7+ quiz3

several means :
solve means to:
Which of the following is considered a planet?
loyal means :
university means :
report means to:
failure means :
suddenly means :
What do you suppose was behind all the vitriol? In this sentence, suppose means to:
He loved her deeply, yet she felt like an alien—his wife had not welcomed her as a sister should. In this sentence, alien means:
If your teacher says that you comprehend a topic, which of the following is true?
For example, Forbes has attempted to rank America’s best undergraduate institutions based on educational outcomes from the students’ viewpoint. In this sentence, viewpoint means:
I started making copies of every paper I’d graded and creating a taxonomy that addressed each of the misconceptions that were giving my students trouble. In this sentence, graded means:
friendship means :
She's charted such territory on many occasions before. In this sentence, charted means:
The new $10 billion machine, which has made a nearly flawless comeback after being heavily damaged during a startup collapse a year ago, was built to examine suspected phenomena such as dark matter, antimatter and ultimately the creation of the ________ billions of years ago, which many theorize occurred as a massive explosion known as the Big Bang.
"When allegations of these sorts are brought to our ________, we investigate them promptly and take appropriate action."
describe means to:
attention means :
The climate was right to begin a program that would lead them to economic respectability. In this sentence, climate means:

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