
Forums 2024 Spring Courses Reading-Year34-Mon(China)

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    • #40887
    • #40896

      Summary for Lesson 1

      In today’s class we began work on Alice in Wonderland, thinking today about how we can interpret the beginning of the book. We started by sharing our thoughts on the novel before looking at the scene where she falls down the rabbit hole, trying to get inside her head to see what she must be thinking. We read the passage and thought about whether her thoughts seemed like the ones we would have before doing some VIPERS questions on the passage. The students then made some excellent inferences about Alice from the text, drawing up character profiles and using quotations to back up their ideas. Fantastic work everyone, well done for your imaginative work and see you next week!



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    • #40934
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      • #40990

        Wonderful poetry writing here Andy, well done! I love that you have used some fantastic poetic techniques such as repetition, the rule of three (low and low and low) and rhyme. You have set the scene beautifully in the opening lines and I love how the final stanza is one sentence flowing over four lines, reflecting the fall down the rabbit hole amazingly. The final line is really great as it is abrupt and short like the end of Alice’s fall and I love the way you have used rhythm throughout. Really great work well done 🙂

      • #40991



    • #40937

      When Alice falling down the hole,

      she take out a flag pole.

      She want to jump high,

      but she is not light.

      She saw a falling cat,

      and the cat have a hat.

      They fall on the floor,

      and they ran in the door.

      • #40992

        Brilliant poetry writing July, well done! I love how your use of rhyme gives this poem a beautiful sing-song effect, making it sound very Lewis Carroll in the process. You have used images such as a falling cat and nonsense images such as the flag pole really well to reflect the chaos of wonderful and I really enjoyed that you showed us what some of Alice’s thoughts are as she is falling. A strong ending too that closes the poem really well with its use of a rhyming couplet. Amazing work well done 🙂

        Grammar (corrections in bold):

        When Alice is falling down the hole,

        she takes out a flag pole.

        She wants to jump high,

        but she is not light.

        She sees a falling cat,

        and the cat has a hat.

        They fall on the floor,

        and they ran in the door.

    • #40993

      Summary for Lesson 2

      In today’s lesson we continued work on Alice in Wonderland, thinking today about character and Lewis Carroll’s choices in the book. We began by thinking about the scene where Alice eats the cake, using this to think about what the author’s inspiration could have been, before doing some hot-seating which the class did amazingly. We then spoke about characters we found interesting and the class came up with some of their own Wonderland-inspired characters, writing conversations between them and Alice. Lovely work today everyone- your characters were very vivid and entertaining and played with the themes of the original story amazingly. Keep up the great energy 🙂



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    • #41102

      Andy’s homework

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      • #41163

        Wonderful work Andy well done 🙂

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    • #41165

      Summary for Lesson 3

      In today’s lesson we finished studying Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. This lesson was all about digging deeper into the text, thinking about the role of nonsense language in the book and working on dramatising the book, performing a scene from the book from a script and thinking about the conventions and effects of script writing. We also considered how to echo Lewis Carroll’s writing style in writing Mad Hatter-type nonsense insults! Everyone did wonderfully in today’s classes, particularly when acting out the script of the Caucus Race, where the students showcased their acting skills amazingly. Well done everyone, see you soon 🙂

      P.S. The Caucus Race script is attached below the PPT to help you remember the script structure to help with the homework

      Mad Hatter Tea Party scene:



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    • #41296

      Alice(walk in the room): Hi! How are you guys?

      Others(shaking heads): No, No room!

      Alice(mad): Don’t you guys know what was respect?

      Someone(talking to others): What was respect?

      Others(curious): I don’t know.

      Alice(very mad): You guys don’t know what was respect!

      Others(move to a side because scared from Alice): Umm, Yes?

      Alice(sitting down):  You guys are very rude.

      Everyone eating……

      Others: Let’s go to play!

      Alice: Can I play with you guys too?

      Others(run away): No! No more people!

      Alice(go away madly): Like I said, you guys are very rude!

      • #41379

        Beautiful script writing July, well done 🙂

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    • #41399

      Summary for Lesson 4

      In today’s class we began work on Just William thinking about the historical context of the story. We began by discussing how we felt about the book before looking at when we thought the book was written. We learned about what life was like for children in the 1920s, 30s and 40s and the class asked some excellent historical questions about that period in time. Finally we spoke about the sexism in the book towards Violet Elizabeth and discussed what we would say to the Outlaws about it. Fantastic ideas today everyone, particularly when considering the history behind these books and how William’s character is a product of it. Keep it up and see you next time 🙂

      History video we watched:



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    • #41465

      I think in Only William’s world, it is very not fair about girls can’t do any thing.But I like this book because William is optimistic and naughty. He knew about girls can’t do any thing, and he is a little bit of mad and he thinks it is unfair to the girls.

      • #41485

        Great work July, well done 🙂

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    • #41483

      Summary for Lesson 5

      In today’s class we carried on our work on Just William, thinking about characters and what makes them funny in this story. We started out by discussing our favourite characters before listening to the story being read by Martin Jarvis, thinking about how Violet Elizabeth is presented. The class came up with some amazing characters of their own that would either be friends or enemies of William before writing and sharing some Just William-inspired conversations. Lovely work today class particularly on your character creation which was very fun and creative. Well done for your thoughts this lesson and see you next week 🙂

      Homework video:

      Here is the audiobook link we listened to (remember to find more to listen to if you enjoyed Martin Jarvis reading the Just William stories!):



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    • #41594

      Summary for Lesson 6

      In today’s class we finished our work on Just William, thinking about comedy and humour in the book. We began by discussing the homework before the class came up with some amazing Just William adventures of their own. We thought about what makes something funny and listened to a radio play recording of one of the Just William stories, discussing why it made us laugh. Next, we thought about how Richmal Crompton thinks kids should live their lives and they wrote some fantastic persuasive letters to a made-up adult from the perspective of one of the Outlaws outlining all the things kids should be allowed to do, which they did amazingly, before reflecting thoughtfully on why William always stays the same age. Fab work everyone, well done and see you next week 🙂

      Video we watched:



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    • #42911

      Summary for Lesson 7

      In today’s class we spoke about the book Clockwork thinking about the theme of time and the way the author communicates his message. We learned about how stories are compared to time in the book and the class wrote some amazing stories of their own based on the theme of time. Additionally, we spoke about dark fairytales and what Philip Pullman might mean when he says this story is an example of one. We learned about the Brothers Grimm and their fairytales and debated the meaning of them. Incredible work today everyone- really impressive and creative ideas. Keep up the wonderful job, remember to read Clockwork if you haven’t already and I will see you next week 🙂



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    • #42928


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      • #43001

        Really creative work Andy- well done! I love the way you have used the genre of dark fairy-tales to think about how your characters would face the challenges the story throws at them. You have used amazing examples of fairy-tale characters and have thought about how you can communicate the moral of the story to the reader, sharing a powerful idea on loss & conflict. You have thought about the different fates of the two main characters beautifully and I really enjoyed the idea that it eventually brings peace and everyone is grateful to the princess for her part in this, even if she had to sacrifice a lot. To make this even better, could you describe these characters in more detail, i.e., what do they look like? What is their history? What is their personality like? I’ll also post underneath this with any spelling and grammar corrections. Overall fantastic work, well done 🙂

        • #43002

          Here is the corrections 🙂

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    • #42998



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      • #43004

        Fantastic work July, well done! I love how you have presented this as a fact file, showing us all the most important elements of your character and describing him as a terrifying villain! Your ideas about his appearance make him stand out a lot and I love the idea about his hobbies all being violent and reflecting how evil he is. You’ve connected this back to the genre of the story beautifully, showing us what role he would play in a dark fairy tale, and I thought your idea about how he studies war is a great one, showing us the ways in which he has learned to be evil over time. Your description is very vivid and I really enjoyed how you showed us lots of aspects of his personality. To make this even better, could you tell us a little bit about his backstory and how he became so evil, or give us a sense of the world he lives in, i.e., is it a fantasy world, can the characters use magic, etc?  I’ll also attach any spelling and grammar corrections to this. Overall wonderful work, well done 🙂

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    • #43006

      Summary for Lesson 8

      In today’s lesson we continued our study of Clockwork by Philip Pullman. The powerpoint with all the resources is attached below, which should be used to help the students with their homework. The powerpoint contains all our work on the genre of the story, thinking about the genre of mystery in-depth, our work thinking about the name of this story and what it reveals & the idea of bad behaviour being punished in the novel. Everyone worked wonderfully today, really amazing thoughts on the genre and style of this book guys, particularly when you discussed it in your pairs! Keep up the great ideas and see you next week 🙂

      Here is the mystery genre video:



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    • #43027

      My Homework

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      • #43040

        Lovely ideas here July- very well done! I really like your idea about the destructive nature of fear and how this novel tries to teach us to face the world with courage. The point about gaining strength through these experiences is a fantastic one and I loved the idea that with new experiences, even if they are challenging, comes greater knowledge and a deeper understanding of the world around us. To make this even better, could you link this to a moment in the book that proves your point? Which character has to be brave in this story? Overall wonderful points here, well done 🙂


        *this story wants us to know not to be scared 

        *you can be stronger 

        *the moral of the story

        *things that you haven’t seen before

    • #43038

      Summary for Lesson 9

      In today’s class we finished our work on Clockwork, thinking about persuasion and Faustian pacts. We began by thinking about which characters were interesting in the story before learning about the story of Dr Faustus and how it links to the book (selling your soul). We discussed which character does this in the story and the class then wrote some amazing persuasive speeches to Karl from the novel persuading him either to make the pact or not and using some persuasive language too. They then wrote a poem from Karl’s perspective and thought about whether he would regret it and why. Lovely work today everyone- you were all super creative throughout and thought beautifully about how Karl’s emotions may change throughout the story. Keep up the amazing work and see you next week 🙂



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