11+ BB1 quiz13

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz13

synonym of superficial
synonym of expedient
synonym of embellish
synonym of grudging
synonym economical
synonym of flippant
synonym of exasperating
antonym of dominant
antonym of esoteric
do not match capricious
do not match vacant
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Chips is to fork as soup is to __.
Leaf is to oak as needle is to __.
Duplicate is to unique as vulnerable is to __.invincible anxious forceful powerful photocopyHowever tired you are, please try to be __ to the staff of the hotel.
Having surrounded the compound for over a week, the police were expecting that many of the inhabitants would give up and come out quietly, but the __ personality of their leader foiled those hopes.
You say the replacement windows should cost us £125 each. This does not __ with the estimate given by your boss.
I had a question while you were speaking, but just now it __ me.
After presenting our proposal and meeting a stony silence, I did everything possible to __ our case by describing extra features.
Within the boundary of portraying the general victorious upon the mountain, the painter had considerable __ in exactly what to include.
The loss of exercise book, text book and all writing materials, one three separate occasions within a month, was becoming __. The teacher asked the headmaster to interview the pupil.
With the conference collapsing into disarray, the princess stepped forward and, showing great __, led the warring factions in prayer.
The loss of this election inevitably caused __ to set in among the campaign group; nevertheless Toberick showed his leadership skills yet again by spinning a tale of future success that brought back into harness to prepare for the next one.

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