

  • 现任英国顶级公学威敏公学Westminster School辩论队教练领队。每周两次给威敏公学的学生教授高级辩论课程。
  • 威敏公学不仅是英国的顶级公学,其辩论队水平也代表了英国的最高水平。
  • 曾担任几十场辩论赛的裁判。
  • 除了担任教练和裁判Keshav自己也是最佳辩手,2019世界大学生辩论赛排名12。


Keshav has experience coaching in British Parliamentary, Public Forum and World Schools format. He is currently the lead debate coach at Westminster School – one of the UK’s most exclusive private schools as well as arguably, currently the top debating school in the country. Keshav worked as a Summer Fellow at LearningLeaders – one of China’s leading debate and public speaking companies. He worked with students of all abilities ranging from complete novices to the then reigning World Schools Champions. 

As well as coaching, Keshav is a successful competitive debater in his own right. At the 2019 World University Debating Championships, Keshav ranked as the 12th best speaker in the world. He has reached the outrounds or been a top 10 speaker at competitions across 4 continents including the Debate Korea Open, Athens Open and Kings College London IV. As an adjudicator, Keshav has judged the outrounds of over 20 competitions including the prestigious Oxford IV and Durham Schools where he chaired the semi-final. He has also Chief Adjudicated 8 competitions at the school and university level including the Finnish National Championships and St Andrews Open.


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