A pirate’s life 15

A Pirate’s Life

A short story started by Xiaohei using the A Pirate’s Life storyworld.

Game cards:

  • Setting: “Unknown Waters”
  • Tone: “Heroic”
  • Beginning: “You’re lost at sea…”
  • Ending: “…and you uncover an unknown mystery!”


  • Tiffany2 is Kevin (The Captain) • 292 words
  • Xiaohei is Silas (The First Mate) • 204 words
  • Albert is Henry (The Sail Master) • 121 words
  • Lanlan is Maria (The Doctor) • 132 words

Act 1 Scene 1

Character Bonds

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “The Waters of Kirisle”
  • Challenge card: “Distracted by the Siren Song”
  • Success card: “You find safe harbor”
  • Setback card: “The crew is hungry”

Silas (Xiaohei) played their Strength card “Witty” and wrote:

In the misty day at Kirisle waters, Captain Kevin was in a bad mood because he had been having stale worm biscuit crumbs for days. All the crew were feeble and pale with even less food. All of a sudden, Kevin’s ears twitched, his eyes gleamed and he shouted, “Full speed to the EAST!” Silas the first mate was startled, “Why Captain? East is to the coral reef. Do you want us to crash?” Captain Kevin simply ignored Silas and seemed hypnotised, staring straight to the east, like being drawn by a huge magnet.

It was the most celestial song one could ever hear. It was soothing and calming and enticing to everyone, everyone except Silas who was wearing a big earphone with heavy metal music blasting to his ears. Suddenly he glimpsed the Sirens! The most beautiful creatures he had ever seen. Remembering the legend told by his grandfather, Silas ran to the steering wheel, turning it WEST, opposite of east and the song got weaker and weaker till it could not be heard. After they recovered, they had no food, they had merely exchanged a danger for another. Within days, the doctor estimated that they could not survive a week without food.

Kevin (Tiffany2) played their Flaw card “Arrogant” and wrote:

When the sun rose from the east the next morning, they woke up and they were starving. The high-pitched sound appears again, “Wake-up, Wake-up everybody!”, Captain Kevin shouted. Everyone jumped out of their bed, ‘Listen, the strange sound came again”, Captain Kevin continued. “Follow the sound”, Captain Kevin ordered Silas. Silas ran to the steering wheel on the top. The ship navigated to the direction of North this time where the sound came from.

Captain Kevin and other crew went to the top of sail, with his telescope, he saw a beautiful mermaid swimming in the far north sea. She seems to see the Pirate ship, she stopped and turned her head to the Pirate, then she swam further north. “Full speed and follow the mermaid”, Captain Kevin commanded.

After 5 hours and 59 seconds of sailing, when everyone was extremely tired and weak, “Look, look, an Island, an Island…” Silas yelled. In the distance, a small island, with all the green banana trees appears in their eyes.

Maria (Lanlan) wrote a Flashback, playing their Bond card “Family friend”:

They sailed towards the banana trees until they got there. The pirates was distracted by the siren song as if they were hypnotised or being sucked by a vacuum cleaner. Without any warning, Silas shouted “Stop the ship!” They were so close they had nearly crashed! Then they heard the siren song again so Captain Kevin shouted”Full speed ahead!” ……. “Why Captain?”, Silas asked looking puzzled. “You want us to crash?” But Captain Kevin ignored him.

Henry (Albert) played their Bond card “New friend” and wrote:

Silas just drove the heavy pirate ship full speed ahead and managed to freeze it. Captain Kevin demanded ‘ Sent down the cracked-wood bridge!’ He leaded us out, and we started grabbing the sweet bananas. Captain Kevin yelled ‘ Throw them into the barrels now!’

After all the bananas were gone from the tree, we started searching. Maria and Henry found something hard under the ground. Henry asked ‘Do we have spear?’ Captain Kevin quickly answered ‘ No!’ So we have to use our stiff shoes to dig it out. ‘ Treasure box! Treasure box!’ Maria screamed. We carried the bright glistening treasure to Capital Kevin, and he gave us gold medal and sailed off afterworlds. We lived happily ever after.

Henry (Albert) drew the Bond card “Protector.”

Maria (Lanlan) drew the Flaw card “Dull.”

Maria (Lanlan) played their Flaw card “Dull” and the scene’s Setback card, “The crew is hungry,” and wrote:

After 1 hour and 79 seconds of sailing the ship finally stopped to rest. We’re safe at last!” cried Captain Kevin. The crew smiled. Their adventure was exciting but it had ended. “Let’s stay on land for now ,” said Captain Kevin. “Let’s get something to eat.” But they couldn’t find somewhere where there was food.

Act 2 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “Shark Enclave”
  • Challenge card: “Stormy Seas”
  • Success card: “You find valuable medicine”
  • Setback card: “A crew member has disappeared!”

Kevin (Tiffany2) drew the Flaw card “Worried.”

Kevin (Tiffany2) played their Flaw card “Worried” and wrote:

They searched every part of the island, but could not find anything to eat on the island. So they ate the bananas on the ship. “Let’s leave this island, we are going to be very hungry here”, Captain Kevin said, so the pirates left the island. After 60 hours and 1 second, the sky started to get grey, and the wind started to pick up. So the rain started to fall and the waves started to grow higher, then the ship started to rock back and forth. As the storm happened, the pirates noticed a hurricane. The sky was dark as black hair, the storm is getting worse and worse, then the lightning came. Captain Kevin shouted:”We have to get away from the storm!”

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