A pirate’s life 11

A Pirate’s Life

A short story started by Sueney using the A Pirate’s Life storyworld.

Game cards:

  • Setting: “Pacific Ocean”
  • Tone: “Funny”
  • Beginning: “There’s something strange in these waters…”
  • Ending: “…and you uncover an unknown mystery!”


  • Sueney is Mia (The Captain) • 535 words
  • Emma4 is Maria (The Doctor) • 909 words
  • Mark is invited

Act 1 Scene 1

Character Bonds

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “The Forbidden Sea”
  • Challenge card: “Sea Monster!?”
  • Success card: “You find valuable medicine”
  • Setback card: “You’re all exhausted”

Mia (Sueney) played their Motivation card “Get rich” and wrote:

At 1872 May the sixteenth, there is a pirate ship called Beauty, all the crew on it was girls. Captain Mia accidentally found a map of the Pacific Ocean, there is a strange pattern near the Bering Strait, she looked carefully at the pattern, and find out it was some valuable medicine! So she tell her crew to get ready for launch. The second day, the crew have a meeting, the Captain tells the crew:“ Now is everything ready? Maria, is the medicine ready?” “Yes, Captain.” “Sister, is the ship ready? And how is the weather?” “Of course, it is ready, and about the weather……Oh, well, the wind is big enough, 120 km/hour, and just one thing, do not call me sister, call me kit, it makes me fell strange.” “all right. Everyone have there map? Do not forgot, the thing we are looking for cost billions, if we find it, we will get rich! See me at the ship this afternoon, all of you, I got to go.”Then Mia grabs her hat and go straight out of the door.

Mia (Sueney) drew the Flaw card “Sick.”

Maria (Emma4) played their Flaw card “Secretive” and wrote:

As soon as captain Mia was gone, Maria sighed with relief, she was sweating, her body was boiling. Luckily, Mia didn’t want the medicine, because it was lost! Yesterday, when Maria went to double check the medicine it wasn’t there! The only marks were burning lava.

The burning lava appeared in Maria’s head.Maria learned a legend when she was very young. Neptune(The god of the sea)has a horrifying pet dog called Aquas Maris, Latin for sea. Aquas Maris had 3 heads and a fish tail, they had one eye in each head and pointed teeth like dagger, their tails were fish eyes like a shiny diamond. They would watch everyone who came near. He can shooting lava that can burn every thing in a blink.The Aquas Maris liked to eat people but hated swords, when someone had a very gleaming sword, Aquas Maris would whimper and hide behind Neptune. They also loved to steal precious medicine and stores it into a secret lock out cabin, like a secret den, when you got close to the cabin, it will shoot water and spikes.

It must be Aqua Maris who is causing this mischief, Maria thought. Soon, Maria made a decision. She will go and hunt this monster by herself and bring back the medicine.

Mia (Sueney) played their Strength card “Confident” and the scene’s Setback card, “You’re all exhausted,” and wrote:

When Mia got home, she also checked the map , founding the missing treasure nowhere to be seen, stead there was only lava marks. But since Mia have a lot of knowledge, she have thought of the same thing Maria thought? So Mia ran to Maria’s house, when she got to the door, she mock on it and ask “Hello? Is anyone there?” Then a note fly out of the window and night on to Mia’s face, she take it off and read it, it says: Mia, I’m going by myself. Mia is terrified at first, then she is arrogant again, thinking” I do not need you, I’ll do it myself!” And that is what she did.
Then on the second day, that’s May the seventeenth, Mia sails the Beauty out to sea, but she don’t have any medicine, so she is soon seasick. A month later, Mia feels awful, but when she check out where she is, she jump and shouted ”Good! Great!Yeah!“ It turns out she had gone the right way, and the ship is very near the treasure now! she can’t believe it! Suddenly her face turn pale, because she saw a giant sea monster fighting with Maria. Maria looked exhausted and dispirited, while Maria is fighting, Mia quickly thought of something, she thought, if the octopus looking monster is concentrating on Maria, I could just sail my ship to the back of the sea monster and kill it. And so she sailed her huge ship across the rocks and she swung around, flying in the air to the monster, killing it immediately and it turned out the sea monster is Neptune’s pet dog! From there it is mouth, Maria found a tunnel, then they walked in, and slide down the trout with excitement. At the end of the tunnel, something is glittering in the dark, it is the lost medicine! Ma takes the treasure and tell Maria, “that is how team work do.” They found another tunnel, go out shouting victory and smiling. Mia ask Maria why is this place smells so bad, Maria said, “Because this is the dog’s anus!!”

Act 2 Scene 1

Scene cards:

  • Place card: “Lagoon of Seaweed”
  • Challenge card: “Icebergs!”
  • Success card: “You find an important clue”
  • Setback card: “There’s talk of mutiny!”

Maria (Emma4) drew the Strength card “Responsible.”

Maria (Emma4) played their Strength card “Responsible” and wrote:

The exhausted Maria and Mia climbed out Aqua Maris’s mouth smelling awfully stinky like a pig rolling around the mud. Mia brought out her shiny golden telescope spotting if there was any sign of the ship. Finally, she noticed he ship north of the Aqua Maris, and they dived into the deep dark sea.

Maria was freezing, the sea was like a block of ice. Her hands were numb from swimming and her scarlet hair was soaked. Eventually, they arrived, but an unusual thing happened. After Maria and Mia climbed aboard the ship stopped moving. Mia moved the steering wheel left to right but the the ship still wouldn’t budge. While Maria was busy making medicine, Mia went to examine what had happened to the ship.

She grabbed her magnifying glass and climbed down the ladder. Mia spotted something slimy and lime covering the boat. Then she found out it was seaweed, that’s why the ship was so firm. She started to pull of the seaweed, but when she pulled it new ones would grow back. Mia was really annoyed so she decided to give up.

Meanwhile, Maria was making a new medicine Mia called everyone on deck. She shouted on top of her voice:”Everyone, prepare to dive. The ship is covered in seaweed so we will have to swim!” Maria glimpsed something coming towards them. She discovered that it was a ship, she told Mia” There is a ship coming near to us, we are saved!”

The soldiers on the deck cheered and Mia led them to the unknown ship. With one look at that flag Maria knew it was the meanest king in the world named Ivan. Ivan was selfish, he loved to make his slave carry him even though he had legs, plus he was amazingly fat. Maria told the others”Keep your voices down so they won’t spot us!” The soldiers listened to her as they climbed the ship.

One glimpse of the slaves Maria and Mia felt sorry for them. They were as thin as a hair and their hair were cut short. Because of their hard work some slaves were sick. Mia signaled the soldiers to a little shed. Silently, they closed the door and waited for something bad to happen.

Mia and Maria was bored of lying in the little shed so they sneaked outside to explore while the others fell asleep. Mia told Maria to separate so it they wouldn’t spot us. Maria agreed and headed towards the slaves while Mia headed towards the king. Maria found a soldier groaning on the floor holding his stomach wailing in pain. Maria rapidly bought out a stomachache curing medicine and fed it to the slave. With one sip, the slave brightened up.

The slave told Maria”Thanks for saving me! My name is Jake and I am the chief of slaves.”
Maria replied” No problem, I’m Maria a doctor, lead me to the other sick slaves.” Jake lead her to a tiny cabin, inside there was hundreds of poor faces wailing. Maria was stunned, she quickly rummaged in her leather brown bag and began helping these poor people.

While the slaves recovered Maria rushed to find Mia. Meanwhile, Mia was hanging out with a few slaves. Mia rushed to Maria and explained what had happened.”I went to find Ivan the king but i saw these slaves having an argument. They said that they were planning to kill them and ask if we can help.”
“Of course we can!” Maria replied
Mia squealed with delight”I will tell our soldiers and we will have a meeting tonight.

Maria, Mia and the slaves and soldiers met while Ivan was asleep. Mia spoke first”We need to kill the king and control the ship.” The soldiers and slaves agreed, it was time for action. The next morning all of the slaves went to king to cause a distraction. Suddenly, a ice burg crashed into the boat, luckily the boat didn’t sink. The king was dizzy so Mia lead the soldiers and Maria to kill the king with their swords. With one slash of their swords Ivan fell dead. The slaves cheered as Maria shouted”All Hail Captain Mia!”


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