A pirate’s life 3


A Pirate’s Life

A short story started by Jerry using the A Pirate’s Life storyworld.

Game cards:

  • Setting: “Mediterranean Sea”
  • Tone: “Heroic”
  • Beginning: “You must locate Captain Grey…”
  • Ending: “…and you are rewarded for your bravery.”


  • Wenqian is Arthur (The Navigator) • 1250 words
  • Tiffany4 is jeff (The Doctor) • 1510 words
  • Jerry is Pirate (The Sail Master) • 648 words
  • LYI is Otteroar (The Quartermaster) • 823 words

Act 1 Scene 1

Character Bonds

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “The Forbidden Sea”
  • Challenge card: “A crew member has fallen overboard!”
  • Success card: “You find an important clue”
  • Setback card: “There’s talk of mutiny!”

Pirate (Jerry) played their Motivation card “Learn something forbidden” and wrote:

Otteroar and Arthur seem to be acting strange and talking secretly with each other. Pirate wonders whether or not Otteroar and Arthur are planning a trick on him. He plans to quietly learn about what they are talking about. Pirate figured that they learned about an important clue. He was enraged that they didn’t tell him, the Sail Master, about the clue, so he planned to throw Arthur overboard in the morning. In the morning, when Pirate went into Arthur’s room, he saw Arthur looking straight at him. “What are you doing in my room?” Arthur exclaimed. “Um. Nothing,” Pirate stuttered. Suddenly, Pirate blindfolded Arthur and brought him to the plank. As he threw him, Pirate said,” This is the Forbidden Sea. Nobody will hear you. Will you tell me about the clue?” “No,” Arthur said. Pirate threw Arthur overboard. Unfortunately for Pirate, the others heard Arthur screaming and came to the rescue. As they were throwing a rope at Arthur, Pirate decided to help them and pretend to be innocent. Once Arthur got back aboard, he accused Pirate of throwing him overboard. “ Tell me about the important clue,” Pirate said, ignoring the accusation.

Pirate (Jerry) drew the Motivation card “Accomplish something important.”

Arthur (Wenqian) played their Flaw card “Worried” and wrote:

Doug refused to tell them about the important clue and told them to mind their own beeswax.
He then ran away and locked himself in the storage cabinet and started thinking about how to hide the clue from Pirate. When he was almost done thinking of a plan, Pirate started yelling and banging on the door witch made Doug forget about the plan. Doug had to think of another plan quickly but suddenly, the banging stopped then he herd a “splush”. Everyone was trying to figure out what the sound was but eventually just gave up. But Arthur didn’t give up just yet, he kept on trying. It was one hour later until author realized that Pirate was not on the ship. It turns out that Pirate became dizzy when he was banging on the door and accidentally walked overboard. Arthur was just about to turn the ship around but stopped when he herd “bang bang bang” coming from the downstairs area, when he came downstairs, it was flooded with water. It turns out that Jeff was putting up paintings and caused a leak in the wall. The water caused the leak to get bigger until the leak was so big that the entire downstairs area was flooded. Just then, Doug came downstairs to see what’s the matter and found Jeff struggling to swim back upstairs. When Jeff finally got upstairs, the ship was sinking. Arthur quickly redirected the ship towards the shore but the ship was going so fast that it crashed into the beach. When everyone got off the ship, they found a big hole on the side of the ship. “It would take months to repair this ship.” Arthur said. “What are you guys standing there for, go get more wood. Everyone was so busy fixing the ship that they forgot about Pirate.

Arthur (Wenqian) drew the Flaw card “Nervous.”

jeff (Tiffany4) played their Flaw card “Secretive” and the scene’s Setback card, “There’s talk of mutiny!,” and wrote:

   While in the woods looking for wood, they  hear someone scream. All the crew members tip-toed to where they heard the screaming. When they got there, they saw nobody in sight. Doug murmured: " Maybe someone got kidnapped here?". Jeff responded :"Maybe the person that got kidnapped was one of our friends?" Everyone went looking for any trace or clue that had proof someone actually got kidnapped. Doug exclaimed,"  Hey guys, come over here and look what i found". When everyone found Doug, they couldn't believe what they saw. There was two tracks of footprints. One of them was about the size of a human's shoe print. The other track of footprints were 10 times bigger than the other track of footprints. The footprints had sharp claws printed on the edge of the prints, and there seemed that there was one claw on the back of the footprint too.

  The pirates argued about following the tracks or not. Then one pirate blurted out," I think that we should be getting back to the ship. Captain Arthur is waiting for us". " No!", yelled all the pirates. So the search began. They were just about to find their way along the tracks, suddenly they disappeared. " What should we do now", said Doug. " I think that we should get back to the ship now and tell Captain Arthur that we did not collect wood". " I think that we should get out of the woods and gather wood so Arthur will not punish us. Um... does anyone know how to get out of here," said pirate." Rats, we should have never went here because now I don't know the way out!"  They try to find the tracks to lead them out of the forest.  

Act 2 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “The Depths of Varenbrook”
  • Challenge card: “Your ship is under attack!”
  • Success card: “You find safe harbor”
  • Setback card: “You’ve lost half of your riches”

Arthur (Wenqian) played their Flaw card “Nervous” and wrote:

Getting through the woods was like doing an endless maze. They were going in circle most of the time. Meanwhile at the beach where the ship crashed, Arthur was trying to get food. He tried to get coconuts but there just fell on his head anyways. Arthur tried to get one open with a rock but he just ended up smashing the rock onto his Foot. “OOOOOOOWWWWW” He screamed. But just then he saw the broken ship which made him think of the wood. “Jeff, Doug where are you, did you get the wood yet?” Jeff and Doug herd but didn’t say anything. “ We are in trouble” Jeff whispered. “ And, by the way we left our axes at the ship so how are we going to get wood anyway? Punch it like we are playing a game?” Jeff asked. “ It’s all your fault that we didn’t bring the axes” Said Doug. “ No, it’s all your fault” Said Jeff. But just then, they herd Arthur yelling “ If you have to much wood, I can carry it for you.” Doug and Jeff didn’t reply because they knew they were in trouble. “what do we do now?” Doug asked. “Lets run.” Jeff said. Just then they herd Arthur again. He said “ I am coming to help you “ Arthur yelled. “ Run!!!” Jeff yelled “SHHH, you are giving away our location” Doug whispered. “ OMG a treasure “ Jeff said while pointing to a big X on the ground. “Lets dig it up” said Doug. They started digging at the X with their bare hands and when they were done, all they ended up with was a note that said u suk. Then they herd Arthur’ footsteps. “RUN!” Jeff said. But unlucky for Doug his foot was stuck in some vines so he tripped. He was Just about to get up when Arthur came. “ What are you doing and where’s the wood?” Arthur asked. “ So no wood hum? Doug, you go find Pirate and Jeff, you go get wood, get food, and make a shelter And these things need to be done in 1 hour.” Arthur Exclaimed. “Now GO!” Arthur yelled.

Arthur (Wenqian) drew the Flaw card “Worried.”

jeff (Tiffany4) drew the Strength card “Honest.”

jeff (Tiffany4) played their Strength card “Honest” and wrote:

     Jeff admitted," I was not trying to find wood. We saw a pair of tracks that looked like a big animal track. And the other track looked like a human's track. And the bad news is that..." "What is it?" said Arthur. " Pirate got lost." sighed Jeff. "What! How did you lose him? I told all of you to stay together!" Yelled Arthur. " We were gathering wood and then we heard a scream. We all went looking for him but he was nowhere to be in sight." said Jeff. "Lets Go and find pirate!" both of them said. While Doug was running, he heard a rustling noise in the bushes. He turned around and said to himself," Its okay, its nothing, its nothing." One second later he was running as fast as his legs could carry him. He was yelling " Help!!! Help!!!" and everyone heard him yell Doug went racing out of the forest and when he was out of the woods, he saw the ship with two people next to it. "Arthur!! Jeff!! I am alive!" Doug and Arthur raised their heads and saw a tiny figure running fast along the seashore and getting bigger every second. Arthur was amazed that Doug was alive because before he had saw him appear from the woods, he had heard someone scream very loudly. Even though Doug was very far away from him, he could recognize his friend's ear piercing scream. Doug was worried that he would have never see his friend's ever again, but luckily he was back with them. Jeff asked," where did the other crew members go?" Doug responded," I don't know but I was too busy trying to find you guys, I didn't worry about the other people because that i was so scared of the thing that was in that big bush where the tracks started." While they were talking they heard a " Help!!!!" came out from the woods. 

Otteroar (LYI) played their Bond card “Best friend” and wrote:

“Um… is it just me or did someone shout ‘HELP!’?” Arthur said fearfully. “Er… yep. definitely someone.” Doug replied. Suddenly, Pirate flew out of the woods, “HELP, HELP!!” was all that he could seem to utter. “OK, OK, tell us what happened while you catch your breath.” Arthur said calmly. “Well, I saw this HUGE bear walking past me and I thought ‘well, maybe I could catch that bear’ it was the size of a small Giant Squid!” Pirate said slowly. “I tried to follow it, but the thing just reared up, and lunged at me, giving me a HUGE gash on my arm” Pirate said, rolling up his sleeves to show everybody the laceration, about 5 inches long his arm. “It zoomed past me, running about 30 mph, the fastest I’ve seen a bear run!” Pirate explained. “At least that explains the big paw prints we saw next to your footprints” Arthur muttered. “C’mere, lemme bandage that scrape ya got on yer arm.” Arthur offered. “Nah, I’ll be fine.” Pirate said, definitely “Just don’t let the thing get infected, or you will be in HOT water.” Arthur warned. Suddenly, a huge flash of brown zipped toward them. “Get to the boat!” Pirate yelled.

Otteroar (LYI) drew the Flaw card “Nervous.”

Pirate (Jerry) played their Motivation card “Accomplish something important” and the scene’s Success card, “You find safe harbor,” and wrote:

The pirates all ran away as fast as their legs could carry them. The brown bear lept at Arthur. The bear scratched Arthur on the left leg. “ Ahhhh!” Arthur screamed. The bear also managed to bite Otteroar’s shoe off. Pirate decided to put an end with the bear. He turned around and stopped running. The bear charged at Pirate. Pirate simply sidestepped the bear, and the bear ran into a huge tree. The tree toppled over. “ We got wood!” the pirates happily exclaimed. “ Let’s go! We could now fix the ship!” Pirate said. All afternoon, the pirates were fixing the ship. The ship was ready to go in the evening. They continued their quest to find their lost Captain Grey. During dinner, they were discussing where Captain Grey may be. “ We need to know what the important clue is, Arthur and Otteroar. After all, I saved your lives,” Pirate asked. “He is on an island the size of this ship. The island is 21.4691° N, 78.6569° W,” Otteroar responded. “ Oh no! I almost forgot! Captain will starve to death in one day!” Otteroar also said.

Act 3 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “Port at Nanway Isle”
  • Challenge card: “Icebergs!”
  • Success card: “You feel rested and replenished”
  • Setback card: “A crew member has disappeared!”

jeff (Tiffany4) drew the Flaw card “Afraid.”

jeff (Tiffany4) played their Flaw card “Afraid” and wrote:

      When they were far enough from the island, the pirates were all relieved. " I am so happy that we escaped the island without getting hurt." Jeff replied. The island was nowhere to be seen where the pirates were standing on the deck. They were so fast getting on the ship that they completely forgot about Doug that was still in the woods and still trying to find his way back to the ship that was no longer there. When pirate said that he needed a rest, he came back huffing and puffing and his cheeks were all red. " I can't find Doug! I thought he was on the ship with us but i just realized that he is not there. I looked everywhere on the ship but I can't find him anywhere!" cried pirate. Every pirate ran off the deck and went downstairs to where every pirate rested at night. Every single pirate was tearing up through all the bedrooms to find Doug. Once every bedroom was looked through several times, nobody found Doug. One pirate suggested to look in all the bathrooms in the ship. So every pirate went racing every direction going to the nearest bathroom to see if Doug. One pirate was at the bathroom in the basement and yelled," Hey, everybody come down here! I am at the basement and the bathroom down here appears to be locked!" he hollered. All the pirates rushed downstairs and was in the basement in a second. "The doors locked so there has to be someone in there." he said. "How are we going to open the door?" questioned Jeff. " I'll take care of it," mighty mike bellowed. He pushed the door down as easy as moving a pin. Inside they did not find anyone but fond a letter that said," Ha, Ha, Ha, I tricked you again. You pirates are all so dumb." At the bottom of the note there was a signature. Nobody could read the small blue pen signature because it was so faint. Jeff picked up the note, ripped it up, then he flushed it down the toilet. "God dam that stupid person!" Jeff yelled out at the top of his lungs." We will get revenge on you!"

Otteroar (LYI) played their Strength card “Good instincts” and wrote:

“Who do you think it is?” Pirate asked. “I dunno” Jeff replied leisurely. Arthur got his magnifying glass out of his pocket and put it over the signature, but it wasn’t enough. “Quick, get me another magnifying glass!” Pirate quickly whipped out his magnifying glass, eager to help his shipmate, Doug. Arthur put the two magnifying glasses together, and it greatly enhanced the magnification. the crew could finally see the signature. it read ‘Ha ha ha ha ha!! You will NEVEr outsmart ME! I’m much too SmArt to put my Name on the Bottom of the LeTter!’ “NOOOOOOOO!” Pirate yelled like a madman. “WHY!?! WE WERE THIS CLOSE!” he said, making a claw with his hands, with his fingers about 0.5 inches apart. “Wait!” Arthur yelled, “I found a pattern!” “What is it?” Jeff asked. “See some of the capital letters?” he said, “list them in a line!” “Um… ok?” Pirate said while grabbing a notepad and writing down: NEVEMESANBLT. “What does it say?” He asked. “Now unscramble the letters, and make the name of one of the most infamous pirates on the Mediterranean Sea!” Arthur said excitedly.”Er… ok?” Pirate said, trying to unscramble the letters. “Nevel Betsman. WHAT!?! Doug has been captured by NEVEL BETSMAN!?! No way…” Pirate said worriedly “OF ALL OF THE PIRATES ON THE SEA, IT HAD TO BE NEVEL BETSMAN!?! WHY!!!!!”

Otteroar (LYI) drew the Bond card “Sibling.”

Pirate (Jerry) drew the Strength card “Persuasive.”

Pirate (Jerry) played their Strength card “Perceptive” and wrote:

“Wait,” Pirate said,” Nevel Betsman left the letter on the ship, and Otteroar was on the ship when we escaped the island. This means that Nevel is still on this ship! Search!” Arthur found Nevel hiding on the crow’s nest. “ Where is Otteoroar?” Arthur demanded. Nevel Betsman was caught by surprise and said, “He is hung on a string that is tied on the bow. Also, please don’t kill me.” Arthur simply tossed him into the ocean. He said,” I won’t kill you, the sharks will kill you.” They found Otteroar on the bow and rescued him. “ We wasted enough time,” Pirate said when they started the meeting, “ Let’s go find Captain Grey.” The ship fled toward the coordinates and arrived in two hours. They had finally found Captian Grey.

Pirate (Jerry) drew the Strength card “Experienced.”

Arthur (Wenqian) played their Flaw card “Worried” and the scene’s Setback card, “A crew member has disappeared!,” and wrote:

Just then, Captain Grey tied them up with a thick rope and yelled “Hahaha, I am not Captain Grey Lol, I am Nevel Betsman.” “ Do you remember when you threw me off the ship? Now it’s revenge time.” Said Nevel. The he suddenly said “ OH, by the way drink this bottle of soda. I bet that you are thirsty.” “ Gee thanks, I am very thirsty.” said Doug as he took a big sip out of the bottle. As Doug was drinking soda, which was just ocean water, Nevel was busy trying to throw Pirate in the ocean. “ Just then, Arthur asked “Where is Pirate?” “He’s gone!!!!!” Nevel Exclaimed . Just then, they heard Pirate screaming “ Help! Help! Quick! A Sssssshhhhhhhhaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrk!” “Lets Save him” Doug said “ I have plans for you guys. “ Nevel Betsman said happily. While Nevel Betsman was working on the special plan, Arthur picked up a rock and cut the rope around his body and then freed the others. They went to see what the plan was. Doug figured that Nevel was trying to crush them with an anvil. The anvil was hung above them and was attached to a thin rope that curled around the tree that they were tied by. Just then, Arthur had a plan too. They waited until Nevel fell asleep. Then, they carried him under the anvil. Next, They tied him up nice and secure to the tree. Finally, they dropped the anvil and it landed perfectly on his foot. “OOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!” Nevel Betsman screamed at the top of his lungs. Then, Arthur and Doug said together “Revenge is Sweet. they left the island and started searching foe the real Captain Grey and Pirate.


jeff (Tiffany4) drew the Strength card “Lucky.”

jeff (Tiffany4) played their Strength card “Lucky” and the scene’s undefined card, “undefined.” The epilogue begins with the game’s Ending card, “…and you are rewarded for your bravery..” They wrote:

  While the pirates were on the ship, Doug was using his telescope to try to find land and to find captain grey. After a while, everyone heard Doug yell out " Land Ho!" Everyone saw an island that was all green. As they got closer, the island did not look nice and wonderful as they thought it would be. It was actually black with tons of trash on the sides of the island. There were not real trees, there were a bunch of burnt trees and the scent of smoke in the air. When they got to the island, it looked so much like a jungle with a lot of bright trees everywhere. When the ship reached the shore, the pirates raced off the ship and made a plan. " We will split up into two groups," Arthur said. "Doug, pirate, Mike," you guys go north Arthur said. All of the three ran off for search for captain grey. "Me,  joe, and Kevin will go south to look for captain grey." Arthur said.All three of them went zooming off. When Arthur's group just started their journey into the jungle, mike's group was well on their way into the forest. In the jungle, there was lots of big trees that had fallen onto the path. Mike just easily chucked away the trees. An hour later, mike's group found a letter written on the forest floor. It read," I have stolen captain grey nd I have him with me. I will give you a day to find him. If you find him before sundown, I will give him back. If you don't find him, I will take him from the island and I will never give him back." Mike read. " It sound's like grey got kidnapped or something," said joe. All three of them looked all around for the signature on the paper. Nobody found one. Kevin pulled out an magnifying glass and looked even closer and slower at the paper. He found nothing. " I guess that we will find out who took captain grey ourselves," mike said. Then they heard someone calling out their names. "Kevin, Joe, Mike! Where are you?" They started to run to the noise that they just heard. In a clearing, they saw all the pirates looking at something. The three pirates ran to them and said," What are you guys staring at?" Joe said. " Do you see the mountains far away up there? Well, if you look at right of the bottom of that highest peak in the middle, there is a small village there and we were thinking that captain grey might be over there." said Arthur. All the three pirates squinted at the horizon. "Oh yeah, there is some houses over there by that mountain." said Kevin. " That's where that person that kidnapped captain grey is right now," Arthur said. "Let's go and save captain grey!" All the pirates said. While they were running to the village, all of them thought and said in their minds," Wow, all this traveling has been an fun adventure."

Otteroar (LYI) played their Flaw card “Secretive” and wrote:

The adventurers ran to the village, silently rejoicing. “Where do you think that Captain Grey is?” Arthur wondered aloud. “Um… I dunno.” Mike replied. It just so happened that he noticed a very faint pencil line weaving through the words, but he didn’t tell anyone that. “Ok, we should split up and search every single house in the village.” Arthur said quickly.”Ok.” everyone agreed in unison. “We should have one person look in one house at a time,” Mike suggested. “Great idea!” Arthur said approvingly. MIke stealthily snuck away to follow the map that was hastily scribbled onto the letter in light pencil. The map led to a big-ish house on the edge of the small village. He picked up the heavy brass knocker and slammed it against the big wooden door. No sound came out of the house except the sound of the knock echoing against the astronomical corridors inside the house. The weirdest part? The fact that there were no windows that could let sunlight–or moonlight into the house. “Is this a vampire’s house?” he muttered as he tried to push the heavy doors open. They were locked. Then he noticed what shape the doorknob was in–a bat. A BIG bat. He tried to say something, but no sound came out. He pushed the door harder, and harder, and HARDER. He stepped away from the door, panting and gasping for breath. “Oh my…” suddenly, a raspy voice that sounded like a blade on steel sounded right next to him: “a visitor. We hardly get visitors here.” Then, next to Mike, was a little old man?!? “You must be looking for Captain Grey, aren’t you?” the man asked. “Well, I’m afraid you are out of luck. It’s already night.” Mike looked behind him. Sure enough, he could only see stars all around him, and no sun. How did time pass so quickly? How had he not noticed that it was night? If only he had brought the rest of the crew. Then they could’ve rescued Grey much quicker. Had they gone back to the ship? Had he gotten the wrong address? A million questions swirled around in his head. He had to get back to the ship, but how? How would he get back to the ship without this hippie person trying to stop him? None of it made sense to Mike.

Pirate (Jerry) played their Strength card “Persuasive” and wrote:

The rest of the pirates realized that Mike was gone. They decided to look for him in the village. Then, Pirate found a strange-looking house with no windows. They decided to investigate. Arthur knocked on the door and a vampire appeared. The vampire grabbed Arthur and said,” I sense a group of pirates.” “Yes, you do,” Pirate responded. They came out of hiding and decided to confront the vampire. “ I shall suck your blood,” the vampire said, attempting to scare the pirates away. “Doesn’t blood taste bad?” Pirate asked, hoping the vampire is only joking. “Oh yeah, Why am I even doing this? Blood tastes horrible,” the vampire realized. He decided to let the pirates retrieve their captain. Captain Grey was so happy that he gave the pirates $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

Arthur (Wenqian) drew the Strength card “Smart.”

Arthur (Wenqian) played their Strength card “Smart” and wrote:

On the way back, It was peaceful until a massive cannonball almost wrecked their ship. “Our ship is under attack! Our ship is under attack!” The people in the lookout nest screamed. Then, another cannonball almost hit the chest full of gold coins that Captain Grey gave them. “We need to protect our money!” Arthur exclaimed. Just as Arthur was thinking if a plan, another cannonball hit the box of money and almost all of the coins fell through a hole in the floor. There was a loud cheer in the other ship. Then, a lot of people from the other ship started diving in hoping to get part go the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars. One of the people was Nevel Betsman. “ how dare you! We will get revenge on you sometime in the future.” Captain Grey yelled. Just then, pirate took out a big amethyst the size of his hand and whispered to it “whoever claims you will get extremely unlucky” Then, he threw it to the other ship. Then, everyone herd someone yell “ an amethyst! I’m rich!” Just then, a big wave lifted their ship out of the water and crashed it on the shore. All the coins that they stole popped out of a mailbox in the front of the ship. “ we got our money back!” Arthur exclaimed. They got about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars back. “Lets search the ocean for the other 500 bucks.” Pirate said happily. Together, they found a total of $449.33 underwater. They split up the gold and all got rich. At the end, everyone was happy and they all said “ Out of all the adventures we had, this was the best”.
5 years later, they meet up again to start a new adventure.

The End

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