11+ BB1 quiz5

Welcome to your 11+ BB1 quiz5

synonym of capacity
synonym of ethic
synonym of erratic
synonym of cultivate
synonym of docile
synonym of repugnant
synonym of insufferable
antonym of loquacious
antonym of exterior
do not match foreign
do not match incongruous
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
odd one out
Hoof is to horse as claw is to __.
Eagle is to America as moose is to __.
Move is to dislocate as warm is to __.
The Tower of Terror started off benignly but soon one __ of fear and nausea broke over another, until a flood of tears became inevitable.
I am delighted to __ this prize for the most engaging caricature.
In contrast to their __ spirations when they set out to the trip to the historicbattleground site, the children ended up, unfortunately, playing hide and seek amongst the statues and throwing stones into the nearby creek.
Carefully inspecting the __ charts, the astronomer reported that the comet would pass behind Jupiter in 3 days’ time.
Doctor Who was saddened but not surprised: __ disregard for human life wasemblematic of the behaviour of the Master.
With the two heads of department thumping their fists on the table and raising their voices, it required the chief executive to __ the tension by asking them to take a look at themselves in the mirror.
When his answer did eventually come, it was characteristically __: I was none the wiser.
Leaping over the fence is one thing, but hang-gliding over the Grand Canyon is an __ more dramatic proposition.
Your request for a refund but the right to remain in the concert anyway is __ to asking for free entry.

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