11+ BB1 quiz17

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz17

synonym of recount
synonym of episodic
synonym of earnest
synonym of epoch
synonym of gripe
synonym of superfluous
synonym of perturbed
antonym of disdain
antonym of disband
do not match retract
do not match revive
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Butt is to joke as victim is to __.
Bulge is to muscle as dimple is to __.
Direction is to pointing as ambition is to __.
Dropping some of the money bags on the way, the gangsters __ a rapid getaway in thewaiting car.
If you need to borrow a lawnmower, please give us three __ notice.
With every further __ like that, you do realise that your chances of being appointedprefect next year are decreasing, don't you?
If you leave that window unlocked, it is an open invitation to any passing __.
By the time queen Clodagh gained the Northern lands, she had already __ her husbandthree fine, strapping sons.
Whenever she enters the room in future, please make sure to show the appropriate level of __ for her leading role within our organisation.
It took half an hour of small talk and discussion of uncontroversial before I dared __ thereal reason for my travelling to visit him in Frankfurt.
Even in this magnificent restaurant, occasionally an expensive meat dish will have parts that are rather __.
Having heard of the shenanigans at last year's examination, the head master decided to personally __ at this year’s examination.

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