A pirate’s life 13

A Pirate’s Life

A short story started by Anna using the A Pirate’s Life storyworld.

Game cards:

  • Setting: “Caribbean Sea”
  • Tone: “Realistic”
  • Beginning: “You set out to explore new islands…”
  • Ending: “…and you find what you were looking for!”


  • Planet is Victoria (The Captain) • 849 words
  • Ling is Rose (The Sail Master) • 452 words
  • Anna is Elizabeth (The Quartermaster) • 483 words
  • Harry4 is Miriam (The Doctor) • 499 words

Act 1 Scene 1

Character Bonds

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “Retreat of the Tempest”
  • Challenge card: “There’s a leak in your ship!”
  • Success card: “You find valuable medicine”
  • Setback card: “You’ve lost half of your riches”

Elizabeth (Anna) played their Bond card “Best friend” and wrote:

The crew set out to sail to the Retreat of the Tempest in search of valuable treasure. As they were sailing in the blue sea, Elizabeth noticed a leak in the side of the boat! And they were sinking faster than before every second! As Elizabeth rushed down to the leak, She desperately tried to block the hole up…Success! The ship is safe once more. The warm glistening water that lay before them never seemed to end as they looked further out in sight of land.” Land ahoy!”shouted a member of the crew as they spotted a deserted looking island. Splash! The anchor was hauled up and was now on the bottom of the sea. Everyone got out and was in search for food when they saw a strange looking cave. As the sun grew higher and higher, Elizabeth and Rose were brave enough to explore the cave. They both noticed a strange shape lying at the back of the cave.Clink Clank. They walked over numerous bits of golden, valuable treasure.”Whoah! Look at all this treasure!” exclaimed Elizabeth. “Shhh…”Rose hushed trying to figure out what the shape was. When the pair was so close they realised it was a dragon. But thankfully it was dead or both would have been fried eggs. Rose being the cleverest worked out that the treasure was the dragon’s valuables! As they trundled back to the boat the found the others looking forlorn and sad. “Why looking so miserable guys?” asked the friends. One of them lifted up their head and looked really sad.”We’ve lost half of our riches!” they wailed sadly. Elizabeth and Rose were shocked! Half of their riches gone! “It must’ve been that stupid leak, the treasures were stored there,” mused Elizabeth” but don’t worry we’ve found a treasure cave!” But super smart Rose thought differently. “But in the ancient books it said that a dragons treasure is always enchanted…” But the crew (except Elizabeth) laughed so hard they could of died.” Dragons! No no no it must have been a python! Take us there so we can see for ourselves.” As the set off to the cave, they looked and laughed and laughed until they said,” Look it’s just a big old python you silly pair!” Rose and Elizabeth looked and each other and felt stupid.” Well we’ll just take lots of the treasure then!” they cheered. When everyone was digging into the treasure (but Rose just watched cautiously), Elizabeth noticed a little bag filled with something heavy. She came over to investigate and found a small bottle of medicine that could cure you with only one drop. She pocketed it and went over to the rest of the crew. “Well shouldn’t we go back to the ship and sail elsewhere?” Every one agreed and all skipped back with pockets full. As the ship sailed into the far distance something stirred inside the cave…

Elizabeth (Anna) drew the Bond card “Best friend.”

Victoria (Planet) played their Bond card “New friend” and wrote:

Once again the creature moved . The crew tried to get the treasure but they were petrified that they were going to be swallowed in one whole dollop! I said:”Don’t be a scaredy cat! I have a plan. If we get a rope from the ship, while the python is snoozing we tie it round it’s neck or the whole body then it won’t be able to move but I think if we tie it around its whole body , it will be better. “ They all loved the plan but some were still not sure. “Come on guys! That’s not like a pirate at all ! All pirates are brave! If you don’t do it with me then I will make you walk the plank. “ (I said that because I was the captain.) They all agreed with me because they didn’t want to walk the plank. So we tied the rope around the python with ease. Then I went back to the ship to get some animal skin and started to weave it into a sack to put the treasure in (I was the only one who could weave because I was very talented.) We tipped all the treasure in the sack. Maybe I was imagining it, maybe not ,but I thought I could hear a faint hissing sound from inside the loot. ‘Can you hear something?’ I asked . The rest of the crew shook their heads, then went back to gathering the gold and diamonds. The hissing was gradually becoming louder and a serpent ten times larger than the one guarding the treasure, fangs as long as a person’s body and scales glinting in the sun . It bared its fangs and spat at them ‘What are you doing in my lair, how DARE YOU enter my home. You won’t be daft enough to come back here. Because you won’t be alive soon!’ There was an awkward silence. Only I seemed to notice the snake slowly but surely approaching me. Suddenly I yelled ‘RUN!!!’ The crew jumped, scattering half the treasure, saw the python and streaked back to the boat. I turned my head and gasped when the gargantuan serpent started smashing its tail on the wall of the cave. I started to lose the feeling in my feet, it was quickly becoming darker and darker. I ran blindly out of the cave,knowing that if I didn’t the cave would come down and the crew wouldn’t have a captain. Finally I found the entrance of the cave and the others waiting apprehensively.’ WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST STANDING THERE!?’ I bellowed ,letting my wrath break over them. The quartermaster jerked a shaking finger in the direction of the cave and I spun around to see what she meant and I had to clap my hand to my mouth to stop myself screaming. ‘GO, YOU OAF!’ We pelted back home as quickly as possible to get away from the poisonous green python . What a scaredy cat they are! I said . Now to face you. I prefer it like this , face to face,I said darkly. The snake hissed , so do I it hissed . I snatched out my sword and pointed it at the monstrous beast . Instead of getting closer to me it did a some sort of half whistle and half hiss,. It sounded very strange. Then a crowd of snakes came pelting after me. All the snakes howled with laughter,YOU NEED OUR HELP FOR THAT GIRL! THAT GIRL? HA ONLY A STUPID ,DONE PERSON WOULD NEED HELP FOR THAT! The now humiliated snake said,YOU DO WHAT I SAY !!!!!!!!! The snake roared. But all the snakes were slithering away. That’s better I said. It’s more even now I said firmly. How about let’s get started with the FIGHT the python finished off for me. Yes that’s right I said.SO LETS GET STARTED! I shouted. I brandished my sword everywhere trying to get my hands on the snake and I was so busy that I didn’t notice that my crew were watching me and cheering like we were at a bonfire night. I was making a few gashes,scratches, cuts and other things like that. Until finally it lay still on the floor. The crew said good job to me. We’d better get back home guys before another attack comes I said but when we got in a storm arrived . I pressed a secret button that only I knew where it was and a gargantuan glass covering spread across the whole ship! Well then shall we go back home then ? I asked . That’s for sure they chorused . Then let’s go before another attack comes. I said . So they returned back home safely . What a day, what a adventure and what a journey I said panting.(I had the adventure and the journey because I had to fight the snake and other risky things.)It had been quite an adventure and we were all quite keen to have another one ( with me this time not on my own)

Victoria (Planet) drew the Flaw card “Scary.”

Rose (Ling) played their Motivation card “Learn something forbidden” and wrote:

 It wasn't long after our little journey that I noticed something... something, quite out of the ordinary. I was accompanying Miriam, as usual, when the captain was hurriedly pacing down the corridor of our rooms. Nobody paid attention to such a subtle change, as usual, but I was concerned, as Victoria had quite a stern look on her face, and that never meant good news...
 Trailing Victoria, I noticed that she seemed to be fiddling with a minute bottle of some sort, which I had never seen before; I was almost certain that Miriam would be able to explain it. However, it still seemed peculiar to me that Victoria, who's quite bad at medicines, suddenly has a new type of medicine. However, the longer I pondered, however further I was to answering my question.
 She was heading to the Q and A section of our accommodation, where I hoped she would simply put in her question and come back out. But no, she stayed inside; this would simply not do for me, since she was taking time off her job - she was supposed to scout the local area, but now she was having a "break" - due in just ten minutes. Why couldn't she wait? Was she to sell it? No, we had already lost half of riches, and we needed to make a copy of the medicine before selling it....
 Once again, I pondered for a while, finally realising that she could post this to Miriam (or even any doctor/nurse, in fact) and answers would, hopefully, return. The captain may not have acknowledged this idea, so... *KNOCK, KNOCK.*

“Blimey barnacles! Who could that be,” groaned a sleepy voice. She rushed to the door, surprisingly, and added, “Hello! How can…” Her voice trailed off as I stared into her deep eyes.
“Hello,” I trembled. “Sorry to disturb you, but…”
“Oh, I know why you’re here – you’ve been following me the whole time!
“Well, I can explain…”
“No need… but, what have you seen so far?” At this point, it was evident that she was furious: her face was twisted and she was muttering under her breath.
“Umm, just a bottle of medicine that you were fiddling with?” Victoria grabbed me by the collar, but released me not so long after, sighing.
“Just… don’t tell anybody else, but…”
“Of course! It’s your wish.”
“I… plan to set sail soon, once again. But, most of the others… won’t come…”
“Why though – “
“That, is personal. However, as your captain, you are forbidden to tell any of the others. UNDERSTAND?” she slammed the table with her fist.
“Yes,” I trembled.
“Good, now return to your duty, instantly.” And with that, I departed.

Rose (Ling) drew the Motivation card “Do your duty.”

Miriam (Harry4) played their Bond card “Old friend” and the scene’s Success card, “You find valuable medicine,” and wrote:

The next day, I called the crew arguing again about setting sail. Nobody wanted to go, and I can’t blame them after what happened last time we went out to sea. Eventually, the captain managed to convince the furious crew that they would find something valuable out at sea. We have been travelling sometime when first mate yelled: “Land Ahoy.” We throw out our anchor and climbed out the boat.

The island looked like somewhere where people would live. The pale white sand on the beach and the dark green trees swaying in the breeze, looked strangely beautiful. “See!” Laughed the captain, “I told you it was not a bad idea! Let’s go and explore.” I set off climbing a hill. Soon I was on the top of the hill. I was exhausted and I still couldn’t glimpsed anything interesting. But then I looked behind me and gasped in amazement. There was a shipwreck on the other side of the island, and I could just see it from here. Too excited, to tell anyone else, I sprinted down the hill. This wasn’t easy, as there was no path. This side of the hill was much steeper than the one I had climbed. I fell over twice because of the heavy rocks in my way. Finally the shipwreck appeared in front of me.

Almost all the wood that made out of the ship had rotted away, and the crow’s nest had been torn off. The ship was humongous and even had a place that would’ve been a comfortable bedroom if the ship hadn’t sank. I hesitated and walked inside. I searched the hold for anything valuable, there was nothing there. But when I searched the deck and found a wooden chest with a shining golden lock, and the lock was open. I slowly lifted the lid, in it were not only more treasure than you could ever wish for, but a smaller box filled with little bottles of different coloured liquid. Some of them were poison, some of them were wine, but the one I was most interested in was a minuscule bottle of green liquid that had a label on it which said “extremely valuable medical supply, this can cure just about every sickness.” I sped towards our ship and screamed “ I got something, I got something!” Elizabeth turned around and asked “What is it now, Miriam?” “Look at this!” I shouted, throwing up the lid of the chest. They all stared, then everyone started talking at once. “ I have the gems” shouted the captain. “ I have the coins!” yelled the first mate. “And I am having the medicine!” I concluded.

With all the treasure we set off home. We expected the journey to be peaceful and quite, but then suddenly without warning, a tentacle reaches out of the water and snapped off our sails. A moment later, a gargantuan octopus as big as four of the pirates’ ships. It roared and then surged towards us…..

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