11+ BB1 quiz15

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz15

synonym of ethnic
synonym of denote
synonym of esteem
synonym of enchanting
synonym of egotistical
synonym of nauseating
synonym of dishevelled
antonym of ambivalent
antonym of decorum
do not match reflective
do not match rapacious
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Spark is to electricity as drip is to __.
Book is to page as skyscraper is to __.
Rotating is to stationary as booming is to __.
Six months of fine dining had not been kind to Akiko's waistline. She decided it was time to __ her dresses so she could still fit into them.
"Danger: Scaffolding above. Enter area with __.”
How am I supposed to survive out here in the snow and ice? I will surely __.
Step by step, her mother helped Agnes correct her __ pronunciation of the difficult dinosaur names.
When she turned the light on, the scene of the murder was so __ that Sarah recoiled, overcome with a sense of nausea.
Ever since the public dispute last year, she has been quietly __ a hatred of him.
The __ moment of the game was a long shot where the ball teetered on the edge of the basketball ring and, with the crowd gasping, tipped forward, registering the winning point.
Seeing the flag being finally draped over the coffin of the young soldier, I was moved by the __ of that image, which stayed in my mind for years.
His experiences of getting into, and out of, major difficulties while climbing the world's tallest and most inaccessible peaks was __: the audience sat in rapt attention, the silence punctuated only by occasional gasps of amazement.

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