

      memory.com上的flashcards有它自己的时间间隔记忆算法, 但是这次集训使用我们自己的算法:我们使用memory.com的standard box功能, 看到单词时, 如果记住了就右滑表示Know;如果不确定就左滑Don’t know。Know的单词会进入Correct Once的box;Don’t know的单词会进入Last wrong的box,后面会重复出现直到记住了会进入到Correct Once的box。如果记住两次的单词就会进入到Correct Twice的box。每天将安排学习25个新词, 让25个新词进入到Correct Once box, 同时复习上次的25个单词, 让它们进入到Correct Twice box。具体操作流程我们会在群里发布。

具体安排为:共8周40天。周一至周五,每天学习25个单词,  英国时间 18:30(Jam1)/ 20:00(Jam2)  进行单词比赛 jam。




  1. Lucas says:

    Good but how do you sign in ?
    The computer does not remember me

  2. Yichen says:

    Just remember your password, I guess. Maybe write it down. Anyway, it was good.

  3. Lucas says:

    Thanks yichen , I’ve logged in , as Lucasmyiii I’m verbivore

  4. Lucas says:

    I mean Lucas Zhang but messed up

  5. Lucas says:

    Anyways I’m logophile now yay!😎🤓

  6. Lucas says:

    Now I’m Sage

  7. Lucas says:

    Wish you good luck , Yichen! And god bless you

  8. HelenX says:

    I ‘
    m the snake so far

  9. Lucas says:

    Lucky , I’m guru

  10. Yichen says:

    What are you guys talking about?

  11. Yichen says:

    Helen and Lucas, are you both in the vocabulary jam?

  12. Yichen says:

    And guys, what level are you on? I’m Level 9-Fastmover

  13. Yichen says:

    What do these words mean? ‘Verbivore, logophile, sage, snake, and guru.’

  14. Emma says:

    I’m hippo thing at the moment.

  15. Lucas says:

    Yichen you get levels on vocabulary.com not on memory , for example vocabulary list 1 then they will give you questions. The level is : Novice Hotshot (you are on this) Phemon Prodigy Brainiac Savant Maven , Verbivore , Logophile, Sage , Maestro, Guru, Polymath , sesphildaliannist (I’m at) ,Lexicomaniac , Vocaburlarian , Walking Dictionary, Running Dictionary, Mastermind and finally , World Czar .

  16. Lucas says:

    You can tap on someone in a jam , and can get to see the profile they have

  17. Lucas says:

    Not many people use Memory.com that’s why your confused I use it sometimes, I’m tenderfoot level6

  18. Yihan says:

    It is awesome

  19. Yihan says:

    It is very good.

  20. Yichen says:

    I sometimes use memory.com

  21. Yichen says:

    Lucas, how do you see which one you’re on, I have literally tried everything!!??

  22. Yichen says:

    Lucas, how do you see which one you’re on?

  23. Lucas says:

    Press on someone in a jam than it will show you profile , then tap profile and you will see what level people are on . Good Luck!

  24. HelenX says:

    I am the sesquiphidalist

  25. Emili says:

    I am level 9-fast mover

  26. Yichen says:

    I cannot see what I am for some reason?!

  27. Emili says:

    Going to be upgraded soon1!

  28. Yichen says:

    Lucas, I tried yours and I saw you were sesquiphidalist ( or something like that), but when I tried mine I could not see what I was

  29. Lucas says:

    Oh , I have looked and you are brainiac

  30. Yichen says:

    Emily, I just upgraded from Level 9

  31. Yichen says:

    By the way, Lucas, you are right

  32. Emili says:

    Yichen, i’m halfway through level 9

  33. Lucas says:

    Hehe , No Problem Yichen , happy to help!😃

  34. Lucas says:

    By the way , on memory , can you follow me so we can become friends?

  35. Yichen says:

    Nice to know you are also upgrading!

  36. Lucas says:

    It looks we have the same surname, yichen🤭

  37. Lucas says:

    Zhang , right?

  38. Jimmy says:

    Who here is a word czar

  39. Yichen says:

    Lucas. Ok, I will follow you. And yes, we do have the same surname!!! Jimmy, I don’t think anyone here is so good to be a World Czar, but there must be some!

  40. Yichen says:

    How do I do that, Lucas

  41. Lucas says:

    Yeah loads , jimmy,

  42. Lucas says:

    Yichen we can become friends on memory.com . After you have done a round , you go down and you will see the stats then you click my profile and down below there is follow , then after we can communicate to each other privately !
    Good Luck!

  43. Yichen says:

    Thanks, Lucas. I will do that

  44. Yichen says:

    I am probably worse than all of you. I am Savant

  45. Emili says:

    Don’t feel bad, your better than me. I’m only prodigy

  46. Emili says:

    if you go on your profile it says your on fire

  47. Lucas says:

    Emily no one is better is better than anybody , we are all the same !

  48. Lucas says:

    Jimmy the nearest to World Czar are : Diamond 💎, ☀️YunshuY🌦 Ru . A, Lucasmyiii ( me ) and Cherrythefairy

  49. OscarS says:

    im ptahack8

  50. HelenX says:

    Ry. is mastermind

  51. Yichen says:

    Yeah, you are right Lucas

  52. Lucas says:

    Yeah Helen but he doesn’t enter the jams does he?

  53. HelenX says:

    He does not enter the jams

  54. Yichen says:

    Yep. But I have seen him in other jams though

  55. Yichen says:

    I am maven

  56. Emili says:

    I am SHEEPAAA in the jam

  57. OscarS says:

    im verbivore

  58. Emili says:

    How do you master a word?

  59. Lucas says:

    Where is the next jam gonna be , I payed

  60. If you get out of this 1000 words thing and go back to the forum ,Thesaurus, it should be the first folder saying Synonyms and Antonyms. Jam 1, I think is at 6:30pm (not completely sure) but Jam 2 is still at 8:00pm. Hope that helped!

  61. Yichen says:

    I am verbivore

  62. Yichen says:

    I’m logophile now, moving up ranks quickly!

  63. Emili says:

    Mr. ₸ħī₪ḳɇɍ is a word cazar

  64. Yichen says:

    Yep. He’s always first in the leaderboard

  65. Emili says:

    Bill J. is one too

  66. Yichen says:

    Yeah, now he is being first, also World Czar, ahead of Mr I CAN’T SPELL IT

  67. Emili says:

    I’m just got Brainiac

  68. Yichen says:

    Hey, nice job. I‘m already sesphildaliannist. Emily, are you in the new synonyms and antonyms thing? Want to know

  69. Emili says:

    Thank you, by the synonyms thing do you mean the thing where you click the flashcard and then it comes up with the definition

  70. Emili says:

    By the way does it have a blue backround

  71. Emili says:

    and congrats for getting a higher level

  72. Yichen says:

    Yeah, that’s the synonyms and antonyms thing. congrats to you too!

  73. Emili says:

    Yep I’m on the synoyms thing, I’m also on the quiz thing too

  74. Emili says:

    What level are you now

  75. Yichen says:

    Still on sesquipedalianist thing, super hard to go up, what about you

  76. Emili says:


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