9+ quiz27

Uncle Caleb knew a great deal about these savage cats, and he jumped aside even as the roar of the guns sounded. In this sentence, savage means:
His answer stunned me and astonished the receptionist. In this sentence, stunned means:
Where is one most likely to sob?
microbe means :
avalanche means :
The answer is that they were indeed great; they are also ordinary mortals. In this sentence, mortals means:
Then Thor said, “Tell me why I should not turn this whole place to rubble.” In this sentence, rubble means:
rupture means to:
Which of these is most likely a responsibility of a ranger?
respiration means :
Tetrodotoxin poisoning has been described as "rapid and violent", first a numbness around the mouth, then paralysis, finally death. In this sentence, paralysis means:
It’s so hard for me to change because I fear that people will not like the sober me. In this sentence, sober means:
After a time the seas achieved the consistency of a warm, dilute soup. In this sentence, consistency means:
convection means :
intact means :
overcast means :
consistency means :
prevail means to:
The building's design calls for minimal overhangs, ledges, and exposed piping so that there is less opportunity for dust to ________ and become a respiratory irritant.
In sea mariner lore, an albatross is considered a good ________, and for almost seven decades, one bird has spread generations of blessings across the Pacific Ocean.
She ________ herself from company, nor admitted the presence of any one but her own servant.
She had, at the moment, lifted the salt-cellar to sprinkle her salad,—but she was so astonished at the boldness of this speech, that she dropped it from her hand, and the salt was spilt on the floor,—an evil omen which all present noted. In this sentence, omen means:
Now a new study suggests that while the drugs benefit severely depressed people, they have a "nonexistent to negligible" impact on patients with milder, run-of-the-mill blues. In this sentence, negligible means:
He has has also made experiments with an apparatus designed to study the effect of compressed air round the spark gap. In this sentence, apparatus means:
Which of the following would most likely be considered an apparatus?
The opposite of susceptible is:
upbringing means :
It has also vested in him the power to appoint subordinate officers to assist him in the ________ of his duties.
aerial means :
Would this deadly ache of loneliness be less poignant with Ekstrom dead? In this sentence, poignant means:

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