasn’t enough medicine to heal everyone so Captain Grey became more and more ill. Victoria said they should search the ship for medicine. After 8 minutes of searching Oscar found a medicine bottle in a drawer. But they heard a pirate yelling ‘’Where are you pesky pirates!’’ Then they heard another voice say ‘’be quiet!’’ You’re gonna scare them away! ‘’Fine!’’ said the first voice. ‘’Come on we gotta hide Captain Grey’’ whispered Jack. ‘’OK’’ Oscar whispered back. The crew snuck past the pirates and hid Captain Grey in a closet. Then they slid the medicine to Captain Grey. The crew had only one choice, hide. They couldn’t fight the pirates there was too many of them! So the crew split up. Victoria hid under a table. Oscar hid inside a cabinet. Jack hid in a chest that said DO NOT OPEN on it. The pirates searched everywhere but they couldn’t find Victoria, Oscar, Jack and Captain Grey. ‘’You see’’ said a voice ‘’you scared em away!’’ Those filthy pirates will suffer for what they did!’’ said another voice. 29 seconds later the pirates left the ship. Captain Grey, Victoria, Oscar and Jack peeked out of their hiding spots. Oscar said ‘’That was close.’’ Yeah’’ said Jack. The crew stole some gold coins and slipped away. ‘’We were lucky this time’’ said Victoria. Oscar looked at the map and said ‘’half a mile to go’’. ‘’WHAT shouted Jack ‘’Half a mile!!? ‘’Well we should get going’’ said Victoria. ‘’It’s not the walk!’’ Shouted Jack. ‘’It’s the danger’’! ‘’What danger besides other pirates’’ asked Oscar? ‘’Snakes, bear, coyotes and traps’’ said Jack. OK said Victoria. ‘’I don’t believe that Jack’’ said Oscar as he walked straight into a trap. ‘’AAAAH HELP ME’’ as a rope that was tied to his ankle and swung him back and forth Jack got out his sword and prepared to cut the rope. Suddenly he fell into a ditch. I told you Oscar said Jack. Just untie or cut this rope to get me out of this. ‘’Would you rather be stuck in a ditch or be hanging from a rope!?’’said Jack ‘’I’d rather be stuck in a ditch’’ said Oscar. ‘’Lets just get you out of here’’ said Victoria as Captain Grey and Victoria hauled Jack out of the ditch and Victoria carefully stepped and cut the rope. Thanks said Jack and Oscar. After 1 hour and 22 minutes of walking ‘’This is it’’ said Oscar as he looked at the map. But suddenly other pirates came with shovels and swords! ‘’ARRR the treasure should be right here!’’ said a big and fat pirate. Jack guessed that was the boss of that crew.

Jack (VLQi) drew the Strength card “Strong.”

Victoria (Cathy) played their Motivation card “Get rich” and the scene’s Success card, “You’re able to re-stock your food supply,” and wrote:

The other crew had six strong men . Oscar,Jack and Victoria looked at each other .They whispered ,”we have a plan!”They dressed Oscar until he looked like he was a common person .Victoria nodded at Oscar.Oscar went up to the crew .he said in a strong voice,”I heard you folks are looking for some t
.reasure ,but I am here to inform you that some other strong crew already found that treasure you were looking for .I am sorry .” The leader grabbed the Oscar’s coller and yelled in Oscar’s face ,”Where did they go?!Oscar said “they went back around the bay of sheflate .not far”.”the leader stormed off .Victoria gasped,” that was a close one.”She said as she stood up from her hidding spot.”Yeah said Jack.”Let’s dig up the treasure.Shouted Victoria .She grabbed the nearest shovel and started to dig .Oscar and Jack Joined in .Just as the hole was a couple inches deep,Victoria’s shovel hit something hard.Victoria took it and examined it closly.”This is it!”She yelled !When she opened it the treasure gleamed. it sparkled in the sunlight.Just as they were closing the lid,,they heard a loud voice scream,”WHERE ARE THOSE STUPID PIRATES?!!!!!I AM GOING TO BUST THIER HEADS OFF RIGHT NOW!!!!”Oh no “said Jack.

Act 3 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “Shark Enclave”
  • Challenge card: “Your ship is under attack!”
  • Success card: “You earn the respect of the crew”
  • Setback card: “Your ship is damaged”

Jack (VLQi) played their Strength card “Strong” and wrote:

‘’So you pirates tried to trick us huh!?’’ Said the boss. ‘’ ‘’No’’ said Oscar ‘’Run!’’ Shouted Victoria. The crew sprinted away with the pirates sprinting toward them with their swords drawn. ‘’Jump!’’ screamed Jack. ‘’Why?’’ shouted Victoria. ‘’Just jump!’’ Jack shouted back. The crew jumped right in time to make it over the deep end of a river that was 17 feet wide. The crew was running in 4 foot deep water and in every 3 feet they ran the water became 1 foot shallower. ‘’Curse you!’’ shouted the boss. The crew was too busy looking at the boss that was drowning that they were running into a ship that was was locked with chains. Without thinking Jack got out his sword and started slicing a chain. Captain Grey, Victoria and Oscar got straight to work 18 minutes later all the chains were sawed. ‘’Hop on.’’ Said Oscar. The crew was just going to step into the ship but then Jack noticed that there was a number lock. Victoria started to type in numbers 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0061…57 minutes later when Victoria typed 5619 the door opened. Jack and Oscar had fell asleep and Captain Grey went off to pick some mangos that was only 241 feet away. ‘’WAKE UP!!!!’’ shouted Victoria. Jack and Oscar jumped up and Oscar shouted ‘’What the heck are you doing Victoria!? I was, oh. ‘’You opened the lock.’’ Where’s Captain Grey? Asked Victoria. ‘’I’m right here’’ said Captain Grey. Jacks eyes turned to Captain Grey. Oscar and Victoria did the same. ‘’I’ve got 14 mangos!’’ Shouted Captain Grey. But Captain Grey didn’t see a rock in front of him and ‘’OW!’’ shouted Captain Grey as he dropped the mangos Jack, Oscar and Victoria rushed to pick up the mangos. Jack was the first pirate to get there and picked up 6 mangos off the sand. Oscar and Victoria sprinted to get there and both picked 4 mangos off the sand. Captain Grey was groaning in pain and Jack said ‘’Come on, be more tough and more careful.’’ ‘’I’ll try’’ Said Captain Grey. ‘’Get up.’’ Said Oscar. ‘’Just come on we’ve got a ship to explore, we don’t have time to talk about tripping!’’ Said Victoria. ‘’But it hurts!’’ Said Captain Grey.

Jack (VLQi) drew the Strength card “Kind.”

Otto (Tong) drew the Bond card “New friend.”

Otto (Tong) played their Flaw card “Secretive” and wrote:

“Come on!” said Oscar, “we have to explore the ship.” So the crew got on the ship and sailed away… Suddenly, the ship began to shudder & shake!”It’s a shark attack!’’ yelled Victoria. In 15 minutes the sharks had torn off 13% of the ship.Otto, the sail master,tried to steer the ship out of the sharks,but the sharks kept following the ship no matter where it went. So the sail crew threw the coconuts that they picked with the mangoes. One member of the crew threw the anchor at one of the biggest sharks, the biggest shark was hitten by the anchor, it’s eyes were seriously damaged and crushed into the sharp corner of the ship and sank in the dark murky waters in the sea. The others were more unlucky than the biggest shark. The sailors chucked swords at them with direct hits. So the other sharks were bleeding, some of the them were bleeding so much and waiting for death. Otto steered the ship out of the bloody mess. Oscar was so impressed by Otto, he went to Otto and patted him on the shoulder, they nodded toward to each other, and they won the trust from each other. The crew was so excited the shark attack was gone. They cheered and sat on the ship for rest, they were exhausted for today’s shark attack.

Otto (Tong) drew the Strength card “Agile.”

Victoria (Cathy) drew the Motivation card “Discover something new.”

Victoria (Cathy) played their Flaw card “Worried” and the scene’s Setback card, “Your ship is damaged,” and wrote:

Victoria was very worried ,the ship was damaged ! Otto tried to steer the ship to a nearby island . When the crew finally was on the island they checked the ship if anything was wrong .They found some broken boards.they cut the trees on the island and made boards with them .Victoria searched the ship and found a few nails and a hammer.They nailed the boards on the ship.Then they continued sailing.When they sailed for a few peaceful hours Victoria decided to check the map to see where going that is when she realised they were going in the wrong deriction .They were going right towards the sea serpents island!legend says that if the sea serpent is disturbed the Sea Serpent is going to distroy the world!Victoria franticly jumped on Otto .”WAKE UP”!!!!!!Victoria screamed in his ear .To late she could already see the sea serpent.


Jack (VLQi) played their Motivation card “Take power” and wrote:

‘’Uh oh’’! Said Otto as he got up. ‘’Whe’re DOOMED!!!’’ Cried Victoria. Suddenly the crew heard a ‘’thud!’’ they looked at Captain Grey and stared at him. Jack said. ‘’He fainted.’’ ‘’Leave this to me said Jack as he pulled out his pistol and aimed at the sea serpent and fired. The bullet bounced off the sea serpent. ‘’Shoot that was my last bullet’’ Said Jack. ‘’I found a machine gun in a chest.’’ Said Oscar ‘’I’ll take that’’ Said Jack as he fired the bullets. Oscar looked in another chest and found a sniper gun and aimed it at the sea serpent and fired. The sea serpent slowly moved back into its cave and the crew cheered. ‘’Back to the island.’’ Said Oscar. Otto sailed back to the island. ‘’We still have about 5.7 miles to go.’’ Said Oscar. ‘’5.7 MILES!!??’’ Shouted Otto. ‘’We should get going.’’ Said Jack. ‘’With these two guns we can easily beat other pirates!’’ Exclaimed Victoria.

Otto (Tong) played their Strength card “Perceptive” and the scene’s undefined card, “undefined.” The epilogue begins with the game’s Ending card, “…and you find what you were looking for!.” They wrote:

Soon ( I think after about 1/2 of an hour ) the crew got to an island. “Hey Oscar, this place is familiar.” said Otto. Suddenly pirates came out with swords, Jack said “Its lucky that we have two guns here.” In 2 minutes later, the other side lost. Dear readers you certainly know why,if you read the top you will know.”Nice job Victoria” said Jack “That was an easy round,” said Oscar. Otto agreed.”Now where are we?” said captain Grey. “We don’t know.” the rest of the crew said. So the captain and the crew got out of the ship, captain Gray took a look at the map. “Otto, climb up the tallest tree and look at the island’s shape!” Said captain Grey. A few minutes later, Otter got down and said:”That is the exactly the island that we are looking for.” We are close to the treasure! The crew cheered! Captain Grey led the crew into the forest on the island.

Victoria (Cathy) drew the Strength card “Witty.”

Victoria (Cathy) played their Strength card “Witty” and wrote:

They walked a few hours in the damp muddy forest when Jason looked at the map and said ,”We are almost there. I am so excited! “. He screamed. Then Victoria heard some loud footsteps. They sounded like pirates. ,”Good job. You just helped us attract some big fat stinky pirates.”She mumbled.”But good thing I brought a canon.”Otto said as whipped a huge canon from behind his back.”How did you manage to carry that?”Victoria ask.”I can carry anything”.Otto boasted .”Yeah right”.Grumbled Victoria.The footsteps got louder.”We better hurry!”Shouted Victoria.As the pirates neared the crew Jason grabbed them and threw them to Victoria,Victoria shoved them into the canon then fired.One by one each big fat stinky pirate went flying back to the sea,each fell into the ocean like a ugly bird.”They are like ill mannered shooting stars .”Sighed Victoria . But we sill need to find the treasure.

Oscar (Jason) drew the Strength card “Lucky.”

Oscar (Jason) played their Strength card “Lucky” and wrote:

After 10 mins, “Look! Guys, I see a cave and there’s a hole” said Oscar. As deeper they got the deeper it seemed . Then a spider came up, but it was gigantic ! “Oh, my Gosh! What do we do? I can see the treasure is just behind the spider.” Victoria and Jack screamed at the same time. Suddenly, Oscar had an idea, and he took his flashlight and berries which he picked outside. So lucky they were, a giant bat appeared and Jack throwed the berries toward the spider. The bat flew and caught the spider away the treasure chest.
“Hooray! “ the crew yelled, “It’s incredible, we find a real treasure! Now, we are the richest men in the world!” everyone cheered.

The sea became calm and the sky was sunny as the sailed off into the distance happily ever after.

The End

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