9+ quiz7

finance means to:
dedicate means to:
precaution means :
Which of the following describes something that weaves?
A student is most likely to do which of the following to maximize her time at college?
The opposite of spectacular is:
radical means :
accountant means :
ditch means :
enterprise means :
exquisite means :
Different areas were ruled by different families, much like the kingdoms of ________ Europe.
Which of these would saturate something?
The Coast Guard said late on Thursday that oil spill investigators were responding to renewed reports of tar balls and other oily debris near several islands in the Florida Keys, which extend from the southern tip of the Florida ________.
The preliminary, declassified findings of the President's investigation that were released point to several rather specific failures, by both agencies and individuals in the counterterrorism community. In this sentence, preliminary means:
spade means :
For which of the following would you use a spade?
refute means to:
We in America thought of France as a republic, but we must remember that it was ________ republic, a nation ruled by bankers; and these bankers had formed an alliance with Russia, the sole possible aim of which was the destruction of Germany.
irrigate means to:
monetary means :
Judge Matsumoto would function as the enforcement agent for the decree and would have the power to hold the city in ________ or impose other penalties if the decree’s provisions were violated.
The significance is not, as many imagine, that China might suddenly "dump" its dollars and dethrone the dollar as the world's major international currency, undermining American economic power and ________.
Which of the following would a lawyer be most likely to refute?
The opposite of obsolete is:
simplicity means :
Their light touch, and exquisite ear, and delicate sense of balance and proportion would be of no small service to us. In this sentence, proportion means:
Which of the following countries is considered a peninsula?
If you are busily sowing, where are you likely to be?
The pieces are blithely indifferent to Western distinctions between high and low, and art and craft, and their implicitly subversive stance is amplified by exuberance and scale. In this sentence, indifferent means:

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