3. 11+ writing from Dulwich College Scholarship Examination

11+ paper






  1. Sisley says:

    Hidden beneath the floorboards, the little girl could just make out the faint outline of the mysterious figure. It was not a lie that the figure was quite good-looking, even in the darkness that lay silently around her. How could someone be under the vast floorboards of her house at this time, and just the same time as she was? The suspicious girl decided that this wasn’t normal; she almost wanted to confront the mysterious man but her courage drained away as fast as quicksand. How would she even start? What would happen if she questioned him? Frightening thoughts clouded over her head asher thoughts threatened her to talk.

    Without warning, a faint glow suddenly appeared amidst the dark. All sense came back to her and her pupils finally rested. She could hear the banging upstairs grow louder and louder as the eerie silence under the dusty floorboards settled uneasily. Besides hearing what the atmosphere had to tell her, she could make out the outline of the good-looking man now. She cowered. The man standing in front of her held someone glinting and sharp in his silk-black gloves. She could’ve lied to herself all she wanted but his time, there was no more hiding from the truth now. The man held a flaming knife. Was he an assassin? The petrified girl read about these murderous people before in numerous books in her looming library. Should she have thought that she would’ve met someone like that now?

    Silence settled onto the floor like dust. The crimson-eyed man showed absolutely no emotion and no interest in the young girl in front of him either. Is this a dream? The shaking girl thought. Upstairs, the shouting shifted away like breath leaving your body as the silence beneath never felt so loud. The gasping girl tasted the air; a bittersweet scent clung tightly before but now, nothing of the past remained except for the man and the girl.
    She gasped as the emotionless man mouthed these words.

    ‘I’ve found her.’he muttered under his breath.

    The confused girl blacked out. Could you even imagine how she would have felt?

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