Current affairs and Debate 3

Forums Current affairs and Debate Current affairs and Debate 3

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  • #12266

    Preparation for Lesson 9:

    Read 5 of the below articles for class and take note of arguments for and against. In order for you to participate fully, a good grasp of background context, examples, and arguments for and against will be helpful – so please do the reading!

    TIP: Don’t automatically read/watch the first 5 links. Have a click through the links to see which ones are the most interesting to you (your favourite could end up being near the end of the list)!




    Does school determine your success in life?


    • Have class discussion and debate
      • What were some compelling arguments for and against that you came across in the homework?
      • Focused debate
    • Feedback and comments
  • #12505

    Preparation for Lesson 10:

    Hi everyone! I’m looking forward to our final class – and seeing as it’s the last one, we’re going to do things a bit differently. As you already know, we’re going to have a more formal (‘sides’) debate next class. However, we’re going to make it even more like a ‘real’ competitive debate by preparing for the motion in real-time! So, read some of the below articles (and watch the videos) to prepare for class, take notes, and brainstorm what possible topics of debate they could be relevant to. I’ll be releasing the motion at the start of class, and you’ll have 10 mins to prepare your points with your team. The more material you have, and arguments you come up with based on the reading, the better prepared you’ll be for the motion. At the end of class, we’ll be playing Pictionary! In order for you to participate fully, a good grasp of background context, examples, and arguments will be helpful – so please do the reading!

    Thank you for being such a wonderful class, and I hope to see some of you again soon 🙂

    TIP: Don’t automatically read/watch the first 5 links. Have a click through the links to see which ones are the most interesting to you (your favourite could end up being near the end of the list)!




    • Motion release and prep time
    • Debate
    • Feedback and comments
    • Pictionary and goodbyes!
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