11+ 的最后冲刺


时间过得飞快,一年的努力,就快到终点了。相信很多家长都在想, 剩下的这几个礼拜,到底我们该做些什么,该注意些什么。我觉得在这个阶段最重要的不只是刷题,而是帮助缓解小朋友的心理压力。身为家长,别让孩子感觉到你的焦虑,适当的调适孩子的心态,尽量让孩子相信自己的能力,建立自信。在准备的整个过程中,尤其是最后这几个礼拜的冲刺,如果家长觉得有压力,孩子也会感受到这种压力。如何让孩子放松心态,以平常心应试,这是我认为家长值得去思考的。


每年的考试,都会出现新的题型,除了知识点,更考验小朋友的应变,抗压能力。在剩下的这几个礼拜里,家长可以找一些小朋友没做过的,或者是历年来没出现过的题型,让小朋友去适应。当看到新的题型,不要害怕,冷静面对, 因为知识点是一样的,只是题型变了。

首先我想说一下CEM,历年来Cloze (填充题) 都是以 Missing word 的形式为主,这些题你可以在Bond, CGP 的11+的题材里找到。可是,去年大部分CEM 的考试里出现的新的Cloze题型 – Missing Sentence。今年很多模拟考试都出现了这种题型。如果你的小朋友阅读能力很强,阅读量很大的,这种题型肯定难不倒他。可是对于阅读量少的小朋友,是有一定的难度。以下是类似去年出现的 Missing Sentence 题型供大家参考。CGP,Bond 暂时还没有这种题型。家长可以自己DIY,找一篇文章,然后把一些句子去掉,加上混扰项,就可以了。

There are more than 350 different kind of sharks. We usually hear about shacks attacking or killing humans. However, there are many types of sharks that are gentle creatures and these only eat small plants and fish. ________ (1) _________. They have a softer frame made of cartilage like the tip of our nose.

 Sharks have fewer young than most fish. Baby sharks are called pups. The parent sharks do not take care of their young. _________ (2) _________.

 Select a sentence from A-F, which is most appropriate to replace (1) and (2) in the passage.

 A. In Fact, sometimes they even eat them!

B. Sharks are themselves a type of fish and they have an identical skeleton.

C. In fact, sometimes they protect them from other predators.

D. Sharks are themselves a type of fish but they do not have a skeleton like them.

E. Their young sometimes eat each other.

F. Sharks are themselves a mammal but they do not have a skeleton like them.

GL也出现了新的题型,叫做Anagrams in Sentence。 对于没有做过这种题型的小朋友,是有一定的难度。考验的就是小朋友的英语程度和spellings。句子里两个词的相同字母会被去掉,剩下的字母会被打乱。小朋友需要重组,把去掉的字母找出。

Anagrams in Sentence 的例子如下:

We napned our ihoyad very carefully.

A. I          B. d                  C. w                 D. n                  E. u

答案:A. l; We planned our holiday very carefully.



x = 429 + 55 – 126

= 358



除了出题当局,当然是不会有人知道。不过,近年来Anagrams 这种题型是越来越多出现在不同的考试单位。CEM 通常只有 Shuffle Sentence,可是模拟考试里,出现了 Shuffle Paragraph的题型,取代了Shuffle Sentence。还有就是Word association的题型 ,也是值得准备的。这并不代表这些题型肯定会出,只是供参考,多准备还是有优势的。家长也可以从模拟考试的题型上去观察今年的趋势,多参考其他考试单位的题型(比如CEM, GL,等等),这对小朋友的应变能力是很有帮助。

Word Association 的题型如下:

  1. ajar            A. carpet       B.wall       C.floor      D. ceiling        E. door
  2. court         A. effort        B. struggle      C. attempt     D. trial    E. endeavour

答案:1.E          2. D

Shuffle Paragraph 的题型如下:

a.It begins with an ordinary fever and a moderate cough.

b.We could be under attack from a class of germs that cause what are called a typical pneumonia.

c. Slowly a sore throat progresses to bronchitis and then pneumonia and respiratory complications.

d. It appears like the ordinary flu but baffled doctors find that usual drugs don’t work.

A. dbca     B. bdac    C. acdb     D. abcd

答案: B




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