11+ BB1 quiz11

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz11

synonym of entity
synonym of enigma
synonym of emphasis
synonym of venial
synonym of exclaim
synonym of indomitable
synonym of debilitate
antonym of discredit
antonym of hamper
do not match eke
do not match spendthrift
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Alcohol is to tea as cake is to __.
Comedy is to sad as medicine is to __.
Printer is to scanner as freeze is to __.
Come straight away to the planning room please. | will __ you when you get here.
He was delighted to receive the crucial __ on choice of colour just in the nick of time, as his mouse pointer hovered over the button that would finalise the purchase.
Will my rudeness to the teacher __ my chances of being selected for the swimming team?
I do not eat prawns, nor can I even consider squid, but | am not __ to tuna.
The general took over and - true to form - became a __, arbitrarily arresting and executing his opponents.
Having excluded the butcher and the baker for the reasons I have explained, we can __ that it was the candlestick maker who was responsible for this heinous crime.
Charlotte travelled around the country trying to __ support for her plan for a charity to care for homeless spiders.
While she liked detailed advanced planning of everything, even holidays, her husband was far more interested in __, which was the only way he could keep interested.
Asked the reason for her visit to the country, the young woman felt obliged to __, concealing her unspeakable true purpose.

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