7+ quiz6

escape means to:
If he meant for them to surprise and frighten us, his plan worked. In this sentence, frighten means to:
Which of these would be most likely to have an alarm?
survive means to:
wise means :
Which of the following is the most rare?
award means to:
He said the world must also stand united against "those who violate international law by brutalizing their own people," because a truly just, stable, and lasting peace must be "based upon the inherent rights and dignity of every ________."
"The ________ between Tokyo and Nagoya is almost the same as that between New York and D.C.," Abe said.
error means :
upset means to:
From one ghostly steeple after another he seemed to hear them pealing forth. In this sentence, ghostly means:
Mr Madge says such cold temperatures force many birds to make a tough choice at this time of year - whether to stay put and see out the worst of the ________ or use their last energy reserves to fly to warmer climes.
Another bonus, Shinn says, is that she gets the ________ of heightened security, with Secret Service agents and two checkpoints on her street.
One of the most impactful passages is a young Sudanese refugee slowly, solemnly recounting his escape from the war in Darfur. In this sentence, escape means:
Their calves, I knew, would be velvety red-brown teddy bears with big, soft eyes: completely adorable. In this sentence, calves means:
The study, reported in the Jan. 13 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, involved people with injured Achilles’ tendons, fibrous tissue that connects the ________ to the heel bone.
choice means :
community means :
"And what cause brings you to this field, my lady? Has House Stark cast its lot with my brother, is that the way of it?" In this sentence, cause means:

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