11+ BB1 quiz7

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz7

synonym of debate
synonym of encounter
synonym of endorse
synonym of horde
synonym of fallacious
synonym of profusion
synonym of loyal
antonym of explicit
antonym eulogy
do not match endure
do not match deprecate
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Metre is to inch as litre is to __.
Shop is to wares as inventor is to __.
Browser is to internet as telephone is to __.
Obtaining no relief from the conventional treatments provided in Britain, he travelled to a clinic in Switzerland to receive a __ of experimental injections.
I have reported the misplaced flagstone to the local __ repeatedly and have little hope that it will be resolved, unfortunately.
Without the __ of the head teacher, Julia would never have been able to wear the giant penguin suit instead of her uniform, during the charity day.
Beyond the next bend was a small clearing in the forest, lit by a __ glow from fluorescent mosses on the half-submerged stones.
However much he begged for a hint regarding which route was more advisable, she remained firm in her resolve: it was entirely his choice and she would not __ him one way or another.
Only someone who listened carefully would have noticed that from one __ came occasional giggling sounds, as Caroline and her brother, who had clambered into the leafy heights of the tree, made fun of the appearance of passing strangers.
Step by step, he managed to __ the pony into the horsebox.
Every question and request for clarification worsened the situation, serving to __ the new manager who was struggling to impose order on the unruly team.
From his __ I suspect he is going to give us very bad news about Grandma.

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