9-11+ C1

Forums Reading Club 9-11 9-11+ C1

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    • #9423

      The Secret Garden

      Lesson 1

      Lesson 2

      Lesson 3

      Black Beauty

      Lesson 1

      Lesson 2

      Lesson 3

      Watership Down

      Lesson 1

      Lesson 2

      Lesson 3

      Lesson 4

      Little Prince

      Lesson 1

      Lesson 2

      Lesson 3

      Journey to the River Sea

      Lesson 1

      Lesson 2

      Lesson 3

      The Call of the Wild

      Lesson 1

      Lesson 2

      Lesson 3

      Thief Lord

      Lesson 1

      Lesson 2

      Lesson 3

    • #9522

      The Secret Garden – Lesson 1 (report)

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    • #9557

      My first impression of Mary is mean and selfish, because she doesn’t care about anyone except for herself, and kicks her survants.

      • #9719

        Great work, Jessie!

        You have very clearly expressed your first impression and given some really good examples from the text to support your answer.

        To make it even better, you could also mention why you think she is like this (i.e. because of her upbringing).

    • #9558

      My first impressions about Mary is that she is the kind of girl who wouldn’t listen. She wants to do whatever she wants. She’s a disobedient little girl and she doesn’t care about anyone. She doesn’t know how to dress up herself because her Anya did it for her. I think she need to be more independent.

      • #9720

        Brilliant work, Theresa!

        This is a really thoughtful and detailed answer. You have given great detail about your first impression and the examples you have given from the text demonstrate your point really well.

        To make it even better, you may also want to mention what you think made her like this (i.e. because of her upbringing).

    • #9618

      Mary’s mother and father are insulted her. They all have bewilderment because of the cholera and everybody is also panic-strickened. Everyone is imploring to let the cholera stop.

      • #9721

        Fab work, Vicky!

        You have done a great job at using the new vocab in these sentences, and it is wonderful that you have taken inspiration from the story.

        Here are some small edits: ”Mary’s mother and father insulted her. They were in a state of bewilderment because of cholera and everybody was also panic-stricken. Everyone was imploring for someone to make the cholera go away.”

    • #9653

      My first impressions of Mary is that she is a rude and ungrateful girl. She thinks she can do whatever she wants. She couldn’t dress herself  and was not bothered to pick up the things she had dropped on the floor, because her Ayah would do it for her. I think she needs to learn to do things by herself and think more about others, not just herself.

    • #9654

      In 1915 the cholera outbreak in the city was very serious. It was a totally tragic disaster, it caused lots of death and sadness. One day, a man in the pub drank a glass of wine and before the crowd there knew it, he was dead. Many more “catastrophes” were going on in the city.The villagers were panic-stricken and were full of bewilderment. It was very confusing, no one knew how this happened and started.

      The next day in the dead of the night, two cops were marching around, keeping an eye on the city.They just passed the pub when they heard footsteps. They quietly tiptoed behind a gigantic bin. After a second, they saw a woman slunking to the pub door. She looked like Scarlet killer, a fretful and malicious lady who escaped prison. The cops saw her holding a jar filled with poison while trying to unlock the door to the pub. They remembered the man at the pub drinking the wine, and thinking this they thought that she must be the person who sprinkled poison in the wine glasses. They ran up to her intensely, not wanting her to hear them. They shouted what are you doing? Before she could answer she was handcuffed to go back to prison.

      In the morning, the news spread quickly through the city and large happy faces were shown up again! Everything went back to normal but for the result for Scarlet, she had to give pure, lovely,“ un-poisoned” wine back to the pub manager. Also, she would have to stay in jail all her life because causing the horrifying cholera was unacceptable.

      • #9722

        Brilliant work, Weiya!

        This is a fantastic piece of writing. You have used the vocab very accurately and also created a really exciting and interesting story.

        Here are some small edits: “In 1915, the cholera outbreak in the city was very serious. It was a totally tragic disaster, it caused lots of death and sadness. One day, a man in the pub drank a glass of wine and before the crowd there knew it, he was dead. Many more “catastrophes” were going on in the city. The villagers were panic-stricken and were full of bewilderment. It was very confusing, no one knew how this happened and started.

        The next day in the dead of the night, two cops were marching around, keeping an eye on the city. They just passed the pub when they heard footsteps. They quietly tiptoed behind a gigantic bin. After a second, they saw a woman slunk against the pub door. She looked like the Scarlet killer, a fretful and malicious lady who escaped prison. The cops saw her holding a jar filled with poison while trying to unlock the door to the pub. They remembered the man at the pub drinking the wine, and thinking this they thought that she must be the person who sprinkled poison in the wine glasses. They ran up to her intensely but quietly, not wanting her to hear them. They shouted what are you doing? Before she could answer, she was handcuffed to be taken back to prison.

        In the morning, the news spread quickly through the city and large happy faces showed up again! Everything went back to normal but the result for Scarlet was that she had to give pure, lovely,“ un-poisoned” wine back to the pub manager. Also, she would have to stay in jail all her life because causing the horrifying cholera was unacceptable.”

    • #9717

      The Secret Garden – Lesson 2 (report)


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    • #9798

      I am Colin and my back  have an issue so I have to lie in bed all day.


      when my cousin, Mary came and told me about it. After  a couple of days, I went to the garden in a wheelchair with Mary and Dickon, I felt much better and slowly, with Dickon’s help  I got up and walking with a slow pace. Mary was trying to restore  the garden to it’s former of glory and asked me to help. At first I couldn’t but I kept persevering and finally I could!

      • #10135

        Great work, Theresa!

        This is a really lovely diary entry from Colin. You have taken on his voice wonderfully and clearly demonstrated how he feels about Mary and Dickon, which is great!

        To improve, you could add a little more description about what he experiences when he enters the garden for the first time.

    • #9844

      Dear diary,

      Today I went out for the first time in lots of years. I went to the Secret Garden which was the one my cousin Mary told me. But before that, I was in a dark room. Until one day, a person named Mary came to me. I asked her some questions, which she replied really well. A few days later, I went out. But I was ill-tempered so went out on a wheelchair.

      • #10134

        Lovely work, Vicky!

        This is a great diary entry. You have really demonstrated Colin’s pure excitement and have used details from the story very effectively.

        To improve, you could also add some extra information about what it is like when Colin finally enters the garden (i.e. what does he see and smell).

    • #9914

      Dear Diary,

      I just had the best day ever! I finally got out of my bedroom, it was boring staying inside for all my life till now, but today, Mary and Dickon took me out to see the secret garden for the first time!

      The secret garden was very hard to spot, the walls and door were deeply buried in thick, rough vines and branches. Luckily, we found the way in. I was so excited to see all the fascinating plants and flowers were getting ready to bloom in summer. The earth was waking back up from last winter. I saw Mary’s friend, the robin, he was so cute, he came down to catch some squiggly worms for his mate three times. There was a grey tree sitting on the side with a broken branch snapped on the side, it looked mysterious and magical. I loved going out to the Secret Garden, to breathe fresh air and have fun with my new friends!

      I had such a great and wonderful day! I can’t wait to replay all the excitement in my dream tonight. It is getting late Diary, I’d better head to bed now in order to wake up early tomorrow and have fun! I will write back to you tomorrow at dusk. Bye then!


      • #10133

        Beautiful work, Weiya!

        This is a brilliant diary entry. You have done a fantastic job at capturing Colin’s voice and you have used the information from the story very well indeed.

        To improve, you could also offer some more information about what Colin thinks of the other characters such as Mary and Colin.

    • #9919

      James sailed through the immense ocean, clear and wide. He once was a man with dignity, but he was now left alone. No one was really feeling absorbing to him now, and he was been obliged to leave the town he lived in for what seemed like centuries. He was eagerly hoping to see a land-oops! Sorry, I forgot to introduce James. He was a handsome man with strawberry-blonde hair and a nice pair of glass. As now, he felt brooded-now back to the story. Okay, where was I again? Oh yes. As I was saying: He was eagerly hoping to see a land.

      A few hours later, his boat delightfully landed on a soft surface of sand. He ran around that land to kind of repair himself. Mysteriously, there was no one there. As James became tired, he stopped to rest for a second.

      “Maybe blueberries would do,” he muttered to himself. “Or maybe strawberries.”

      • #10132

        Excellent work, Vicky!

        You have done a wonderful job of using the words that we learned in this lesson and have written a really beautiful short story. Your descriptions are absolutely stunning!

        To improve, you could also try adding in some more similes and metaphors to build your wonderful description even more.

    • #10115

      My favourite part of The Secret Garden is when Colin gets out of bed and goes to the garden for the first time. He gets excited and shows a big smile on his face. He has fun by spotting new things and watching the robin fly around. Colin enjoys the place so much they leave until  the sun sets. He starts to feel love by the lovely surroundings and gradually he becomes more calm and less harsh. The relationship with Mary and Dickon builds stronger when they are together. He also begins to realize how much fun he has missed out and he can always have fun no matter what. Not only Colin changes but Mary does too, when she discovers the Secret Garden and plays with friends, she starts to be more gentle and kind. This is the power of love, this is why I like this part of the novel the best.

      • #10131

        Beautiful work, Weiya!

        You have chosen a wonderful part of the story as your favourite and given an excellent description of what happens in these moments. You have also brilliantly discussed why you enjoy this moment so much.

        To improve, you could try to find some quotes from the text to help support your answer.

    • #10866

      Black Beauty – Lesson 1 (report)

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    • #10868


      I fell on the SLIPPERY floor. Of course I had forgot that my mum just moped the floor. So, I tried to stand up, but instead, I slipped again(maybe I kicked too hard), and landed on my butt.


      “Ouchie!!!” I cried, desperately trying to stand up again.
      “Are you serious?” Asked my sister.
      “What do you mean? OBVIOUSLY, I can’t stand up,” I replied, a little bit annoyed.
      “Okay then, maybe you could hold onto the table.”
      “WHAT??? You know that I can’t reach that high!”
      “HEAVE, then,” said my sister not being merciful.
      “You WHAT???” I cried, the value of my temper rising.
      “HEAVE???” I repeated.
      “YES! Heave!!!” Cried my sister. So I heaved and heaved.
      “HEAVE!” Encouraged my sister. I was willing to stand up, then finally one last heave, I stood up.
      “Thanks…” I muttered. Then, my sister left. After she left, a DEADLY thing popped into my mind. Of course I did’t realize that it was deadly, because it sounded way too wonderful to be deadly.


      So, I pretended that I was flying. Well, at least that was only for a SEC. I jumped up into air and…


      I fell on the massive sofa, but I landed on my butt again.

      • #11112

        Wonderful work, Vicky!

        This is a really fun and exciting piece of writing. Your use of repetition is really effective and you have used speech to great effect.

        To improve, you could also add a little bit more description so that the readers have a better idea of what these characters are like (i.e. what do they look like, what facial expressions do they pull?).

    • #11058

      Black Beauty – Lesson 2 (report)


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    • #11075

      Now, this story starts with something unnatural. Well sorry to say this, but it was from when I was small…

      One morning, when I was in a mega good mood, I picked up a rock from the pathway.

      “Hello?” I asked. OK, I think that’s nothing fun waiting for the response of the rock.

      Well, the reason I picked up that rock is because of that it was sufficient to let me like it.

      “HELLO?” I asked a little bit louder. OK, to say the truth, I said it A LOT louder. So you might be thinking of what I was thinking, and what I was thinking was that it(the rock) was disobedient to me. It was lame waiting for the response. So then, I went to see my sister.

      Of course it didn’t work. She just said to try it a bit harder, so I went away but it didn’t work.

      Well, I thought that rock had a violent curse, after all.

      So then I searched on my iPad: will rocks have violent curses?

      Well, so then it was alarming that it said yes AND no so I didn’t really get it. Then, I went to my mum, and asked her.

      “Oh, you silly sausage!” My mum replied after I asked her ‘why won’t my rock reply to me?’. “Rock are not living things!” She finished and smooched me on the cheeks.

      Oh, gross.

      So that’s how the story ended. Well actually, I felt a bit confused of what I just did.

      • #11114

        Great work, Vicky!

        Again, this is a beautiful piece of writing. The way you begin your story is excellent, as it really hooks the reader and makes them want to read on to find out what happens next.

        To improve, you could try to add in some more literary techniques (such as simile or metaphor).

    • #11082

      black beauty lesson 2

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      • #11115

        Fantastic work, Yilin!

        This is a wonderful description of a nasty master. You have done an excellent job of describing in detail what makes him such a bad horse-keeper and your handwriting is absolutely beautiful.

        To improve, you could also try to use some literary techniques to help push your descriptions even further (i.e. simile and metaphor).

    • #11123

      Dear diary,

      My new owner was very cruel. He gave me no food and no rest. This morning, I was sleeping in my stall , feeling starved. Suddenly, a banging sound broke the quiet morning. I opened my eyes as wide as I could to locate where the sound came from. It was my master, holding a spoon and banging on a pot fiercely. My body was trembling and my teeth were chattering. I was petrified. My master put away the pot and grabbed the saddle to place on my back.  The saddle was so heavy that I couldn’t stand firmly. But I have to be obedient to my master or I would get whipped.  He took me out and rode on me. I galloped and galloped until he whipped me intensely. I was so frustrated that was determined to not to tolerate him any longer. I stopped , and threw him off my back .

      • #11281

        Beautiful work, Cynthia!

        This is an excellent diary entry. You have clearly demonstrated the suffering that Beauty has undergone and you have done a great job at using very emotive language.

        To improve, you could also have a go at using some literary techniques such as simile (i.e. I felt as hungry as a bear that had just woken from hibernation).

    • #11237

      Black Beauty – Lesson 3 (report)

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    • #11267

      My favorite part of the book was chapter 48 and 49.

      After Black Beauty had suffered a lot of pain, she was finally reunited with Joe Green, a young man that used to look after her tenderly. Beauty will never be sold and can ultimately settle in a lovely place with a kind master. she will have merciful life when she stays with her friend , Merrylegs, after a long separation, although Ginger died unexpectedly.

      After Birtwick stables reopens , all the horses can go back there and have a merciful without foul experience any more. Therefore, all the horses were free from their stalls into a large pleasant meadow.

      I believe all the horses there will be defended and stroked nicely by their kind owner.

      • #11283

        Brilliant work, Cynthia!

        You have picked two wonderful chapters as your favourite. You do a great job of concisely explaining what happens in these sections and why it uplifts you.

        To improve, you could take some quotes from these sections to help support your answer.

    • #11426

      Watership Down – Lesson 1 (report)

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    • #11453

      I am very happy they get to leave the old warren to go and find a new warren.

      Firstly, they will get to go on a amazing journey to find a safe new homeland for there friends and whole family.

      Secondly, they will easily find a new home where there is plenty of food and clean water like a river.

      Thirdly , far  away from peoples and hunter who want to  hunt the rabbits.

      Fourth, make the burrow strong enough to keep the Efrafa’s away from there homeland.

      Finally,I sincerely hope that they can find a vast homeland , so that they can have more rabbits to live ,make their group stronger and resist violence together. Live a happy life forever.

      By Harry Liu

      • #11585

        Lovely work, Harry!

        This is a really beautiful piece of writing. You have done a brilliant job of taking inspiration from the text and your use of vocabulary is excellent.

        To improve, you could also try including some other literary devices (i.e. simile) to make your writing even more descriptive.

    • #11454

      I felt miserable for those rabbits to leave their cosy and pleasant home. They also had to leave their friends and family.The wood that the rabbits lived in were covered with primroses. Those rabbits knew every patches in the wood,  as familiar as their home.  However, they had to leave. It was precarious to go through the places that they never been. Some rabbits might die on the way to find a new warren. There could be forays happened unexpectedly so they must be prepared to battle at any time or even face sudden death. They had to be precautious of going into a snare or being shot by human. Furthermore, they had to be cautious of choosing who to trust with, in order to tell who were their friends that to cooperate with and who are their enemies that they have to fight against. The chef rabbit had huge liability to defend the warren or might need to scarify themselves. Therefore, a great leader is essential when they were toward to unknown future.

      • #11586

        Great work, Cynthia!

        This is a very sophisticated piece of writing. You have captured the character wonderfully and have used the vocabulary in a really interesting and appropriate way. I particularly love your ending!

        To improve, you could refer to some of the other characters by name to root the readers more deeply in the novel.

    • #11583

      Watership Down – Lesson 2 (report)


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    • #11621

      Dear diary,

      It was my first day as a leader. we decided to go toward the down, where there were lots of green patches and abundant of food to survive. I asked bigwig to pack some carrots, Dandelion to get the medicine ready and Bluebell to prepare a few bottles of water in case we could not reach water. Fiver came to my home to discuss the route to the down. It took us a long time to check the map and found the safest route, less frays and snares. It is plausible to get more does in order to build a new warren, as safe as we had before. Therefore, battles will be inevitable. I will choose Bigwig , an intrepid rabbit, to become the commander ,leading the does during the battles. Fiver had a precious gift-the sixth sense. I will listen to Fiver’s suggestion before making any judgment, although he is petulant occasionally. I , as a leader, have to be kind and polite, like a father so the whole warren will feel safe with me. I have to be wise and intelligent, like a teacher giving solutions to the warren when they are in the difficulty. I have to be courageous and fearless like a hero defending for the warren. I knew it would be a hard job, but I would take the liability bravely.

      • #11884

        Wonderful work, Cynthia!

        This is an excellent diary entry. You have done a brilliant job of presenting Hasel as a valiant and noble leader. You have also incorporated many important aspects from the book.

        To improve, you could also refer to Woundwort and make some comparisons between the way he ruled and the way Hasel does.

    • #11628

      Dear diary,

    • #11629

      Dear diary,

      The May sunrise put a shimmering glaze of light on the honeycomb. It waked me up and the birds tweeted like they were happy. I waked up Fiver and Bigwig, we think about a plan to steel the cabbages from Nuthanger farm. It was amazing what we think about. When they waked up, I told everyone the plan. Then there was heated discussion about plan. The plan was a foray journey to the farm. There were some does at the front of farm. They said to us: let us free and we will give you anything you desire. I said: yes, that sounds good!  So me and my brother bit the head of the nail. I got a nail out and told the does to push from the inside. While Bigwig was on the lookout for the cat who was named Tab.

      • #11885

        Great work, Harry!

        This is a beautiful entry. Not only have you captured how wonderful a leader Hasel is, but you have also created some really lovely descriptions which makes your writing very interesting to read.

        To improve, you could mention Woundwort and make some comparisons to how he leads and how Hasel leads.

    • #11630

      Then there was trouble, the cat followed the 3 hutch rabbits and then he pounced on to one of the hutch rabbit. We must be to save the doe. Bigwig go and fight the cat. I yelled to Bigwig: hit the cat in the eye. Then I heard a scream. It’s over. The cat ran away. We ran to the cabbage area and stool 6 cabbages. The way home was hard because we couldn’t see in front of us. We made it home at sunset. The sunset has dyed the sky golden, which indicates that it will sill be fine tomorrow. Everyone is happy for today’s harvest. As night fell, I lay in bed, expecting to eat more cabbages in my dream. I also pray that everything will go well tomorrow and we can find enough food.

    • #11917

      Watership Down – Lesson 3 (report)

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    • #11924

      Homework for lessons 3

      My sister said that she had a cunning plan.
      Of course it was on my spiritedly mom because she was full of energy(well, maybe only sometimes).
      So, the plan was like this:

      First, we open the door a bit.
      Second, we put a fluffy toy on the gap of the door.
      Third, one of us acts like a tyrant person so mom would be angry.
      Fourth, before she goes into the room, she definitely would need to open the door.
      Fifth, the fluffy toy would fall down, startling mom. Or maybe it would BONK on her head!
      Sixth, she might scurry away, but since she was our mom, she should not feel faint of the fluffy toy’s BONK!
      Okay, that sound still pretty painful. But still, it was a FLUFFY toy so it shouldn’t be that painful.
      So last step, we go over to mom with protection just in case she wants to punish us.

      • #12163

        Great work, Vicky!

        This is a really fun and exciting plan. I love the way you have laid it out; it is very easy for the reader to follow the steps. Also, you have used onomatopeia really well in this piece!

        To improve, you could maybe describe what your sister is like a bit more in the story.

    • #11960

      Here is my homework, thank you.

      answer to the second question.
      Hazel and the others scurried to the threshold, waiting anxiously. Blueberry laughed at one of his nonsense jokes but then Hazel silenced them all. After that, a faint intolerable noise came into their ears. It was thar tyrant with his cunning group of the wild patrol and the owsla. Bigwig, the most courageous rabbit signed and whispered,’ We need to go back to the honeycomb to tell others that the Efrafans are coming after us!’


      • #12164

        Great work, Yuexi!

        This is a wonderful story and you have done a brilliant job of using the new vocabulary. I also love how you have taken inspiration from the book and used it in your writing.

        To improve, you could try including some imagery to make your writing even more descriptive (i.e. what can you smell, hear, feel, taste…).

    • #11962

      My favorite part of the  book is when Kehaar help the rabbits when escaping from the Efrafa’s warren, because Hazel and the others helped Kehaar fix his wing . Hazel and Kehaar made an agreement that he will help them break  the rabbits out of Efrafa the rabbits waited for Kehaar he came when they had to fight he scared the the efrafa’s bucks and grabbed them with his claws. The fight was violent there was blood and dead rabbits.

      • #12165

        Lovely work, Harry!

        You have picked a really interesting part of the book as your favourite. You have given the reader a really good overview of what is happening in this extract and you have painted a very vivid image of this scene with your description.

        To improve, you could talk a little bit more about why this is your favourite part (i.e. do you find it exciting, tense, does it intrigue you?).

    • #11977

      My favourite  part of the book was when the bus and does in Efrafa escaped from General Woundwort’s control. General Woundwort was a tyrant, and he treated his does and bucks as if they were prisoners. General Woundwort sent officers to guard does and bucks to prohibited them run away. Does and bucks were split up by different marks that were engraved on paws. I believed they were melancholic, pain and hopeless because they had no freedom and no respect.

      It was blessed that Hazel and Bigwig set those bucks and does free after General Woundwort and his soldiers were defeated. Hazel invited them to Honeycomb, a warren full of love , to settle in. THe bucks and does went to a place that was pain free, freedom, cheerful life and respect.

      Captain Holly died in the battle, sacrificing his life to save Hyzethly, his dear friend. I can learn that help others and save their lives are valuable no matter how dangerous the circumstance is even we might lose our life.

      • #12166

        Brilliant work, Cynthia!

        You have picked a really interesting part of the book as your favourite. You clearly describe exactly what is going on in this section to the reader, which is great as it helps them to understand why it is your favourite. Your vocab here is also great!

        To improve, try adding a bit more of an explanation as to why it is your favourite (i.e. as well as teaching a lesson, does it make you eager to know what happens next, does it make you excited?).

    • #12171

      Watership Down – Lesson 4 (report)


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    • #12231

      The naughty monkey

      The zoo was bright the monkeys laughed except a monkey that was always enraged. This irritable monkey is huge. It always keeps its eyes wide open, he have golden sleek fur.  It’s big nostrils are constantly moving, and it’s breathing heavily. He would eat all the bananas and he would sometimes make the monkeys fight for food.

      Nobody visited the monkey place for a long time, this is because every time tourists come, they always encounter monkeys fighting. Sometimes monkeys throw bananas away from visitors, which is too dangerous for them. It’s all down to the irritable monkey, because he is just provoking other monkeys.

      The new day morning, the wind was blustery as the sun came out. The irritable monkey said: “ Why are there no visitors?”

      The zookeeper said angrily “ you are naughty!”

      He replied “ give me a chance, I will impress you!”

      The zookeeper gulped and said “ ok! Last chance!”

      The visitors came they saw the monkeys and gave them bananas. A monkey stole a banana from the irritable monkey and he started to scream. The irritable monkey hit it away with one punch, and the visitors were scared away. The irritable monkey yelled “ he stole my bananas first today.”

      The zookeeper decided to move them to Kenya and let them be free.

      The monkeys left and the parrot moved in. The nuisance happened, parrots are twice as naughty as monkeys. They stand on the visitors heads and grab their things.

      There is no quiet in the zoo!

      • #12438

        Wonderful work, Harry!

        This is a really fun and entertaining story. You have used some excellent adjectives to describe the monkeys and you paint the scene incredibly well. Your use of vocab here is brilliant.

        To improve, you could try to discuss some of the other senses (i.e. taste, touch, smell).

    • #12259

      There once was a colony of  courageous rabbits living in the green grassy wood with lots of leafy trees. Those rabbits raided for farms everyday in order to look for bucks and does to build up their warren.

      One day, some rabbits found a farm called Lavender farm, where they found lots of rabbits living in the hutches as if they were prisoners.  They scurried back to report the startling news to the chief rabbit.

      The chief rabbits, Hazel, followed the rabbits that found the farm to meet the bucks and does.  He saw that the bucks and does were locked in the double decks hutch as tiny as a match box. Some of them even injured due to the narrow spaces. Hazel determinate to set them free. He went to persuade them to join his warren,which was in the Watership Down.

      Hazel and hutch rabbits decided to make an escape attempt that would happen in the following day Fu inle.

      Hazel searched the farm and found an old man patrolling the farm intensively, a dog with black sleek fur barking spritely as soon as he spotted unusual.

      Hazel asked Speedwell to distract the old man by sauntering in the plants. Pipkin was ordered to enraged the dog and led the dog away. Dandelion and Holly guarded the gate to ensure the gate open. It was plausible to have two other rabbits to  be ready for backing up. Whereas , Hazel and Bigwig hurried to the hutch to nibble the wire and free the hutch rabbits.

      It was startling that bucks and does were saved and they lived happily after.


      • #12440

        Lovely work!

        This is a beautiful story and you have taken inspiration from Watership Down really well. Your use of vocabulary is excellent and you have done a fantastic job of setting the scene.

        To improve, you could try adding in some more simile or metaphor to make the writing even more descriptive.

    • #12408

      There was a story. My mom said that it was a scary one. I gulped. My sister’s gulp was even louder. Then, the story started.
      “So, there was a boy,” my mom said. I guess my mom didn’t want to scare us so she said ‘boy’.
      “And he was a naughty boy. One day, he went out alone into the woods. But suddenly, two cold, shiny yellow eyes appeared. Then, it jumped out of the shadows.” My sister whimpered. “Then, a thousand more cold, shiny yellow eyes appeared. They herded the boy to the elder creature. But the was no one on the big, fat wood stool. But suddenly, a blustery came. There sat the elder creature. A werewolf.” She ended the story quietly.

      • #12439

        Lovely work, Vicky!

        This is a really interesting and creepy story. You have captured the characters’ fear incredibly well and have done a wonderful job at creating suspense.

        To improve, you could add a little more detail about the characters (i.e. what do they look like, how do they sit).

    • #12436

      The Little Prince – Lesson 1 (report)

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    • #12482

      I feel approving because I also sometimes feel that way towards grown-ups. I also feel appreciative towards him because when the grown-ups did not understand his picture, he made another one to explain it to them rather than getting into a bad temper.

      • #12850

        Nice work, Jack!

        This is a very thoughtful response. You have clearly thought deeply about this extract and have expressed your views in a very clear and well-organized way.

        To improve, you could try to use extracts from the book to further illustrate your points.

    • #12489

      The magnificent find

      On March 8, archaeologists found a scroll about the dinosaurs. This dinosaur had 3 horns and 4 legs that is instinct, in ancient times, they lived in today’s Amazon forest.
      Archaeologists came to the Amazon forest to find dinosaur fossils. They searched four caves according to the records in the scroll, but they didn’t find them. While searching for the fifth cave, a miracle happened. They found huge dinosaur bones. This is an important and magnificent discovery in human history.

      Dinosaur bones were huge, thick, smooth and hard. They pondered what to name the dinosaur, the best one was triceratop. The archaeologists said: “ it was magnificent and valuable.”

      Dinosaur bones left the dark spooky and mysterious cave and were transported to the British Museum.

      The news reported the great discovery. Many people go to the museum to see dinosaur fossils every day.

      who knows which dinosaur is found next?

      • #12852

        Lovely work, Harry!

        This is a very fun and exciting story. You have done a brilliant job of hooking the reader and the adjectives you use to describe the scene/objects are fantastic. Ending with a question is also very clever!

        To improve, you could try to add in some similes and metaphors to make your writing even more varied.

    • #12495

      I feel quite confused at the narrator’s picture as I also thought it was a hat like what the text said.What makes me think of that is that the text had shown a broa digesting an elephant but the picture didn’t show the elephant in the broa’s stomach so that was why I thought that it was a hat and it also looks like a one too.

      • #12856

        Lovely work, Yilin!

        You have clearly expressed your thoughts in regards to this question and you have done a great job at explaining why you feel the way you do. You have also referred very well to the text.

        To improve, you could also try to consider the other side’s point of view a little more.

    • #12545

      I feel bad about the narrator. Because his parents disheartened him when he did his masterpiece number 1.
      ‘Frightened? Why should we be frightened by a hat?’ They replied modestly. They didn’t think that it was magnificent, maybe. I feel angry too. To his parents, of course. They didn’t make him want to draw anymore. They made him lose hope and confidence. I pondered about that because whenever I draw something, my mom always says that it’s fantastic. But I just don’t get why the narrator’s parents thought that it wasn’t awesome.

      • #12857

        Great work, Vicky!

        You have carefully thought about this question and have produced a very convincing answer. Your use of quotations is also great as it helps the reader to understand your points.

        To improve, you could also think about other feelings that you might have towards the narrator.

    • #12624

      Firstly, I think the narrator gave up his magnificent career as a painter too easily.

      The young narrator tried his best to draw a masterpiece of a boa constrictor to show the adult after he read the book. Those adults couldn’t understand the picture of the boa constrictor. So the narrator drew another masterpiece to explain it to the adults. The adults advise was to lay aside narrator’s drawing of boa constrictor whether from the inside or the outside and to devote himself to geography,history,arithmetic and grammar. The narrator was disheartened by the adults. Therefore he gave up becoming a painter.

      Secondly, the narrator had a complaint about the adults.

      The narrator’s complaint was that it is tiresome for children to explain one thing to adults as they couldn’t understand children well.

      Lastly, I think the narrator is very patient.

      The narrator tried his best to explain his masterpiece to the adults. But the adults couldn’t understand the masterpiece. Therefore, he made another attempt by drawing another masterpiece to make the adults understand what it is.

      • #12858

        Lovely work, Cynthia!

        This is an incredibly detailed and thoughtful response. It is clear that you have very carefully thought about this question and it is wonderful that you have considered various feelings that you have towards the narrator.

        To improve, you could use some quotations from the text to help support your answer further.

    • #12805

      Sorry for the lateness of the last homework of Watership Down.

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    • #13398

      The Little Prince – Lesson 2 (report)


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    • #13672

      22/03/2021 Monday

      Dear diary,

      Today was a very bad day as nobody believed my information about a tiny planet.The reason why nobody believed me was that I was dressed a lot differently so they started teasing me  like calling me a weirdo or calling me a jerk and that made me feel very dejected.As I was trying to explain the planet the people who were listening to me just went of and called me a weird turkish scientist as I was from Turkey .Some also told me that I should quit becoming a scientist as it was no good for me and that made me very upset,when I was little I had always wanted to be a scientist  and I studied a lot of science so that was why I was so upset but now I need to rest .


      Speak to you soon

      Astronomor XX

      • #13790

        Wonderful work, Yilin!

        This is a fantastic diary entry. You have clearly captured the feelings of the astronomer and you have woven in information from the text very well.

        To improve, make sure you do not have spaces between words and punctuation (i.e. ‘rest .’ should be ‘rest.’).

    • #13679

      Tim saves the day

      An early morning nice and bright. Tim work up for a cup of coffee, he made coffee and watched the news. The breaking news is that a rhino escaped from the zoo. He was frightened by the news, and choked on the coffee. Because the zoo is very close to his house.

      while he was cleaning his coffee, his neighbor Lewis knocked on his door. Lewis yelled: “ you saw the news! Hurry and stick the door with wood.”

      I said: “ I don’t have wood planks.”

      Lewis gave him planks and strengthened the gate and fence for him.

      The next morning Tim heard a growl. He quickly hid in the attic, gasping for breath. The rhino rushed into his house. Just as Tim was shaking with fright, he heard the sounds of the police car, followed by a confused sound, and finally an animal howl. The rhino was knocked down with a tranquilizer gun by the zookeeper.

      When Tim came down from the attic, everything was quiet again. The rhino were back to the zoo, and Tim’s house were in a mess.

      Tim is safe. He hopes it won’t happen again. He’s already thinking about moving. Move to a house far away from the zoo.

      • #13794

        Great work, Harry!

        This is a very exciting and tense story. You have done an excellent job of setting the scene and expressing the emotions of the characters. I really like your funny ending!

        To improve, you could try adding more imagery (i.e. what can they hear, smell, taste).

    • #14032

      The Little Prince – Lesson 3 (report)

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    • #14059

      My favorite part of the book is when he meets the king, the business man, drunken man, conceded man, geographer and lamplight, because they all act differently. The business man is always greedy, the king is assessed with power, the conceded man is vain, the dunker man is addicted to alcohol, the lamplighter is obedient bureaucrats on orders and the geographer records position of mountains without going there.

      • #14788

        Wonderful work, Harry!

        You have selected a really interesting part of the book as your favorite. The explanation you give here is great and you have used some very impressive vocab too!

        To improve, you could take some quotes from the text to help support your answer.


    • #14079

      Today was a very chilly morning Tommy the policeman was taking a stroll in the town park wearing his favourite ermine when he suddenly caught sight of a suspicious guy running from the government who was running towards the man.Tommy then caught the thief and asked the criminal to give back the thing he stole but the thief said that he had ought to know were it was so Tommy arrested him and finally found the item . After that incident he gave the pearl to the government and the government had an authority to ban all crimes committed and that military soldiers were to protect people’s home so after that all the criminals who had heard  the government then started to feel dejected so that was the end of all crimes.

      • #14789

        Beautiful work, Yilin!

        This is a wonderful story. You have done an excellent job of using the vocab that we learned and the way in which you set the scene is particularly great. The ending of your story is also very impactful.

        To improve, try adding in some similes or metaphors to make your work even more descriptive.

    • #14399

      sorry for late submitting the homework from lesson 2.

      Dear Diary,

      Recently, I received an invitation to the International Astronomical Congress after I found a new little planet.

      Today, I went to I.A.C. After I arrived at I.A.C , the security guard requested me to go through the security door. I was told to put all my belongings on the table to be checked if there was any weapons or dangerous stuffs. I was allowed to go to the waiting  room. Not long, I started to present my findings to the people in the meeting. I told them  all about the little planet that I had found. Unfortunately, my report was not accepted by the people in the meeting. There was no claps or response, instead they shook  their heads and I heard some chanted “he was wearing a Turkish clothes and he must be Turkish.”” How can Turkish people know about planets?” “It is queer that Turkish talk about planets.”

      I was so embarrassed, as I did something wrong. All my hard work had been wasted and meaningless to a group of people that only can judge me from my dressing.

      I was silenced and turned around. What a shame!




    • #14402

      My favourite part is chapter 8 and chapter 9.

      Those chapters talk about the little prince keeping a close eye on a new shoot in case it was a baobab. once it stopped growing taller, it began to blossom. The little prince was surprised to find that the plant was a beautiful rose. The rose asked the little prince to attend to her needs and take care of her. The little prince admired the rose and looked after her very carefully. But, the rose began to torment the prince by telling lies in order to get the little prince to heed her. So  little prince decided to leave and explore the spaces that he had never been to.

      I think the little prince is good-hearted. He watered the rose and looked after rose very carefully. He put  a dome over the rose in the evening  to prevent her from getting cold. He admired the rose but he just didn’t know how to love the rose.

      The rose is a well prepared flower. She chose her colour and sorted her petals with great care. She did not wish to appear like a crumpled poppy. She really want the little prince to heed to her, but she didn’t know how to express herself , instead, she lied and used cough to hide her embarrassment, which upset the little prince and made him leaving the planet.

      We should express ourselves truthfully and tell others what we want straightly.

      • #14790

        Lovely work, Cynthia!

        These are both wonderful chapters to choose as your favourites. You have given excellent descriptions of what happens in these chapters and you clearly have a great understanding of the characters. You also have taken away some very important messages from the book.

        To improve, try using quotes from the text to help demonstrate your points.

    • #14643

      Journey to the River Sea – Lesson 1 (report)

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    • #14651

      Today was a peculiar day. I walked along the pavement and for the first time I found a houseless, grotty boy sitting down on his own.As I got closer to the boy,I could see that the boy had one or two pimples on the his face then I asked the boy “what  is your name?” As the boy trembled to speak he eventually got leon out of his mouth.Just at that moment  I had a phone call……I HAD WON THE LOTTERY FOR SOME REASON!!!!The man at the phone told me that I had won one hundred billion pounds and then I was so fortunate.As i hung up the phone,I had an idea that I could help Leon.Then I rented a house with furniture in it for Leon to live in.

      • #14791

        Great work, Yilin!

        This is a very exciting and intriguing story. The way you start is fantastic, as it really grabs the readers’ attention. You have also done a great job of using the vocabulary that we learned.

        To improve, try using paragraphs and starting a new line whenever someone new speaks.

    • #14661

      At the beginning of the book, the author describes Maia’s class in detail. It describes her unusual appearance and her nervous mood. Her parents died, and she was afraid and worried about her future. She didn’t want to be alone.
      I like the description of the following sentences very much:

      * as everyone knew, he was bringing news about her future.

      * with her pale triangular face, her widely spaced dark eyes. Her ears, laid bare by the heavy rope of black hair, gave her an unprotected look.

      * Maia rose to her feet. Fear is the cause of all evil, she told herself but she was afraid.


      Hi Jessica, I still don’t understand the meaning of “Grimey”  this word. Please explain it to me. Thank you so much.

      • #14792

        Great work, Harry!
        <div>You have shown that you have a wonderful understanding of the opening of the book and the way the writer builds tension. You have clearly presented the evidence for this and it is very easy for the reader to follow your argument.</div>
        <div>Grimey means ‘dirty’ or ‘covered in dirt’. For example, you might say ‘I was playing in the mud so my boots were very grimey’.</div>

    • #14722

      Mr Cater owed a lot of debt , so he brought Maia to the Amazon to live with his family. But it was not for looking after Maia, instead he wanted to occupy her money that were left by Maia’s parents.

      Maia was a little girl , whose parents died in the train crash unfortunately. She was adopted by Mr Murray, a lawyer, and went to the best school in England, the May Fair Academy for young ladies. Mr Murray arranged the caters who live in Amazon to look after her.

      Maia thought that she would be able to explore the Amazon and have a tremendous life there with the Caters. But when she arrived, she was so disappointed that she was locked up in the house like a prisoner, and had tinned food rather than freshly cooked meals.

      So Maia’s expectation was destroyed, and author created the tension between Maia and the Caters.

      When the Carter’s house was on fire, Mr cater knew that Maia was in her room ,but he didn’t go to fetch her and save her, he even didn’t bother to try. Instead, he went to his study to get his collection of glass eyes.  Fortunately, Maia clambered out the window and escaped. Here, the author built another tension that bring Maia back to the May Fair Academy in England.


      • #14793

        Fantastic work, Cynthia!

        This is a wonderful piece of writing. You have covered the story wonderfully and your explanations are clear and concise. Also, your use of vocabulary here is very sophisticated and well selected. I also like your use of simile!

        To improve, you could also speak a bit about how you felt as the reader reading this story.

    • #14870

      The writer build tensions at the start of the book by saying it is a fabulous school just for girls. That makes the reader go into the rich citizens world. It says big classroom so it grabs the readers attention because you want to be in the richness. Then it tells the reader about the teaches, nice teaches and good teaches. It also gives the reader the question in the lesson their at to see how good the lessons are. It makes me go strait into the book and I can express myself.

    • #14965

      Tension is created in the beginning when Mr Murray comes to Mayfair academy to bring some news about a little girl called Maia Fielding. It is about her future. There could be many possibilities of the information that Maia is going to receive. Is it some bad news or good news? This creates tension at the beginning of the story

    • #14966

      Tension is created in the beginning when Mr Murray comes to Mayfair academy to bring some news about a little girl called Maia Fielding. It is about her future. There could be many possibilities of the information that Maia is going to receive. Is it some bad news or good news? This creates tension at the beginning of the story.

    • #14979

      Journey to the River Sea – Lesson 2 (report)


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    • #15109

      Dear Diary,

      It all started when I had an argument with my family. I didn’t like it so that night I creeped away, out of my house. I saw an ebony black sky, emerald green grass and worst of all I was glistening cold. I was scared, frightened, terrified and nervous. My teeth was chattering and I was shivering.  I saw rabbits, foxes,  owls, rats, squirrels, badgers and deer’s in the park. Suddenly I saw a canary yellow boat with cherry red oars. I hopped on it and paddled away. In a corner of my eye I saw an island. I  paddled towards it. I recognised it but I didn’t know what it was. I saw my family and they let me inside. I cooked dinner for them. Then we were a family once more.

    • #15232

      I like Maia very much, Maia is the type of girl who is studious , honest and a good academic. She is thoughtful , sweet and a little bit mischievously. When it says that Maia’s parents are dead, she is very worried about her future. I was also very sad and worried about Maia.

      In addition, I also like the description of Amazon forest and animals in the book, which makes me learn a lot.


    • #15893

      Call of the Wild – Lesson 1 (report)

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    • #15933

      The writer sets the scene when good old Buck was having the time of his life in a colossal house that he ruled and did as he pleased.He could  swim all he liked,he could run all day in garden that was as big as a living room or he could be inside and eat all the meat he ever wanted while watching TV.


      • #16107

        Lovely work, Yilin!

        You have described the start of the book really well. You picked up some of the most important facts from the beginning and have painted a great picture for the reader.

        To improve, try to also summarise what else happens at the beginning of the story (i.e. Buck being stolen).

    • #15934



    • #15935

      Sorry that was an accident …

    • #15941

      The writer uses three pages to set the scene at the start of the book. Buck lives in a big and beautiful house; the host dotes on it very much; it lives a carefree life every day. The description of all this is to pave the way for major turning point. Such a happy life of the dog suddenly stolen by bad people, its life has changed. Such a big contrast makes readers very sad and worried about its future .

      The important sentences:

      Buck lived at a big house in the sun-kissed Santa Clara Valley. It stood back from the road, half hidden among the trees, through which glimpses could be caught of the wide cool veranda that ran around its four side.

      And over this great demesne Buck ruled.

      the whole realm was his. He plunged into the swimming tank or went hunting with the Judge’s sons …….

      he was king, king over all creeping, creeping, crawling, flying things of Judge Miller’s place, humans included.

      • #16108

        Brilliant work, Harry!

        This is a wonderfully detailed and clear piece of writing. You have discussed how the scene is set at the beginning of the book incredibly well and the ‘important sentences’ you have picked out are very cleverly selected; these quotes also support your answer.

        To improve, you could also analyze the quotes you selected and say what their effect is.

    • #15959

      The author started with Buck having a lovely and peaceful life. However, suddenly he was kidnapped and had to suffering with toiling a sledge .

      Buck used to have a unconstrained and comfortable life with Judge Miller and her children. He lived at a big house in the sun-kissed Santa Clara Valley.He was treated as a king ,not a house-dog or a kennel dog and could go hunting with Judge Miller’s sons. Judge Miller ‘s grandsons were always carried on Buck’s back ,which Buck really enjoyed.

      It was a calamity for Buck that he was kidnapped by Manuel by tying a rope round his neck firmly, followed by starving for two days. A club hit him rudely but Buck managed to survive. He was fed with water and chunks of raw meat. Since then he was constrained and had to obey the orders , or his life would be put at risk. Instead of being a king in Santa Clara Valley, Buck became a slave that lost freedom. He was used as a Husky and forced to pull sledge to find Gold Yellow Metal.

      Author used clear contrast to make reader feel how poor was buck was suffering in order to make people treat animal fairly and nicely.


      • #16109

        Beautiful work, Cynthia!

        This is a brilliant and very well-detailed response. You have clearly highlighted how the reader sets the scene and your discussion of his use of contrast is particularly wonderful. Your vocabulary is also brilliant!

        To improve, you could also find some quotations from the text to help support your answer.

    • #16303

      Call of the Wild – Lesson 2 (report)


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    • #16314

      Dear diary,

      Today was my first day in the wild with the other dogs.After being captured by the man in the red sweater,I was finally informed that I had to be in the outstanding group.I had meet a lot of other strong-looking dogs and found out that Spitz was the head dog.Even though I was new to the camp that didn’t mean that Spitz couldn’t show of his razor  sharp teeth that were as sharp as shiny knives.As Spitz walked up to me I knew that he especially hated me and I felt the same way but before we could even fight,the man in the red sweater called out our names as it was time to pull the sledge.When we finished pulling the sledge we had lunch,raw chicken,then after lunch I realised that if I stayed away from Spitz he wouldn’t bother me that much but I was very wrong every time I stayed away from him he would come closer  which I thought he was jump and attack me but the man in the red sweater was always watching us like a hawk .At dinner we ate raw lamb chops and our masters ate cooked beef , when dinner was over we had to go to sleep but I didn’t want to sleep with Spitz so I made my own bed.

      • #16442

        Excellent work, Yilin!

        This is a brilliant diary entry. You have incorporated ideas from the text wonderfully and have done a great job at painting an incredibly vivid picture for the reader.

        To make it even better, you could describe what the weather was like a bit more to stress how important his bed/food is to him.

    • #16471

      My favourite part of the book is when Buck had defeated Spitz in the fight because Spitz was known for his strength but Buck had surprisingly defeated him and proved that Spitz was to not win plus Buck was also graduated  to replace Spitz and become the head dog of the pack.(Spitz also ran away defenceless into the forest).

      • #16572

        Lovely work, Yilin!

        This is a great part of the book to pick as your favourite. You have done a great job of describing what happens in this extract and your use of vocabulary here is brilliant.

        To improve, you could speak a bit more about how this part of the book made you feel (i.e. excited, scared, triumphant).

    • #17260

      The writer sets the scene on an autumn day in Venice when Victor first hears about Prosper and Bo. The canals,gleaming in the sun,dapped the ancient brickwork with gold.But the wind was blowing ice,cold air from the salty sea,reminding the venetians that winter was sneaking upon them.Even the air in the alleyways tasted the paper,white snow and only the carved,wooden statues on the rooftops of houses could feel the warmth from the pale sun.

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