7+ quiz58

tobacco means :
Which of the following would most likely be considered an apology?
And, if you ask me today, I’ll tell you that ________, in all its forms, is just as much an addiction as any narcotic.
permanent means :
Which of the following is most likely to be a flu symptom?
ordinary means :
They killed masses of people, so in my book they were indeed ________ of using weapons of mass destruction, whether they were found or not.
preserve means to:
minister means :
"When you're in the majority and you're still not enacting the bold reform that people elected you to enact, then it becomes a question of quality, not quantity," says Hogue. In this sentence, bold means:
They went out of their way to resemble the “Three Amigos,” but the crowded stage highlighted the difficulty the bloc is having streamlining its leadership. In this sentence, resemble means to:
The capture of Lieutenant Goldin set off one of the deadliest and most disputed episodes of last summer’s 50-day war in the Gaza Strip. In this sentence, capture means:
expose means to:
Contemporary art, sometimes made to ________ trash, has occasionally been mistaken for it and thrown away.
capture means :
Plus, red velvet cake is colored ________ and white—the official colors of the University of Arkansas.
Napoleon called the animals together immediately and in a terrible voice pronounced the death sentence upon Frederick. In this sentence, pronounced means:
innocent means :
innocent means :
She will then move to a preserve in western China, where about 1,600 pandas live in the wild. In this sentence, preserve means:

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