Creative Writing(Monday)

Forums Creative Writing Creative Writing(Monday)

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    • #3394

      Aims of the lessons
      ★ Equip students with invaluable writing skills .
      ★ Teach students how to produce different forms of creative writing (i.e. c reative fiction, analytical
      writing, letters ).
      ★ Excite and encourage students to continue reading and practicing their writing skills.
      ★ Engage students in class discussion to build both the skills as an individual and as a team
      ★ Offer students personalised feedback and help them build their strengths and improve their
      weaknesses .

      10 Lesson Plans

    • #3510

      The Story Of Dino mike

      Once upon a time, there was somebody named Mike(nickname is Dino mike).In his first journey with Dinosaurs, he met someone named Shannon(nickname is triceratops Shannon)and a weird guy called Jurassic Jeff(Shannons big brother and someone like the Bone twins(you will meet them later in the story)).He joined team Dino(that’s Mikes team name).Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you MUST be thinking who are the Bone twins, they brung fossil back to life.But sometimes, they teleport to the Mesozoic era to get their own dinosaurs.So team Dino worked hard to think of a idea to stop the Bone twins!

      PS:My favourite books are fantastic Mr Fox, Story thieves, Harry Potter and, you might not know, Transformers.

    • #3522

      Summary for Lesson 1:

      What did we cover
      – Introduced the course and each other
      – Discussed the different forms of writing
      – Discussed and worked on structuring a piece of writing
      – Discussed and worked on making writing more interesting (i.e. using adverbs,
      – Discussed and worked on ‘Show not tell’

      Class report
      It was brilliant to meet the students this morning and begin our first lesson of the course. We
      began by discussing what we will cover over the next 10 weeks, how the lessons will work,
      and then did a round of introductions. It was great to get to know the students a little more and
      find out about what their favourite books were.
      We then moved on to discussing what different forms of writing there are (i.e. fiction and
      non-fiction) and why it is so important to know your audience. The students had a solid
      understanding in these areas, which was encouraging to see.
      Next, we looked at how to structure a story.As well as completing some tasks which required
      the students matching a sentence to the structure block it belonged to, we also came up with
      our own ideas of how to open and end a story. This early exercise showed the students
      creativity which will be invaluable as we go forward in our lessons.
      We then thought about how writers make their stories interesting and focussed on using
      adjectives and adverbs. The students very much enjoyed coming up with different descriptive
      words and produced some wonderful sentences.
      To finish, we did an exercise on ‘show not tell’ and looked at how writing can be made more
      descriptive by describing how emotions manifest themselves in a character rather than just
      stating how they feel.
      This was an incredibly encouraging first lesson and I am very excited to read the students’
      work and move on to our first focussed writing session.

      Homework for Lesson 1:

      Write the opening to a story. In your opening you should set the scene and introduce at least one character. Be sure to use adverbs, adjectives, and ‘show not tell’!

    • #3548

      Lesson 1 – Homework

      The opening of a story

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    • #3550

      Coco and the gentle unicorn

      Once upon a time there was a kind little girl named Coco, she have a golden hair like gold,  her skin as white as snow, and her lip was rad as blood.She live in a little small dark treehouse.One day she clime down the hard treehouse and want to get some fruits, and when she clime down the treehouse she see a wound unicorn, at that time scared and worry about the unicorn, so she run to the unicorn and took the unicorn back to her treehouse as fast as she can and help the unicorn do the wound.And when the unicorn wakes up she saw that Coco was making some fruit to her, and in that time the unicorn start to like Coco.And when Coco look at the unicorn and she say to the unicorn “ Hi,you finally woke up,I guess you have no name so from now on I will call you Rolna ok? ” Rolna listened and went back to sleep.

      PS:My favourite book was《Charlie And The Chocolate Factory 》

      Rita Huang Siu Ning’s Home work

    • #3554

      Lesson 1 homework
      The opening of a story by Caleb Che

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    • #3557

      Adventure of Peter and John

      By Anna Baratier

      Somewhere in a very very small town lived a little boy called Peter. Peter lived with his aunt. He had never met his parents and his dream was to meet them, but they never came. Peter was sad from time to time,but his best friend John would always make him happy again.


      But one day his aunt told him « Your parents will never come ». Peter went to his bedroom with John and said « my aunt just told me that my parents are never going to come », the silence filled the room. « If your parents can’t come why don’t we go for them »said John« of course why didn’t I think about that before?>>said Peter.

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    • #3560

      Feed back from Jess

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    • #3565

      Feedback from Jess

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    • #3609

      About Geronimo Stilton


      This is a story about some frauds mouse named Geronimo Stilton.He is the most un-atheletic mouse on the block.He is the publisher of the Rodents Gazzete, the famous newspaper on mouse island.He lives in new mouse city and many adventurous friends and family members.He loves his nephew, Benjiman, the most.He also has a friend professor  who’s name is professor paws Von volt(nickname paws Von volt.).Professer paws Von volt built seven time machines and Geronimo went to the Jurassic and Cretaceous period and Genghis Khans time!Then he wrote books about his splendid adventures.But most of the time he is lazing around in his cozy mouse home.


      From, Leo L

      • #3786

        Jessica’s feedback for Leo.

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    • #3808

      Summary for Lesson 2:

      What did we cover
      – Reflected on what we covered last lesson
      – Discussed how we found the homework and read through students’ work
      – Discussed what was good and what could be improved in our homework
      – Discussed what the look out for in a story that you are going to continue
      – Looked at stories and brainstormed ideas of how we might continue them
      – Composed our own continuation of a story individually
      – Shared our writing and discussed what we did well

      Class report
      We began the lesson today by recapping what we covered last lesson; it was great that the students remember the activities we did and why they were important.
      Next, we spent some time thinking about our homeworks. We discussed what we enjoyed about doing the writing and what we found challenging; many students reported that they loved being imaginative (which is great!) and that they found choosing the best vocabulary and doing ‘show not tell’ (SNT) sometimes challenging. With this in mind, we will do extra
      work on ‘SNT’ in future lessons.
      A few students then volunteered to share their work. They read through their writing and then myself and the students discussed what we enjoyed about it. I also offered some comments  on what could be improved.
      We began our work on ‘continuing a story’ by discussing what we would look out for in the story that we are going to continue; the students were good at realising how it is important to notice the characters, settings, objects, action, and mood in a text.
      We looked at an example story and picked out the important information that we would use when continuing the story. Then, as a group, we brainstormed some ideas for how we might continue the story.
      We moved on to doing some individual work; we read through another extract together, identified the key information, and then the students were given 10 minutes to continue the story.
      To finish, we shared our work and discussed what we did well. I was very impressed by the quality of the students’ writing, particularly as they had a short period in which to do it; it was clear that they had taken on board the learning done in the lesson and put this new knowledge into practice very well.


      Homework for Lesson 2:

      Read the passage below. Continue the story.

      (Look up the definitions of any words that you are unfamiliar with.)

      Soaring majestically in the warm currents of air, the eagle flexed her mighty wings in a demonstration of power and agility. She enjoyed these early morning flights as the sun began to rise and the earth warmed to the touch of its rays. The air was fresh and clear up here in the mountains – it was going to be a glorious day. As she swooped and swirled idly, she spotted a flicker of movement among the spruce trees below. Folding her wings, she plummeted earthwards, gathering a speed unmatched by any other creature on this mountain. As she neared the swift approaching ground, she stretched and turned, talons extended. What was it that she had spied only seconds ago?

    • #3832

      Suddenly, she saw the most unexpected thing she saw in her life.A pack of ferocious hunters.Their name of their group was<The Eagle Killers>.they were armed with cutlasses and guns which shoot out about 2000000 bullets three goes.She heard them chantIng”Yo ho ho, we are <The Eagle Killers>!!!Here we are, stupid Eagles!!!Come near if you want to!!!But you won’t last long!!!Here we come, time for you to die!!!”.When she heard this, she really needed to run as they were getting extinct because of them.She flew at the speed of light as she did not want to be made into roasted Eagle.She was glad that she now never saw them again.

      PS:She flew at the speed of light as she didn’t want to die.

      YIS:At the speed of light means that it (he or she)is moving very, very fast.

      • #4085

        Luca Feedback.

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    • #3845

      …Then she touched the ground and saw a little bird who was stuck in a small spruce tree.The bird kept moving. She tried to help it by getting the bird out of the tree with her beak. However the bird was in the middle of the tree and her beak was too small.She thought a little moment and went to the mountain where she lived to call a friend and went back to save the bird.Together they grabbed the bird with their talons and pull the bird out.

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      • #4082

        Anna Feedback.

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    • #3849

      Suddenly a big , thin pterosaur flew to the eagle and want to eat the eagle  , and in time she just realised she crossed the dinosaur era, so she find a cave and live there.

      • #3872

        Rita’s feedback.

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    • #3855

      What she saw was a shy ,kind and helpful alien, the alien saw her too but it was too scared to meet the eagle’s eyes. So it hid in the bush. On the second day, the eagle saw the shy alien once more but when she reached there there was nothing(again). On the third day ,the eagle saw the alien . This time, she approached the alien gently. ‘Hello! You don’t have to be scared,I won’t hurt you.’ kindly she said to the alien. The alien replied in a different language,so the eagle went home and made a language translator. The next day,the eagle brought the language translator to the alien and told it to say something but the translator exploded and burned down. The explosion scared the alien . It went into it’s spaceship and flew away and never to be seen again. PS:the alien shoot 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 bullets at the eagle

      • #3870

        Yolanda’s feedback

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    • #3941

      Lesson 2 – Homework

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      • #4063

        Chloe feedback.

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    • #4097

      Summary for Lesson 3:

      What did we cover
      – Reflected on what we covered last lesson
      – Discussed how we found the homework and read through students’ work
      – Discussed what was good and what could be improved in our homework
      – Looked at similes and metaphors
      – Discussed what the look out for in an image that you are going to use as inspiration
      – Looked at images and brainstormed ideas of stories we could write about them
      – Composed our story individually
      – Shared our writing and discussed what we did well
      Class report
      We started the lesson today by recapping what we covered last lesson and discussed what
      we enjoyed about it.
      After that, we looked over our homeworks. We talked about what we enjoyed about doing the
      writing and what we found challenging. Some students offered to share their work and the
      group and I spoke about what we particularly liked about it and what could make it even
      We then looked at using ‘similes and metaphors’ to make our writing more vivid. The students
      really enjoyed doing the exercises and all came up with some wonderful ideas.
      We started our work on ‘using an image as inspiration’ by discussing what we would look out
      for in an image that we are going to write about; as with ‘continuing a story’, the students were
      very good at noticing what characters, settings, objects, action, and mood is shown in an
      We looked at several images and picked out the important information that we would use
      when writing our story. Then, as a group, we brainstormed some ideas of what stories we
      might write about different images.
      After this we did some individual work; we looked at an image, identified the key information,
      and then the students were given 10 minutes to continue the story.
      To finish, we shared our work and discussed what we did well. It was great to see how
      different all of the students’ stories were and how creative they had been. It was also clear
      that they had been attentive to the learning we had done in the lesson and used
      similes/metaphors very well

      Homework for Lesson 3:

      Look at the image below. Write a short story inspired by it.
      (Use at least one simile or metaphor in your story).

    • #4157

      Here is Anna B’s work

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    • #4159

      This is Yolanda’s writing about the ladybug hero

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    • #4172

      Homework _ Lesson 3

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    • #4179

      lesson 3 creative writing

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    • #4221

      Lesson 3 homework from luca

    • #4222


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    • #4277

      Anna B, Yolanda, Caleb, Chloe Feedback

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    • #4282

      Luca Feedback (L3)

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    • #4310

      Once upon a time there lived a ladybug in the rain forest called Dotty.Her wings were are red as rose,the dots on Dotty’s wings are blank as ink. She want to ride on the dandelion and have an adventure ,the first place she went to is City! In the city,she find her friend Silly,so she lived with her a few weeks.The next morning she clime up to her dandelion and flew away,(Last night she tie up her dandelion)the next place she went is Volcano! But in there she is not really lucky,she didn’t even find her friends and she almost burned to death by lava. She saw things werein the bad way,so she flew back to the rain forest and lived happily  after.(The dandelion is a magic danelion, you tell him where you want to go and the dandelion will take you to where you want to go)

      Remind: The  dandelion will float forever,only if you say nothing to him

    • #4354

      Summary for Lesson 4:

      What did we cover
      – Reflected on what we covered last lesson
      – Discussed how we found the homework and read through students’ work
      – Discussed what was good and what could be improved in our homework
      – Looked at imagery and openings
      – Discussed what the look out for in a title that you are going to use for a story
      – Looked at titles and brainstormed ideas of stories we could write about them
      – Composed our story individually
      – Shared our writing and discussed what we did well

      Class report
      We began the lesson today by recapping what we covered last lesson; the students had remembered what we covered very well and it was clear through the quality of their homework
      that they took onboard the learning.
      We then looked over our homeworks. We discussed what we enjoyed about the writing and what we found challenging; the students reported enjoying the creative side and struggling
      more with things such as spelling or choosing which idea to run with. A few of the students shared their homework and, as a group, we discussed what we enjoyed about them.
      Next, we spoke about imagery and using the ‘5 senses’ in our writing to make our work more vivid and interesting. The students came up with some wonderful ideas for how to use
      imagery to describe a beautiful garden, and many of them used imagery very well in their individual writing.
      We spoke about openings next. We read through an example of a good opening and identified what made it so strong. The students then learned some good ways of opening a
      story (i.e. using speech or an intriguing  object/action/character).
      After this, we spoke about what is important about a story’s title and what information we can
      gain about the type of story it will be from its title. The students are getting much better at
      thinking about these opening questions, which is very encouraging.
      As a group, we came up with different ideas for stories using a few titles. The students enjoyed thinking about what ‘The Broken Mirror’ or ‘The Hidden Book’ might be about, and
      they clearly were attentive to how the title informs the text.
      We spent some time at the end of the lesson working on the opening of a story called ‘The Unexpected Guest’ individually. The students were very keen to share their work and they all had some wonderful ideas.

      Homework for Lesson4:

      Choose a title from the list below. Write the introduction to a short story with this title.

      (Use imagery in your opening).

      – Mr. Mankind’s Secret
      – A Great Escape
      – The Worst Christmas
      – The Haunted Forest
      – ‘Who goes there?’

    • #4355

      Chloe – Homework Lesson 4

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    • #4360

      lesson 4 by Caleb Che


      the haunted forest

      far away there was a forest which was believed to be haunted by evil zombies.the people of the town did not believe it so they aren’t afraid, one day the zombies come out they were as scary as a lion and steal all the loot and ran away as quick as a rabbit.oh,said the villagers we deserve it. and they know forever.

    • #4366

      <p>Home work from Anna Baratier</p>

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    • #4368

      Homework from Anna Baratier

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    • #4370

      This is Yolanda’s writing. Thanks !

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    • #4446

      The Worst Christmas

      Once upon a time in Cananda there lived a little girl called Pinky. One day Christmas came,she put on the decoration and waiting for her friends .She have invited 5 friends to her home. At 6pm all her friend were here,but they all looded angrey, so Pinky ask them why they were angrey. Her first friend Silky said:”Last week you came to my home and borrowed my book,you also said you will give me back my book today,then where is my book?” They didn’t wait for Pinky to speak the second friend Pepy start to talk ,she said:”Last day you borrow my 100 dollars and today you said you will give me back my money ,then where is my money?”Then the third and forth friends Blibli and Conaca started to talk and they told her that last three days she also said she will give back their toys.And her last friend Ankysaid Pinky need to give back 50 dollars to her.So they all go out from her home in that time.Pinky started to think that what happens that day. She said to herself what a worst Christmas!

    • #4451

      The Worst Christmas

      It was Christmas night.I totally  forgot about the Christmas presents.I thought, never mind, I can do it tomorrow anyways.There’s always time since ma twenty children always get up late.So me soooooooooo smart, ya!I smooshed the couch as I was going to sleep 😴.I thought, I don’t need to prepare it.Sabla shaws(Santa claus)is always out there ya!!!!!Me soooooooooo smart, ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But then , it hit about I pretended to say sabla shaws gave those presents!!me sooooooooo smart ya!The next day, meh children woke me up.They said, Dad, where’s our presents?We where so exited to open our presents for nothing?!?I should have prepared the presents yesterday.It really was the worst Christmas ever in my life.

    • #4481

      Chloe, Caleb, Anna, Yolanda Feedback

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    • #4486

      Rita and Luca Feedback

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    • #4589

      Summary for Lesson 5:

      What did we cover
      – Reflected on what we covered last lesson
      – Discussed how we found the homework and read through students’ work
      – Discussed what was good and what could be improved in our homework
      – Looked at ‘show not tell’
      – Discussed what the features of a fantasy story are
      – Looked at fantasy-inspired images and brainstormed ideas of stories we could write
      – Composed our story individually
      – Shared our writing and discussed what we did well
      Class report
      We started the lesson today by recapping what we covered last week.
      Next, we discussed our homeworks. We spoke about what we found enjoyable and what we
      found more challenging. It was great to hear that one of the challenges often faced was
      deciding which of many wonderful ideas they should write about. Several of the students
      shared their homework and, as a group, we discussed what we enjoyed about them.
      We then revisited ‘show not tell’. We discussed why it is good to use it, looked at some
      examples, and came up with our examples to show emotions such as anger, excitement, and
      fear in our writing.
      After this we moved on to focus on fantasy stories. We spoke about which fantasy stories we
      know and then looked at the main features. We then looked at different images of fantasy
      characters and settings and brainstormed some ideas of what fantasy stories we could write
      using these as inspiration. I was delighted to see how creative the students were and they
      clearly took onboard the learning we had just done about the features of fantasy.
      The lesson ended with the students coming up with their own fantasy stories using an image
      of a werewolf as inspiration. They were wonderfully inventive and it was great to see how
      different each of the student’s stories wer

      Homework for Lesson5:

      Write a fantasy story. Your story must have a ‘good character’, ‘bad character’, a conflict,and a resolution.

    • #4645

      Writing from Anna Baratier:

      A computer world

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    • #4649

      Writing from Yolanda

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    • #4654

      Homework Lesson 5 Chloe Tang

      2 attachment are the same, it is duplicated.



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    • #4657




      On a island called Black Island,a snake called Martin prepared for battle.But, there was a problem.Martin didn’t have any soldiers…………….

    • #4756

      The fighting

      Once upon a time,there lived a doctor called Ability Comakill,she Was a beautiful but a evil dentist. Even god also can’t do anything to her but only curse.God curse her that she only can live to 25 years old. (Dr.Comakill now is already 24 years old)but Comakill also curse that when people die then will be zombie s. Then Comakill’s curse was right,all the die people was all turning to zombies .Suddenly a good witch jump out, the witch shakes her heart, the curse said that from now all the zombies will turn back to human and all of the die people will never turn back to zombies.

      The End

      Remind:This is only the first part,there will also have second part

    • #4757
      1. The fighting

      Once upon a time,there lived a doctor called Ability Comakill,she Was a beautiful but a evil dentist. Even god also can’t do anything to her but only curse.God curse her that she only can live to 25 years old. (Dr.Comakill now is already 24 years old)but Comakill also curse that when people die then will be zombie s. Then Comakill’s curse was right,all the die people was all turning to zombies .Suddenly a good witch jump out, the witch shakes her heart, the curse said that from now all the zombies will turn back to human and all of the die people will never turn back to zombies.

      The End

      Remind:This is only the first part,there will also have second part

    • #4774

      The Story Of Sadness(especially for girls)

      In the Pokémon woods, there lived a fire type Pokémon called foxy.Nearly all the Pokémon in his world were his friends.They had allies called smurfs.One day, the evil wizard Gargamel was so mad that he didn’t catch any any smurfs that he had one more idea.Set traps around their village.One day, foxy fell into one of Gargamels traps!

      (the rest is in part 2 and part 3)

    • #4800

      Anna B, Yolanda, Chloe, Caleb Feedback

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    • #4805

      Rita, Luca Feedback

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    • #4910

      Lesson 6 By Caleb Che

      The Mystery of the Dwarf Forests

      Once upon a time,there was a world called The Land of Stories.You can call it the fairy tale world.One day,a event took place in the dwarf forests.A frog called froggy croaked and proclaimed,this can’t be happening!the dwarfs are missing!



    • #4915

      Summary for Lesson 6:

      What did we cover
      – Reflected on what we covered last lesson
      – Discussed how we found the homework and read through students’ work
      – Discussed what was good and what could be improved in our homework
      – Looked at ‘alternative words for said’
      – Discussed what the features of a mystery story are
      – Brainstormed ideas for a mystery story as a group
      – Composed our story individually
      – Shared our writing and discussed what we did well

      Class report
      We began the lesson today by recapping what we covered last week. I was pleased to see that the students remembered what we had covered very well.
      We then moved on to discuss our homeworks.
      As usual, we spoke about what we enjoyed and what we found more challenging. I was particularly impressed by the quality of the homework this week; it is wonderful to see the writing skills improve so evidently over the weeks. Many of the students then shared their homework and we all discussed what we enjoyed about them.
      Next, we looked at ‘alternative words for said’. I spoke about why it is good to not use ‘said’ too frequently and how alternative words can be far more descriptive. We then did an exercise which involved coming up with alternatives.
      After this we moved on to focus on mystery stories. We spoke about what a mystery is, which mystery stories we know, and then looked at the main features of the genre. We then worked together to come up with an idea for some mystery stories. It was great to see how inventive
      the students were, they all came up with some really fun ideas.
      We finished the lesson with the students coming up with their own mystery stories using the setting of a classroom and a leaky pen as inspiration. They were wonderfully creative and diverse.

      Homework for Lesson 6:

      Write a mystery story. Your story must have a detective, a suspect, clues, and a solution.

      (For an extra challenge, try including a red herring too!)

    • #4958

      Homework from Anna B

    • #4959

      Home work from Anna

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    • #4961

      Home work from Yolanda

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    • #4977

      Homework_lesson 6_ Chloe Tang

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    • #5035

      Chloe, Yolanda, Anna feedback.

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    • #5061

      🚲 Bicycle

      ” Niya “ gasped Vita ,you are late for you drawing class.OK called Niya I will ride my bicycle to my class ok ,there are your bicycle Vita said bye bye Niya said then she went to the class.But on the way to the class Niya saw her friends was riding some beautiful bicycle then her, her friends Sophie, Kiki, Bali and musters.they langh at Niya’s bicycle,then they langh ha ha ha your bicycle is to rubbish Niya is very sad then she cry.Suddenly Vita came, she give Shophie a slap ( Sophie is the old in there. ) Vita shouted at Shophie she said “ Dare to bully my roommate,watch fist ” then Sophie shout I will came back soon,I will let you go today ” Then she run away fastly then Vita and Niya go to the drawing class happily.

      The End

      By Rita Huang

    • #5252

      Lesson 7 – Report

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    • #5260

      Lesson 7 HW-Chloe T

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    • #5267

      Anna B’s homework for Lesson 7

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    • #5271

      Lesson 7

      A Tale of Words

      Poem by Caleb Che

      A tale with such greed fills your heart with need,

      A tale so old, yet still so bold.

      The author struggles as he writes these words,

      to bring you this poem that is in your hands.

      Caleb Che


    • #5297

      homework from Yolanda

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    • #5334

      Caleb, Yolanda, Chloe, Anna feedback.

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    • #5654

      Lesson 8 (report)

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    • #5669

      Homework Lesson 8 by Chloe Tang

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    • #5673

      Lesson 8 by Caleb Che

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    • #5715

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Lesson 8 homework by Anna Baratier </p>

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    • #5720

      Lesson 8 homework by Yolanda

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    • #5757

      Yolanda, Caleb, Chloe, Anna B feedback

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    • #6277

      Writing Group – Lesson 9 (report)

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    • #6373

      Lesson 9 homework from Yolanda

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    • #6384

      Yolanda Feedback

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    • #6478

      Homework Lesson 9 by Chloe Tang

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    • #6644

      Writing Group – Lesson 10 (report)

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    • #6715

      Homework Lesson 10 by Chloe Tang

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    • #6717

      The Mystery at the Bottom of the Mariana Trench

      19th September,1220, the submersible called Spider King reached the deepest point on earth:the Challenger Deep, at the bottom of Mariana Trench. There, they found a mystery:a carcass was found at the bottom! At first, they thought that it was water pressure that killed what ever it was, but, research told us that it wasn’t water pressure. What was it that killed the unfortunate creature? I think we will never know.




    • #6724

      Homework 10 by Yolanda

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    • #6782

      Caleb, Chloe, Yolanda feedback

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